Lab 1: Java Basics, Heap Sort and Eclipse Solved

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Objectives Getting familiar with the Eclipse environment Creating a Java project; creating and editing a Java program Adding a library to the build path Running project inside and outside Eclipse Source files components.jar 1 Introduction Welcome to the first lab. These labs are generally intended to let you explore concepts introduced in the course…

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Getting familiar with the Eclipse environment

Creating a Java project; creating and editing a Java program Adding a library to the build path

Running project inside and outside Eclipse

Source files


1 Introduction

Welcome to the first lab. These labs are generally intended to let you explore concepts introduced in the course lectures. During each lab, you need to follow the instructions from problem setup to deliverables. This lab contains 3 deliverables, which you should demo to the lab instructor.

1.1 Eclipse

The Eclipse platform is a generic integrated development environment (IDE) foundation without any focus on a specific programming language. The platform contains IDE functionality and is built with components creating applications by using component subsets. Developers create, share and edit generic projects and files in the platform, while participating within a multiple team development environment repository.

However, it is written mostly in Java and most of the time is used to develop applications in this programming language, but it covers other languages such as: C, C++, Ruby, R, JavaScript, PHP, Python …

In this lab we will focus on Eclipse usage in writing, editing and running Java programs.

1.2 Java Requirements of Eclipse

Eclipse requires an installed Java runtime (at least Java 5). Java can be downloaded in two flavors, a JRE (Java runtime environment) and a JDK (Java development tools) version. The Eclipse IDE contains its own Java compiler hence a JRE is sufficient for most tasks with Eclipse. The JDK version of Java is required if you compile Java source code on the command line and for advanced development scenarios, for example if you use automatic builds or if you develop Java web applications.

public static void main

1.3 Eclipse Resources



Eclipse Homepage

Download Eclipse

Eclipse Online Tutorials

2 Deliverable 1 — Create and Run a Simple Java Program (Heap Sort)

Sort a list of integers using the heap sort algorithm: (Super short, no words, pictures only) (The traditional version from M.I.T., very, very long) Or find your own

Note: Write carefully, you are going to reuse this code later!

Step 1: Launch Eclipse

Open the Eclipse IDE. It can be done at terminal by typing eclipse . Step 2: Create a new project

Select File => New => Java Project => Name your project => Finish. Step 3: Add a new class

Select your project => File => New Class => Name the class => check (String[] args) => Finish.

For this lab, just copy the source file and paste into the src folder of the project. Step 4: Implement your class

Finish the sort method.

Step 5: Run you code

Run the code (Run as => Java application).

DEMO this deliverable to the lab instructor.

3 Deliverable 2 — Add a Library to the Build Path

In this part, we want you to edit your source code and add a library to the build path.

3.1 Edit Your Code

An import statement is a way of making more of the functionality of Java available to your program. Java can do a lot of things, but you do not need all of them so often. It has its classes divided into packages. Your own classes are part of packages, too. So, anything that isn’t in the java.lang package or the local package needs to be imported.

Step 1: Import libraries

Add the two following imports to the beginning of your source code:

import components.simplewriter.SimpleWriter;

import components.simplewriter.SimpleWriter1L;

Step 2: Rewrite the output code

Edit your print / println commands by instantiating an object of SimpleWriter . For example, substitute:



SimpleWriter out = new SimpleWriter1L();



Step 3: Run your code

Step 3: Compile and run



Now you can find the file HeapSort.class at your home directory

java HeapSort


Do not add the “.class” extension

DEMO this deliverable to the lab instructor.

Lab 1: Java Basics, Heap Sort and Eclipse Solved
$24.99 $18.99