Question 1
Determine if the following compound propositions are a tautology, a contradiction or neither one of them. Construct a truth table for each proposition.
(a) ((p ! q) $ (p ^ :r)) ! :(q ^ r)
(b) :((p _ q) ^ (p ! q) _ (q ! :p))
Determine if the following predicate logic arguments are valid or invalid. Explain why you think the argument is valid or invalid. You do not need to make a formal proof for these questions. (Hint: Using counterexamples might be bene cial.)
(a) 9xP (x) ^ 9xQ(x) ! 9x(P (x) ^ Q(x))
(b) 8xP (x) ! 9xP (x)
Question 2
Show that (:p _ p) ! ((p ^ :q) ! r) and (q _ r) _ :p are logically equivalent. You should use tables 6, 7, and 8 given in pages 27 and 28 of your textbook.
In each step give the reference to the law OR the table.
Question 3
Let W (x) be \x works in the lab”, Older(x; y) be \x is older than y”, P hd(x) be \x is a Phd. student”, Has CS Degree(x) be “x has a CS degree”, Knows(x; y) be \x knows y”.
Use these predicates to express the following statements using quanti ers 8 and 9.
Everybody works in the lab has a CS degree.
All Phd. students working in the lab knows each other.
Cenk is the oldest person working in the lab.
Everyone working in the lab is a Phd. student except for Selen.
Not all the people working in the lab knows everyone working in the lab.
There are at most two Phd. students.
There are at least three people older than Gizem.
There is exactly one person who is doing Phd. and working in the lab.
Question 4
Prove the following by using only the natural deduction rules for _; ^; !; and : introduction and elimi-nation.
Any other rules/lemmas used should be proven by natural deduction as well.
(p ! r) _ (q ! r) ‘ (p ^ q) ! r
Question 5
Prove the following by using only the natural deduction rules for _; ^; !; and : introduction and elimi-nation.
Any other rules/lemmas used should be proven by natural deduction as well.
(:p _ :q) ‘ (p ^ q) ! r
Question 6
Prove the following by using only the natural deduction rules for _; ^; !; :; 8; and 9 introduction and elimination. Any other rules/lemmas used should be proven by natural deduction as well.
8x(P (x) ! (Q(x) ! R(x))); 9x(P (x)); 8x(:R(x)) ‘ 9x(:Q(x))
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