This assignment tests your ability to parse data based on a provided format. The premise is a text-based grade book with which you will interact using basic file I/O. You will provide a small library of three functions:
The functions shall accept a character string which can be used to open a file with an fstream object.
The file format is described as: number of students student id number of grades grade 0 grade 1 grade n
Read the provided header file documentation for instructions on how the functions should work.
I have provided you a basic test app which you can use to ensure that your code is somewhat passing. I would suggest a much more rigorous testing scheme. Your code must behave as indicated in the documen-tation. Passing the tests is not enough to get full credit. You may call the test by using
./test parse scores gradebook.txt
Late assignments will lose 10% per day late, with no assignment begin accepted after 3 days.
Check your syllabus for the breakdown of grading.