Find the practical assignment in the form of a Jupyter notebooks, main-EN.ipynb (English version) or main-FR.ipynb (French version), in Github repository. The repo includes every-thing you will need except the data.
The data can be found in this Google Drive link.
For questions 1,2,3 and 4, you will have to fill parts of the code in the (from the Github repo). This is the file that should be uploaded to the course GradeScope for auto-grading.
Work off the template and DO NOT modify the name of the since the code will be automatically graded. It is very important that you only add code in the specified locations and do not modify the designated input or outputs!
Your solution to question 5 should be written as a LaTeX document (no longer than one page). You can use this latex as a template for that.
TAs for this assignment are Matthew Scicluna and Akram Erraqabi.
Once you have located the the Github repo and the Google Drive folder, you can begin the assign-ment. We will provide the instructions to run the notebook in Google Colab, but you should be able to adapt it on whatever computing platform you would like to use.
How to run code in Google Colab
First copy the dataset to your drive with right click → “make a copy”. Next, clone the github repo and upload the contents to your drive. Make all the contents of the repo and are in the same directory!
You can then open main-EN.ipynb (English version) or main-FR.ipynb (French version) using Google Colab.
Note: you may need to install Colab first. If you are not familiar with Colab, please consult the tutorials for more information.
You will be prompted to allow access to your drive folder.
For the section entitled “Link your assignment folder install requirements”, please write the full path
to the directory you will be working in. If you are in your root, this would be: /content/gdrive/MyDrive/.
Please follow the instructions in the notebook very carefully. The docstring in should also be helpful.
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