Project – Friend recommender

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PLEASE NOTE: Solutions have to be your own. You can form teams of two to collaboratively work on this project. Requests for a regrade must be submitted within seven days from the day when we return the assignment. Introduction Recommendation systems (or recommender systems) are highly popular and are used in a very wide range…

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Solutions have to be your own.

You can form teams of two to collaboratively work on this project.

Requests for a regrade must be submitted within seven days from the day when we return the assignment.

  • Introduction

Recommendation systems (or recommender systems) are highly popular and are used in a very wide range of applications including social media, online shopping, movies, etc,. In general, a recommendation system includes a set of users and their preferences, and per-forms the recommendation based on those preferences. The recommendation can be either to suggest one user to the other based on their preferences or to suggest one user’s preference to the other.

In this project, you will implement a recommendation system which includes friends (i.e. users) and genres of movies (i.e. preferences) that a user likes. Your recommendation sys-tem will recommend a user to another user who likes the same movie genres. Each user will have two genre preferences. And there will be a friendship graph. Any two users who are not already friends and have at least one genre preference in common are eligible to be recommended as friends.

  • Project details

Your program will maintain a friendship graph to keep track of users and their friends. Each user will have four attributes: perm number, name, and two movie genres they like1.

1NOTE: The User class does NOT store any friends information.

c l a s s User


public :

. . .

private :

int perm

number ;

// u n i q u e

i d

s t r i n g

name ; // name o f t h e

p e r s o n

s t r i n g

g e n r e 1 ; //

f a v o r i t e

movie g e n r e

s t r i n g

g e n r e 2 ; //

second f a v o r i t e movie g e n r e

. . .

. . .


In the beginning of the program, you will be given a text le with user information i.e., a list of users with their perm number, name, genres they prefer, and friendship information which will be the perm numbers of their friends. Each entry in the le will have the following format. An example le is given in Figure 1:

P ermNo; Name; Genre1; Genre2; P ermNoOf1stF riend; P ermNoOf2ndF riend:::

Figure 1: Sample le format of user information

Note that you cannot presume the numbers of friends for each user. From this le you are expected to create two data structures that will be explained in Section 3.

2.1 Genre Information

Each user will have two genres that they like. For simplicity, this assignment will contain only a small set of genres. You can nd all possible genres in Table 1.









Table 1: Available Genres

  • Data Structures

This section explains the two essential data structures that you will be using in this project. You may use additional data structures (array, linkedlist, hashtable, etc.,) if you nd good use cases for them.

3.1 Graph

You will construct a friendship graph consisting of nodes and undirected and unweighted edges. Each node will represent a user, where each edge will express the friendship relation between two users (i.e. If there is an edge between two nodes [users], it means the two users are friends). You can see in Figure 2 a simple example of a friendship graph.

Figure 2: In this graph, we have three nodes [users]: Mert, Su-jaya and Sydney. Edges represent Mert and Sydney are friends, Sujaya and Sydney are friends, but Sujaya and Mert are not friends.

You will be using an adjacency list to represent the friendship graph. The adjacency list will be a list of linked lists, where the head of each linked list stores the perm number of a unique user. The adjacency list for the above graph will look like: [

permsujaya ! permsydney,

permsydney ! permsujaya ! permmert,

permmert ! permsydney


Note that the adjacency list does not contain any other information about a user. It only stores the friendship relation between the users.

3.2 B-Tree

A B-Tree data structure will be used to nd a given user in the friendship graph. Your B-Tree will have M=4, L=2 and each leaf node will consist of two user’s information (as L = 2); each user’s information is: a User class object with information on the name, perm number and two favorite genres, and an index of the adjacency list pertaining to that user. The B-Tree will be sorted in ascending order of perm numbers of the users. Figure 3 shows an example of the B-tree.

Figure 3: B-Tree example

Please note: B-tree is the only way to nd a user. From the friendship graph (adjacency list) you can extract a list of perm numbers of a given user’s friends and use B-tree to nd the information about each friend.

  • Implementation details

As a part of this homework, you will implement 5 functions as explained below:

Input le: This function takes the reference to a le consisting of all the users’ infor-mation and will construct both data structures: the B-tree and the friendship graph (represented as adjacency list).

Add a user: This function provides a way to add a new user into the system. The function will be called with parameters of perm number, name, 2 favorite movie genres and a list of perm numbers representing the user’s friends. The user’s information will be added into both the B-tree and the graph, and may require updating the friendship graph of existing users as well.

Find a user: This function takes perm number as input and nds the respective user on the B-tree. If the user is present in the system, the function will print a success message; and a ’not- found’ message otherwise.

Find a user’s details: This function takes perm number as input and nds the user in the B-tree. If the user is found, the function will further fetch the user’s details using the object stored in B-tree and will print the user details (name, favorite genres). using the index stored in B-tree, it will also fetch and print the perm numbers of the user’s friends. The function prints a ’not-found’ message if the user is not in the system.

Recommend friends: This function takes perm number as input and extracts the user’s favorite genres and their friends (similar to the previous function). The function will then traverse the whole friendship graph (i.e., adjacency list) either using BFS or DFS and identi es all the users that have at least one favorite genre that is common to the current user. And then lters out the users that are already friends with the current user. This list will be the recommended friend list for the current user. The function should then clearly print the < perm number, name, 2 genres > for each recommended friend.


  1. We do not want any front end UI for this project. Your project will be run on the terminal and the input/output for the demo will use stdio.

  1. Your program should be interactive and give us the option of choosing one of the 5 functions to execute during your demo. Failing to do so will result in penalty.

  • Demo

We will have a short demo for each project. It will be on December 7, 2018 in CSIL. Time details will be announced later. Please be ready with the working program at the time of your demo.


Project - Friend recommender
$24.99 $18.99