Assignment 5 Solution

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Required Exercises (100 points) Exercise 1: For the SDD in Figure 1, give annotated parse tree for the following expression (the symbol ‘n’ is the end marker): (1 + 2 (3 + 4) + 5) 6n. [20 points] Figure 1: Syntax-directed de nition of a simple desk calculator Exercise 2: What are all the topological…

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  • Required Exercises (100 points)

Exercise 1: For the SDD in Figure 1, give annotated parse tree for the following expression

(the symbol ‘n’ is the end marker): (1 + 2 (3 + 4) + 5) 6n. [20 points]

Figure 1: Syntax-directed de nition of a simple desk calculator

Exercise 2: What are all the topological sorts for the dependency graph of Figure 2? One

sort mentioned during lecture is 1; 2; 3; : : : ; 9 (slide #16 of Chapter 4). [20 points]

SUSTech CS323 – Compilers November 29, 2022

Figure 2: A dependency graph

Exercise 3: Below is an SDD introduced during our lecture for computing the structure of

  • type.

    • Is the SDD S-attributed? Why? [10 points]

    • Is the SDD L-attributed? Why? [10 points]

    • Given the input float[3][4][5], please give an annotated parse tree and the evalua-tion order of the attributes (you may refer to the slide #39 of Chapter 4). [20 points]

Figure 3: An SDD for computing the structure of a type

Exercise 4: Below is a grammar for expressions involving operator + and integer or oating-point operands. Floating-point numbers are distinguished by having a decimal point. digit is a terminal representing a number in [0; 9].

E ! E + T j T

  • ! D D j D D ! digit

SUSTech CS323 – Compilers November 29, 2022

  1. Give an L-attributed SDD to compute the value of the expression E. [15 points]

  1. Is possible to evaluate all the attributes during bottom-up parsing process? [5 points]


Assignment 5 Solution
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