Haskell Programming Assignment Solution

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This assignment asks you to implement three functions in Haskell Implement the Merge Sort algorithm as a Haskell function. The function should take a list of values in the Haskell class Ord and return a sorted list. The type signature will be mergeSort::(Ord a) => [a] -> [a] Recall that merge sort works as follows:…

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This assignment asks you to implement three functions in Haskell

  1. Implement the Merge Sort algorithm as a Haskell function. The function should take a list of values in the Haskell class Ord and return a sorted list. The type signature will be

mergeSort::(Ord a) => [a] -> [a]

Recall that merge sort works as follows:

    1. Split the list into two approximately equal sublists

    1. Sort each sublist using merge sort

    1. Merge the two sorted sublists.

I am providing some Java code for this algorithm. Your task is to convert this code into Haskell. Note that I made merge a private method, since it is only used in mergeSort. For the same reason, you should implement merge in Haskell using either the where or the let construct. (Of course, your implementation will be recursive instead of iterative. As a hint, you will need three base cases: merging two empty lists, merging an empty list with a non-empty list, and merging a non-empty list with an empty list.)

  1. In class, we used denotational semantics to evaluate a decimal number using a function Mdec. We could define a similar function to evaluate hexadecimal numbers as follows:

MhexDigit(‘0’) = 0,…, MhexDigit(‘9’) = 9,

MhexDigit(‘A’) = MhexDigit(‘a’) = 10,…,MhexDigit(‘B’) = MhexDigit(‘b’) = 11,…,

MhexDigit(‘F’) = MhexDigit(‘f’) = 15

Mhex(“d”) = MhexDigit(‘d’) (Base case – one-digit string)

Mhex(“dndn-1…d1d0”) = Mhex(“dndn-1…d1”)*16 + MhexDigit(‘d0’)

Note that I am allowing both upper- and lower-case letters for the hexadecimal digits for


Implement a Haskell function mHexDigit to return the numerical value of a single hexadecimal digit. You will need to use guards and the ord function from the Haskell module Data.Char. The Haskell type should be mHexDigit::Char -> Int

Now, implement a Haskell function mHex::String -> Int to evaluate a hexadecimal number given as a string.

Finally, since mHexDigit is only used by mHex, implement a Haskell function mHex’::String -> Int in which mHexDigit is defined using the where or let contruct.

  1. Implement a Haskell function varmap::String -> [(String,Int)] -> Int, based on the denotiational-semantics function VARMAP, that takes an identifier and a list of identifier-value pairs and returns the value associated with the identifier in the list. To accommodate Haskell’s static typing, you may assume the values are non-negative integers and use -1 in place of undef. You may also return -1 as an error code if the identifier is not in the list.

I am providing some sample runs using the GHCiWin of my implementations of these functions so that you can see how they should work in action (and test your implementation).

I am also providing some Haskell functions (together with a sample run) that illustrate the functions ord, chr, fst, and snd that you may find useful.

Haskell Programming Assignment Solution
$35.00 $29.00