HW8-Game-AI Solution

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Modified version of Teeko. AI plays against human using minimax function and a heuristic function. Assignment Goals Familiarize yourself with solved games in AI. Practice implementing a minimax algorithm. Develop an internal state representation in Python and get familiarized with classes in Python. Summary In this assignment, you’ll be developing an AI game player for…

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Modified version of Teeko. AI plays against human using minimax function and a heuristic function.

Assignment Goals

Familiarize yourself with solved games in AI.

Practice implementing a minimax algorithm.

Develop an internal state representation in Python and get familiarized with classes in Python.


In this assignment, you’ll be developing an AI game player for a modified version of the game called Teeko. We call this modified version Teeko2.

As you’re probably aware (Links to an external site.), there are certain kinds of games that computers are very good at, and others where even the best computers will routinely lose to the best human players. The class of games for which we can predict the best move from any given position (with enough computing power) is called Solved Games (Links to an external site.). Teeko is an example of such a game, and this week you’ll be implementing a computer player for a modified version of it.

HW8-Game-AI Solution
$24.99 $18.99