Programming Assignment 4 Solution

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Objective of this assignment: Develop and implement a simple application using UDP sockets. The client must be implemented in a language other than Java. What you need to do: Implement a simple UDP Client-Server application Objective: For this programming assignment, you are advised to start from the code you developed for Programming Assignment 2. For…

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Objective of this assignment:

  • Develop and implement a simple application using UDP sockets. The client must be implemented in a language other than Java.

What you need to do:

  • Implement a simple UDP Client-Server application


For this programming assignment, you are advised to start from the code you developed for Programming Assignment 2. For this assignment, the difference is that you must implement the calculator client using UDP in a language other than java.

Part A: Datagram Socket Programming

The objective is to design a Calculating Server (CS). This calculating server performs bitwise boolean and arithmetic computations requested by a client on 16-bit signed integers. Your server must offer the following operations:

  1. addition (+), 2) subtraction (-), 3) multiplication (*), 4) division (/), 5) Shift Right (>>), 6) Shift Left (<<), and one-complement (NOT) (~).

A client request will have the following format:



Request ID

Op Code

Number Operands

Operand 1

Operand 2

Size (bytes)








  1. TML is the Total Message Length (in bytes) including TML. It is an integer representing the total number of bytes in the message.

  2. Request ID is the request ID. This number is generated by the client to differentiate requests. You may use a variable randomly initialized and incremented each time a request is sent.

  3. Op Code is a number specifying the desired operation following this table

Operation + * / >> << ~

OpCode 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. Number Operands is the number of operands: 2 for (+, -, *, /) and shifts. It is 1 for ~ (NOT).

  1. Operand 1: this number is the first or unique operand for all operations.

  2. Operand 2: this number is the second operand for operations (+, -, *, /, <<, >>). It is the number of bits to shift by for the shift operations. This operand does NOT exist for the ~ (NOT) operation.

Operands are sent in the network byte order (i.e., big endian).

Hint: create a class object Request like “Friend”, but with the information needed for a request.

Below are two examples of requests

Request 1: suppose the Client requests to perform the operation 240 >> 4, i.e., shift the number 240 right by 4 bits (if this is the 7th request):

0x08 0x07 0x04 0x02 0x00 0xF0 0x00 0x04

Request 2: suppose the Client requests to perform the operation 240 – 160 (if this is the 9th request):

0x08 0x09 0x01 0x02 0x00 0xF0 0x00 0xA0

The Server will respond with a message with this format:

Total Message Length (TML) Request ID Error Code Result

one byte 1 byte 1 byte 4 bytes


  1. TML is the Total Message Length (in bytes) including TML. It is an integer representing the total numbers of bytes in the message.

  1. Request ID is the request ID. This number is the number that was sent as Request ID in the request sent by the client.

  2. Error Code is 0 if the request was valid, and 127 if the request was invalid (Length not matching TML).

  3. Result is the result of the requested operation.

In response to Request 1 below

0x08 0x07 0x04 0x02 0x00 0xF0 0x00 0x04

the server will send back:

0x07 0x07 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0F

In response to Request 2,

0x08 0x09 0x01 0x02 0x00 0xF0 0x00 0xA0

the server would send back:

0x07 0x09 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x50

  1. Repetitive Server: Write a datagram Calculating Server ( in java. This server must respond to requests as described above. The server must run on port (10010+GID) and could run on any machine on the Internet. GID is your group ID that was assigned to you. The server must accept a command line of the form: java ServerUDP portnumber where portnumber is the port where the server should be working. For example, if your Group ID (GID) is 13 then your server must listen on Port # 10023.

  1. Write a datagram client ( in a language other than java:

    1. Accepts a command line of the form: java ClientUDP servername PortNumber where servername is the server name and PortNumber is the port number of the server. Your program must prompt the user to ask for an Opcode, an Operand1 and if needed an Operand2 where OpCode is the opcode of the requested operation (See the opcode table). Operand1 and Operand2 (if applicable) are the operands. For each entry from the user, your program must perform the following operations:

    2. form a message as described above

    3. send the message to the server and wait for a response

    4. print all the message one byte at a time in hexadecimal (for debugging purpose)

    1. print out the response of the server in a manner convenient for a typical Facebook user: the request ID and the response

    2. print out the round trip time (time between the transmission of the request and the reception of the response)

    3. prompt the user for a new request.

How to get started?

  1. Start with the code you developed for Programming Assignment 2. If your program assignment 2 did not work, you are allowed to use the worker server from another grou


  • Write a report. The report should not exceed half a page.

  • Your report must state whether your programs work or not (this must be just ONE sentence). If your program does not work, explain the obstacles encoutered.

What you need to turn in:

  • Electronic copy of EACHyour source program separately (standalone). In addition, put all the source programs in a folder that you name with your group ID. Zip the folder and submit it TOO.

  • Electronic copy of the report (including your answers) (standalone). Submit the file as a Microsoft Word or PDF file.


  1. UDP client is worth 80% if it works well: communicates with YOUR server.

  1. UDP client is worth 20% extra if it works well with a working server from any of your classmates.

Programming Assignment 4 Solution
$35.00 $29.00