This first homework is meant to get you set up for the first few weeks of class, so you can breathe easy! We’ll make sure you have Haskell (GHC/GHCi), and Python 3 properly installed, and there will be a few Haskell exercises.
For this, and every homework, you must turn in a PDF file with your answers via Gradescope – you may include both typed and hand-written solutions, so long as they are legible and make sense to our TAs. Make sure to clearly label each answer with the problem number you’re solving so our TAs can more easily evaluate your work.
Installing Haskell and GHCi
You can download the Haskell compiler and interpreter, GHC and GHCi, from the following link: On OSX and Linux, you can also use Homebrew:
Note in particular that the Mac OS X distribution also requires Xcode (and its command line tools) to be installed. You can download Xcode from the App Store.
You have completed this task once you are able to run ghc/ghci and not get a file-not-found error.
Hello Haskell
Create a new file named hello.hs, and place the following expression in it:
greeting = “Hello, world!”
Now run the Haskell interpreter by typing “ghci” on your command line. You should now be in an interactive environment known as a REPL (read-eval-print loop). Although Haskell is a compiled language, GHCi allows you to write Haskell commands and execute them as if it were an interpreted one.
You can use the :load command to load Haskell code in files in the working directory.
Run the following command in GHCi:
:load hello.hs
Now, using the GHCi interpreter, figure out an expression that gives the length of the greeting string. You’ll have completed this task once you can successfully get the length of the greeting string via typing an expression in GHCi.
Installing Python 3
Next, we’ll ensure you have a working version of Python 3. Some OS distributions (Linux, Mac OS X) already have Python 3 bundled in. To check, the following commands can be used to locate it:
Mac OS X/Linux:
which python3
where python3.exe
If Python is already installed, then run it to determine the version. Your version should be 3.9 or greater.
If you don’t have Python installed, you can download the latest Python 3 distribution for your OS here:
Once you have installed Python3 v3.9 or higher, and can print “Hello world!” you will have completed this task.
Haskell Warmup
For all questions where you are writing Haskell code, you should give your functions a type definition.
1. Write a Haskell function named largest that takes in 2 String arguments and returns the longer of the two. If they are the same length, return the first argument.
largest “cat” “banana” should return “banana”. largest “Carey” “rocks” should return “Carey”.
2. Barry Snatchenberg is an aspiring Haskell programmer. He wrote a function named reflect that takes in an Integer and returns that same Integer, but he wrote it in a very funny way:
reflect :: Integer -> Integer
reflect 0 = 0
reflect num
• num < 0 = (-1) + reflect num+1
• num > 0 = 1 + reflect num-1
He finds that when he runs his code, it always causes a stack overflow (infinite recursion) for any non-zero argument! What is wrong with Barry’s code (i.e. can you fix it so that it works properly)?
a) Write a Haskell function named all_factors that takes in an Integer argument and returns a list containing, in ascending order, all factors of that integer. You may assume that the argument is always positive. Your function’s implementation should be a single, one-line list comprehension.
all_factors 1 should return [1].
all_factors 42 should return [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21 and 42].
b) A perfect number is defined as a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors (where “proper divisors” refers to all of its positive whole number factors, excluding itself). For example, 6 is a perfect number because its proper divisors are 1, 2 and 3 and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.
Using the all_factors function, write a Haskell expression named perfect_numbers whose value is a list comprehension that generates an infinite list of all perfect numbers (even though it has not been proved yet whether there are infinitely many perfect numbers ).
take 4 perfect_numbers should return [6, 28, 496, 8128].
Hint: You may find the init and sum functions useful.
4. Write a pair of Haskell functions named is_odd and is_even that each take in 1 Integer argument and return a Bool indicating whether the integer is odd or even respectively. You may assume that the argument is always positive.
You may not use any builtin arithmetic, bitwise or comparison operators (including mod, rem and div). You may only use the addition and subtraction operators (+ and -) and the equality operator (==).
You must implement THREE versions of these functions: (1) with regular if statements, (2) using guards, and (3) using pattern matching.
is_even 8 should return True. is_odd 8 should return False.
Hint: The functions can call one another in their implementations. (This is called mutual recursion).
5. Write a function named count_occurrences that returns the number of ways that all elements of list a1 appear in list a2 in the same order (though a1’s items need not necessarily be consecutive in a2). The empty sequence appears in another sequence of length n in 1 way, even if n is 0.
count_occurrences [10, 20, 40] [10, 50, 40, 20, 50, 40, 30] should return 1 count_occurrences [10, 40, 30] [10, 50, 40, 20, 50, 40, 30] should return 2 count_occurrences [20, 10, 40] [10, 50, 40, 20, 50, 40, 30] should return 0 count_occurrences [50, 40, 30] [10, 50, 40, 20, 50, 40, 30] should return 3 count_occurrences [] [10, 50, 40, 20, 50, 40, 30] should return 1 count_occurrences [] [] should return 1
You will find that using pattern matching makes this problem much easier!