Programming Assignment 6 Hashing

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Approved Includes CSCE 221 Task 1: Separate Chaining Hash Table Implement a separate chaining hash table. Requirements Files hashtable_separate_chaining.h – contains the template definitions hashtable_separate_chaining_tests.cpp – contains the test cases and test driver (main) Class template <class Key, class Hash=std::hash<Key>> class HashTable; Functions (public) Constructors HashTable() – makes an empty table with 11 buckets and…

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CSCE 221

Task 1: Separate Chaining Hash Table

Implement a separate chaining hash table.



hashtable_separate_chaining.h – contains the template definitions

hashtable_separate_chaining_tests.cpp – contains the test cases and test driver (main)


template <class Key, class Hash=std::hash<Key>> class HashTable;

Functions (public)


HashTable() – makes an empty table with 11 buckets and max load factor 1

explicit HashTable(size_t) – makes an empty table with the specified number of buckets




bool is_empty() const – returns true if the table is empty size_t size() const – returns the number of values in the table


void make_empty() – remove all values from the table. Do not change the number of buckets. Do not change the maximum load factor.

bool insert(const Key&) – insert the given lvalue reference into the table, rehashing only if the

maximum load factor is exceeded, return true if insert was successful (false if item already exists)

size_t remove(const Key&) – remove the specified value from the table, return number of elements

removed (0 or 1).


bool contains(const Key&) const – returns Boolean true if the specified value is in the table

Bucket Interface

CSCE 221

size_t bucket_size(size_t) const – return the number of values in the specified bucket (by index); throw std::out_of_range if the bucket index is out of bounds of the table.

size_t bucket(const Key&) const – return the index of the bucket that contains the specified value (or would contain it, if it existed)

Hash Policy

float load_factor() const – return the current load factor of the table

float max_load_factor() const – return the current maximum load factor of the table

void max_load_factor(float) – set the maximum load factor of the table, forces a rehash if the new maximum is less than the current load factor, throws std::invalid_argument if the input is invalid

void rehash(size_t) – set the number of buckets to the specified value and rehash the table if the total number of buckets has changed. If the new number of buckets would cause the load factor to exceed the maximum load factor, then the new number of buckets is at least size() / max_load_factor().


void print_table(std::ostream&=std::cout) const – pretty print the table. Required to exist and produce reasonable output, the empty table should print “<empty>\n”, but the format of the output is not graded


HashTable(const HashTable&) – constructs a copy of the given table HashTable(HashTable&&) – move constructs a copy of the given (rvalue) table ~HashTable() – destructs this table

HashTable& operator=(const HashTable&) – assigns a copy of the given table HashTable& operator=(HashTable&&) – move assigns a copy of the given (rvalue) table void insert(Key&&) – insert the given rvalue reference into the table using move semantics

CSCE 221


std::cout << “make an empty hash table with 11 buckets for strings” <<


HashTable<std::string> table(11);

std::cout << “initial size is ” << table.size() << std::endl;

std::cout << “initial bucket count is ” << table.bucket_count() << std::endl; std::cout << “initial load factor is ” << table.load_factor() << std::endl; std::cout << “initial max load factor is ” << table.max_load_factor() << std::endl;

std::cout << “insert several strings” << std::endl; table.insert(“And them who hold High Places”); table.insert(“Must be the ones to start”); table.insert(“To mold a new Reality”); table.insert(“Closer to the Heart”); table.insert(“The Blacksmith and the Artist”); table.insert(“Reflect it in their Art”); table.insert(“Forge their Creativity”); table.insert(“Closer to the Heart”); table.insert(“Philosophers and Plowmen”); table.insert(“Each must know their Part”); table.insert(“To sow a new Mentality”); table.insert(“Closer to the Heart”); table.insert(“You can be the Captain”); table.insert(“I will draw the Chart”); table.insert(“Sailing into Destiny”); table.insert(“Closer to the Heart”);

std::cout << “size is ” << table.size() << std::endl;

std::cout << “bucket count is ” << table.bucket_count() << std::endl; std::cout << “load factor is ” << table.load_factor() << std::endl; std::cout << “max load factor is ” << table.max_load_factor() << std::endl;


std::cout << “print the table” << std::endl;

std::stringstream ss;


std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;


std::cout << “remove \”Philosophers and Plowmen\”” << std::endl; table.remove(“Philosophers and Plowmen”);

std::cout << “remove \”Each must know their Part\”” << std::endl;

