Homework 09 Solution

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Chain Code (7 pts): A shape may be represented in a similar fashion to a chain code by using real and imaginary numbers to represent consecutive edge segments in the same direction. A run of length 1 in the positive horizontal=direction√−1 would be represented by 1, a run of length 1 in the positive vertical…

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  1. Chain Code (7 pts): A shape may be represented in a similar fashion to a chain code by

using real and imaginary numbers to represent consecutive edge segments in the same direction. A run of length 1 in the positive horizontal=direction−1 would be represented by 1, a

run of length 1 in the positive vertical direction by, and runs in the negative

directions by −1 and −j. A run of length n is represented by n, nj, −n, or −nj as appropriate.

For example the shape:

is represented by: [1, j, 2, j,−3,−2j]

a. Compare this code with the 4-connected chain code that takes on values from {0, … , 3}.

b. Show that for any shape S, the corresponding∑ ( ) =code0 C has the property that

  1. We can consider smoothing this shape representation by combining adjacent short real and imaginary runs into a single complex run. For example,

[1, j, 2, j,−3,−2j] → [1+j, 2, j,−3,−2j] → [1+j, 2+j,−3,−2j] etc.

The more runs are combined, the more smoothing takes place. Give examples of:

    • A shape that can be reasonably smoothed this way

    • A shape that cannot be reasonably smoothed this way.

Be sure to define “reasonably” in this context.


d. Suppose one takes the Discrete Fourier Transform of this code according to

( ) = ∑ ( ) −2


What is ( = 0)?

2. Object Representation()by Basis ( )Functions−1≤ (8pts)::+1 Ima Robot proposes=torepresent1

shapes by functions and for . A shape begins at and ends at

= +1. In order to represent the shape more compactly, the functions ( ) and ( ) can be

treated as Nth-degree polynomials.

and ( ) = ∑

( )

= ∑




and are coefficients.

  1. In general, is this representation invariant to translation, scaling, and rotation? Explain.

  2. For the0 unit circle,≤3 ( ) = cos and ( ) = sin , what are the coefficients and

for? Hint: Consider a series expansion of sin and cos.

3. (Object(), ( )Representation),0≤≤ (10 pts): We can represent an object by its boundary

where S is the length of the object’s boundary and s is distance along

that boundary from (some)= arbitrary()+ ( )starting point. We can combine x and y into a single

complex function . The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of z is


( ) = ∑ −2

( ),0≤ ≤ −1


We can use the coefficients ( ) to represent the object boundary. The limit on s is S-1

because for a closed contour ( )

= (0). The Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform is




( ) = =0

( ),0≤ ≤ −1

a. Suppose that the object is translated by

(∆ , ∆ ), that is, ′( ) = ( ) + ∆ + ∆ .

How is ’s DFT ′( ) related to ( )?

b. Suppose that the object is scaled by integer constant c, that is, ′( ) = (⌊ / ⌋),

where ⌊∙⌋ is the floor function with ⌊1.5⌋ = 1, etc. Note that the length of the scaled

object = . How is ’s DFT

( ) related to ( )?

c. What object has ( ) = [


+ cos


] + [

+ sin


]? Sketch it.


d. What is ( ) corresponding to ( ) from Part c? Hint: Most coefficients are 0.

Homework 09 Solution
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