Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Assignment

$30.00 $24.00

Good news, we are going to use to Python 3.6! The Python tutorial can be found here: https://inst. When you go to this website, you will rst see the Table of Contents. Do not worry about the UNIX Basics part of the tutorial. We are leaving the Python 3.6 installation up to you guys.…

5/5 – (2 votes)

You’ll get a: zip file solution




5/5 – (2 votes)

Good news, we are going to use to Python 3.6! The Python tutorial can be found here: https://inst. When you go to this website, you will rst see the Table of Contents. Do not worry about the UNIX Basics part of the tutorial. We are leaving the Python 3.6 installation up to you guys. If you want to use Anaconda, you can use the Spyder IDE. Otherwise, PyCharm is another option which has Windows, MacOs and Linux versions. Let us know if you have any trouble by sending an e-mail to

After you setup the environment, go over the Python Basics if you are not familiar with Python.

Otherwise, feel free to skip it.


You are going to do the 3 programming questions given at the website. Download the and go over the Autograding part in the website to get familiar on using the autograder. Then start doing the questions.

If you have any issues with the code let us know ASAP through e-mail, even if you manage to solve your problem. If you think you have the right answer but the autograder is not giving you any points, try to run it on individual questions (look at the tutorials autograding part for details on how to use the


You are going to submit a compressed archive through the blackboard site. The le should extract to a folder with your student ID without the leading zeros. This folder should only contain, and Other les will be deleted and/or overwritten.

Important: Download your submission to make sure it is not corrupted and it has your latest report/code. We had issues in the past with students submitting empty les, corrupted archives, older versions etc. You are only going to be graded by your blackboard submission, we are not going to accept anything else.

Submission Instructions

You are going to submit a compressed archive through the blackboard site. The le can have zip, rar, tar, rar, tar.gz or 7z format.


This compressed le should extract to a folder with your student identi cation number with the two leading zeros removed which should have 5 digits. Multiple folders (apart from operating system ones such as MACOSX or DS Store) greatly slows us down and as such will result in penalties.

Code that does not run or that does not terminate will not receive any credits.

Do not trust the way that your operating system extracts your le. They will mostly put the contents inside a folder with the same name as the compressed le. We are going to call a program (based on your le extension) from the command line. The safest way is to put everyting inside a folder with your ID, then compress the folder and give it your ID as its name.

Once you are sure about your assignment and the compressed le, submit it through Blackboard. After you submit your code, download it and check if it is the one you intended to submit.


Let us know if you need any help with setting up your compressed le. This is very important. We will put all of your compressed les into a folder and run multiple scripts to extract, clean up and grade your code. If you do not follow the above instructions, then scripts might fail. If these scripts fail then you will receive a 0.


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Assignment
$30.00 $24.00