CSCE 221

table.remove(“Each must know their Part”);

std::cout << “size is ” << table.size() << std::endl;

std::cout << “bucket count is ” << table.bucket_count() << std::endl; std::cout << “load factor is ” << table.load_factor() << std::endl; std::cout << “max load factor is ” << table.max_load_factor() << std::endl;


std::cout << “print the table” << std::endl;

std::stringstream ss;


std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;


std::cout << “set max load factor to 2” << std::endl; table.max_load_factor(2);

std::cout << “rehash the table to size 7” << std::endl; table.rehash(7);

std::cout << “size is ” << table.size() << std::endl;

std::cout << “bucket count is ” << table.bucket_count() << std::endl; std::cout << “load factor is ” << table.load_factor() << std::endl; std::cout << “max load factor is ” << table.max_load_factor() << std::endl;


std::cout << “print the table” << std::endl;

std::stringstream ss;


std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;


std::cout << “find \”The Blacksmith and the Artist\”” << std::endl; size_t index = table.bucket(“The Blacksmith and the Artist”); std::cout << ” ==> bucket ” << index << std::endl;

std::cout << ” which has ” << table.bucket_size(index) << ” elements” << std::endl;

std::cout << “make the table empty” << std::endl; table.make_empty();

std::cout << “size is ” << table.size() << std::endl;

std::cout << “bucket count is ” << table.bucket_count() << std::endl; std::cout << “load factor is ” << table.load_factor() << std::endl; std::cout << “max load factor is ” << table.max_load_factor() << std::endl;

CSCE 221


std::cout << “print the table” << std::endl;

std::stringstream ss;


std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;


Example Output

Note: your machine’s std::hash may return different values than mine, leading to different output. That’s OK. The behavior on Gradescope will not be affected.

make an empty hash table with 11 buckets for strings initial size is 0

initial bucket count is 11

initial load factor is 0

initial max load factor is 1

insert several strings

size is 13

bucket count is 23

load factor is 0.565217

max load factor is 1

print the table

2: [Closer to the Heart]

  1. [Each must know their Part]

  1. [To mold a new Reality]

  1. [To sow a new Mentality, Philosophers and Plowmen]

  1. [I will draw the Chart]

  1. [And them who hold High Places, The Blacksmith and the Artist]

  1. [You can be the Captain]

  1. [Must be the ones to start]

  1. [Reflect it in their Art]

  1. [Sailing into Destiny]

  1. [Forge their Creativity]

remove “Philosophers and Plowmen”

remove “Each must know their Part”

size is 11

bucket count is 23

load factor is 0.478261

max load factor is 1

print the table

  1. [Closer to the Heart]

  1. [To mold a new Reality]

CSCE 221

  1. [To sow a new Mentality]

  1. [I will draw the Chart]

  1. [And them who hold High Places, The Blacksmith and the Artist]

  1. [You can be the Captain]

  1. [Must be the ones to start]

  1. [Reflect it in their Art]

  1. [Sailing into Destiny]

  1. [Forge their Creativity]

set max load factor to 2

rehash the table to size 7

size is 11

bucket count is 7

load factor is 1.57143

max load factor is 2

print the table

  1. [Sailing into Destiny, The Blacksmith and the Artist, To sow a new Mentality]

  2. [Must be the ones to start, Closer to the Heart]

  1. [To mold a new Reality]

  1. [Reflect it in their Art, You can be the Captain]

  1. [Forge their Creativity, I will draw the Chart]

  1. [And them who hold High Places]

find “The Blacksmith and the Artist”

==> bucket 0

which has 3 elements

make the table empty

size is 0

bucket count is 7

load factor is 0

max load factor is 2

print the table


CSCE 221

Task 2: Open Addressing Hash Table

Implement an open addressing hash table.

You can use linear probing, quadratic probing, or cubic probing. No matter which you choose, the load factor should always be less than or equal to 0.5.



hashtable_open_addressing.h – contains the template definitions

hashtable_open_addressing_tests.cpp – contains the test cases and test driver (main)


template <class Key, class Hash=std::hash<Key>> class HashTable;

Functions (public)


HashTable() – makes an empty table with 11 cells

explicit HashTable(size_t) – makes an empty table with the specified number of cells




bool is_empty() const – returns true if the table is empty

size_t size() const – returns the number of active values in the table size_t table_size() const – return the number of cells in the table


void make_empty() – remove all values from the table. Do not change the number of cells. bool insert(const Key&) – insert the given lvalue reference into the table, rehashing if the maximum load factor is exceeded, return true if insert was successful (false if item already exists). Don’t overwrite deleted values unless they are equal to value being inserted (i.e. undelete).

size_t remove(const Key&) – remove the specified value from the table, return number of elements removed (0 or 1). Use lazy deletion.


CSCE 221


size_t position(const Key&) const – return the index of the cell that would contain the specified value. This method handles collision resolution.


void print_table(std::ostream&=std::cout) const – pretty print the table. Required to exist and produce reasonable output, the empty table should print “<empty>\n”, but the format of the output is not graded


HashTable(const HashTable&) – constructs a copy of the given table HashTable(HashTable&&) – move constructs a copy of the given (rvalue) table ~HashTable() – destructs this table

HashTable& operator=(const HashTable&) – assigns a copy of the given table HashTable& operator=(HashTable&&) – move assigns a copy of the given (rvalue) table void insert(Key&&) – insert the given rvalue reference into the table using move semantics

