Final Project IT Trouble Ticket Management App Solution

$35.00 $29.00

I. Create Database table. Create needed dbase tables (2 minimum) as follows *Create your desired table name to hold data for trouble tickets, using your first initial_ first four letters of your last name followed by whatever. Ex. jpapa_tickets Minimum fields for your table should include tid, ticket_desc, start_date, end_date. Use the following credentials for…

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I. Create Database table. Create needed dbase tables (2 minimum) as follows

*Create your desired table name to hold data for trouble tickets, using your first initial_ first four letters of your last name followed by whatever.

Ex. jpapa_tickets

Minimum fields for your table should include tid, ticket_desc, start_date, end_date.

Use the following credentials for connectivity…

url = “jdbc:mysql://”;

username = “fp411“;

password = “411“;

*Create a second table for user credentials.

Ex. jpapa_users

II. Create Java files for interactivity

  1. Create Login window (for end user vs admin credential checking). Ex.
  2. Create ticket window for either user or admin. Ex.

For your ticket window, Include menu items and other GUI elements as options for user vs admin interactivity. Decide on the functionality of your program -What does the user need to do? -What does the admin/manager need to do?

III. Create a Java file for database connectivity / CRUD implementations

Create a file to allow for a connection to the papaserver and any needed CRUD implementation. Call the file

Functions your CRUD methods should perform:

– Inserting a ticket into the database table given some ticketnum Update record (fields?) by some ticketnum

Delete record by some ticketnum. Include a popup message dialog box asking the user

if it is okay to delete the record. Show the ticket number in question in the popup box area.

View record(s) by ticketnum(s)

Close a desired ticket by ticketnum

IV. Run your app and snapshot the following runtime work for credit

  1. Insert at least 10 tickets into the DB table. Include a record with your name into the table.
  2. Update your record by changing your ticket description.
  3. Show a view of your updated ticket.
  4. Delete your ticket from the DB.
  5. Close two existing tickets.
  6. Lastly, show a table view of all of your tickets.

*Include the following for credit into Blackboard

– A doc file of snapshots labeled appropriately. Please provide any login credentials for admin

and for a regular user.

– Include a program description of your app and if in a group what each member accomplished!

– Word Doc file of project files. Label your file as yourname_final_proj

– Include a working .jar file of your app

– You can even record and paste in a link in your doc file of a demonstration of your running app

if you like with Jing. Alternatively you can upload to BB your video file!

Those working in groups of two will be required to put more effort into the app with and an extra table and class.

Ex. A history table. A class containing queries to centralize CRUD statement executions.

If you are in a group, please include all names in doc file of all group members. Only one group member need to turn in all the required files and documentation.

Final Project IT Trouble Ticket Management App Solution
$35.00 $29.00