CSCE 221


std::cout << “make an empty hash table with 11 buckets for strings” <<


HashTable<std::string> table(11);

std::cout << “initial size is ” << table.size() << std::endl;

std::cout << “initial table size is ” << table.table_size() << std::endl;

std::cout << “insert several strings” << std::endl; table.insert(“And them who hold High Places”); table.insert(“Must be the ones to start”); table.insert(“To mold a new Reality”); table.insert(“Closer to the Heart”); table.insert(“The Blacksmith and the Artist”); table.insert(“Reflect it in their Art”); table.insert(“Forge their Creativity”); table.insert(“Closer to the Heart”); table.insert(“Philosophers and Plowmen”); table.insert(“Each must know their Part”); table.insert(“To sow a new Mentality”); table.insert(“Closer to the Heart”); table.insert(“You can be the Captain”); table.insert(“I will draw the Chart”); table.insert(“Sailing into Destiny”); table.insert(“Closer to the Heart”);

std::cout << “size is ” << table.size() << std::endl;

std::cout << “table size is ” << table.table_size() << std::endl;


std::cout << “print the table” << std::endl;

std::stringstream ss;


std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;


std::cout << “remove \”Philosophers and Plowmen\”” << std::endl; table.remove(“Philosophers and Plowmen”);

std::cout << “remove \”Each must know their Part\”” << std::endl; table.remove(“Each must know their Part”);

std::cout << “size is ” << table.size() << std::endl;

std::cout << “table size is ” << table.table_size() << std::endl;

CSCE 221


std::cout << “print the table” << std::endl;

std::stringstream ss;


std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;


std::cout << “find \”The Blacksmith and the Artist\”” << std::endl; size_t index = table.position(“The Blacksmith and the Artist”); std::cout << ” ==> cell ” << index << std::endl;

std::cout << “make the table empty” << std::endl; table.make_empty();

std::cout << “size is ” << table.size() << std::endl;

std::cout << “table size is ” << table.table_size() << std::endl;


std::cout << “print the table” << std::endl;

std::stringstream ss;


std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;


Example Output

Note: your machine’s std::hash may return different values than mine, leading to different output. That’s OK. The behavior on Gradescope will not be affected.

make an empty hash table with 11 buckets for strings

initial size is 0

initial table size is 11

insert several strings

size is 13

table size is 47

print the table

  1. Forge their Creativity

  1. Philosophers and Plowmen

  1. I will draw the Chart

  1. Each must know their Part

  1. Closer to the Heart

  1. Sailing into Destiny

  1. The Blacksmith and the Artist

  1. You can be the Captain

  1. To mold a new Reality

CSCE 221

  1. Reflect it in their Art

  1. To sow a new Mentality

  1. Must be the ones to start

  1. And them who hold High Places

remove “Philosophers and Plowmen”

remove “Each must know their Part”

size is 11

table size is 47

print the table

  1. Forge their Creativity

  1. I will draw the Chart

  1. Closer to the Heart

  1. Sailing into Destiny

  1. The Blacksmith and the Artist

  1. You can be the Captain

  1. To mold a new Reality

  1. Reflect it in their Art

  1. To sow a new Mentality

  1. Must be the ones to start

  1. And them who hold High Places

find “The Blacksmith and the Artist”

==> cell 30

make the table empty

size is 0

table size is 47

print the table


CSCE 221

C++ Syntax Tips

How to use template Hash parameter

Your class declaration looks like this:

template <class Key, class Hash=std::hash<Key>> class HashTable;

The second argument of the template declaration specifies the default value for the Hash type as std::hash<Key>. This is a function object that defines a hash function, i.e. it responds to operator(). Whatever type is used as the Hash parameter must respond to operator() as well as a few other requirements (see documentation for std::hash<Key>). The salient features are that the function takes a single parameter of type Key, returns a size_t value, and does not throw exceptions.

To invoke the hash function, you can do the following, which instantiates a temporary hash function object and immediately uses it:

size_t hash_value = Hash{}(value_to_hash);

How to Find Primes Quickly

As you know, your hash tables should have prime-valued sizes. This requires that you be able to find prime numbers. Here is my advice:

The primality test in C-family on Wikipedia is plenty fast. It uses the neat fact that all primes > 3 are of the form 6k ± 1 and so can take steps of size 6 rather than just 2 (as naive trial division would).

But, you should check out Fermat or Miller-Rabin, too (Pseudoprimes are good enough for hash tables).

If you want to test that your implementation is “fast-enough”, use it to find all the (probable-)primes up to 2 million, i.e. invoke it 1 million times (check 1M odd numbers). This should take less than 1 second on a modern computer with a fast-enough implementation of primality testing. There are 148933 primes less than 2 million.

About using code/algorithm resources

If you use code from Wikipedia or any other approved resource, e.g. for primality testing, you should put a comment citing the source in the same place that you use the code. The same goes for pseudocode and algorithms that you did not develop on your own.

BUT! Remember: other students and tutoring services are not approved resources.

CSCE 221

The textbook, the TAs, and the instructor are all high-quality, approved resources.

Also remember: you should write your own code as much as possible in this course. The best way to understand is to do. Copy+paste is not “doing”. If you need help, you should come to office hours with the instructor and TAs.

Programming Assignment 6 Hashing
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