Homework 3 Object Classification by Deep CNNs Solution

$30.00 $24.00

The goal of this assignment is to build a visual recognition system that leverages deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for object classi cation. You will work with CIFAR10 dataset 1 which consists of 60000 32×32 colour images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. CIFAR10 is one of the most commonly used datasets in…

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The goal of this assignment is to build a visual recognition system that leverages deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for object classi cation.

You will work with CIFAR10 dataset 1 which consists of 60000 32×32 colour images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. CIFAR10 is one of the most commonly used datasets in the computer vision community that was collected by Alex Krizhevsky, Vinod Nair, and Geo rey Hinton in 2009. It is still very popular and actively used by researchers to report and compare the performance of various supervised and unsupervised methods.

Figure 1: The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 60000 32×32 colour images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. There are 50000 training images and 10000 test images.

In this homework, you will implement and train a Residual Network (ResNet) from scratch in Tensor ow/Keras by using Google Colab infrastructures (e.g. GPUs). A starter code in Google Colab accompanies this homework. It is highly recommended that you follow the instructions in this document.


Computer Vision

CS 188.2

Homework 3

Object Classi cation by Deep CNNs November 28, 2019

Deep Residual Learning

Very deep networks are useful since they have enough abstractions to represent highly nonlinear and complex functions. However, increasing the depth of a network comes with the cost of possi-bly vanishing or exploding the gradients during back-propagation. Simply put, the gradient from the nal layers of a very deep architecture may exponentially decrease to a very small value or exponentially increase to very large values and explode. As a result, this can impede the process of training. Residual Networks, or in short ResNets, overcome this issue by using a shortcut that allows the gradient to be directly backpropagated to earlier layers. Figure 2 shows the concept of residual learning.

Figure 2: In a residual block, the input is added to the output of the block before passing into the nal acitvation.

ResNet utilizes two basic blocks, with skip connections, that are repeated in their architecture. These blocks are called the identity block and the convolutional block, and one of the main goals of this homework is to implement them in Tensor ow/Keras. We will discuss each of them in details as follows.

Identiy Block

In an identity block, as shown in Figure 3, the original input to the block is simply added to the nal output of the block.

Figure 3: Simple identity block.


Computer Vision

CS 188.2

Homework 3

Object Classi cation by Deep CNNs November 28, 2019

The upper portion is simply a shortcut wheres the main path consists of standard operations such as convolutions ( as denoted by CONV2D) and activation functions (e.g. ReLu). Batch normalization is also added to speed up the training process.

Although the block shown in Figure 3 is a standard representation of identify block, in this home-work, we use a slightly modi ed version of it in order to make our ResNet more powerful. As such, we add one more convolution followed by batch normalization and ReLU activation function in the main path. Figure 4 shows the identity block used in this homework. In addition, details of identity block (e.g. number of lters, strides, etc) have been presented in the starter code (Google Colab document).

Figure 4: The identity block used in this homework.

Convolutional Block

Since adding tensors is one of the most commonly used operations in a ResNet, it is good to remember that two tensors must have the same size across all dimensions to be added together. In ResNet, a convolutional block is used when the dimentions of input and output to the block are not the same. As shown in Figure 5, a convolutional Block is very similar to the identity block that was demonstrated in Figure 4, except for the fact that the shortcut path comprises of a convolutional layer followed by a batch norm. This allows to resize the input to the block to a di erent dimension. Note that we don’t employ any activation function such as ReLu in the shortcut path since our goal is to simply resize the input. Details of convolutional block (e.g. number of lers,stride etc.) have been presented in the starter code (Google Colab document).

Figure 5: The convolutional block. It can be used when dimensions of input and output of the block are not the same.

ResNet Architecture

Now that we have learned about the building blocks of a ResNet architecture, we further learn how to build the ResNet and implement it. Figure 6 shows the ResNet model that we will implement in


Computer Vision

CS 188.2

Homework 3

Object Classi cation by Deep CNNs November 28, 2019

Figure 6: ResNet architecture.

this homework. It comprises of ve di erent stages, excluding the last layer. From stage 2 to stage 5, covolutional and identity blocks (as denoted ID) are used interchangeably. The last layer comprises of an averaging pooling layer,followed by a attening operation and a nal fully connected layer to make predictions. Since this is a multi-class classi cation problem, we use a softmax function as the last activation layer. Exact details of the size of the feature maps as well as the number of lters that are used in each stage have been detailed in the starter code ( Google Colab document).


In this homework, we will used the CIFAR10 dataset 2. CIFAR10 is a labeled subset of 80 million tiny images dataset and it contains 60000 32×32 colour images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. There are 50000 training images and 10000 test images. We used Keras built-in functionalities to download and feed this dataset into our CNN. In addition, we also use data augmentation to improve the performance of training. All the relevant codes have been presented in the starter code and can be readily used.


  1. Implement the identity block shown in Figure 4. To test your implementation, in the starter-code, we provide a tensor as an input and use predictable random initialization method for the convolutional kernels. Your output numbers should exactly match the desired output. Report the generated output numbers as the answer to this question (20 points)

  1. Implement the convolutional block shown in Figure 5. Similar to part 1, your output numbers should exactly match the desired output. Report the generated output numbers as the answer to this question (20 points)

  1. Implement and train the ResNet architecture shown in Figure 6 on CIFAR10 dataset for 50 epochs. Report the accuracy of your model on CIFAR10 test set as the answer to this question. (30 points)

  1. Plot the accuracy of training and validation over the entire 50 epochs on the same plot using the provided helper function for plotting. (5 points)


Computer Vision

CS 188.2

Homework 3

Object Classi cation by Deep CNNs November 28, 2019

  1. Considering the overall trend of training and validation accuracy, is your model over- tting or under- tting? explain the reasoning behind your answer and identify one possible solution to overcome the issue (15 points)


Your submission will consist of a single tarball, “UID.tar.gz” where UID is the university ID of the submitter. It will be submitted on CCLE. Your tarball will consist of several les, listed below. Please respect the lenames and formatting exactly. Your tarball should include:

README: a .txt le

{ Line 1: Full name, UID, email address of rst group member (comma separated)

{ Line 2: Full name, UID, email address of second group member (comma separated) if any, empty otherwise

{ Use the rest of the le to list the sources you used to complete this project

code/: a directory containing all the .py les that you used for your project. You can save your Google Colab as a .py le for this purpose and your code should run without any issues.

PDF/: You should include a PDF le that contains the answers to all the questions listed under Tasks (e.g. numbers,plot etc.)

The homework is due on Monday December 9, 11:59 PM PST. This is a hard deadline. No late submissions will be accepted.

Important Points to Remember

Upload the starter code (starter.ipynb) to your Google Colab3

Click on Runtime and then Change runtime type to set the hardware accelerator to GPU. You can run the entire code blocks by clicking on Runtime and then Run all (or simply by


If during training, your session disconnects, in most cases you should be able to simply recon-nect and restart the training where you left o ( unless the session has expired)

Follow the suggested Conv2D parameters as indicated in the starter code, or your output numbers may di er from desired values.

Don’t overwhelm your Google Colab quota by running many instances of training at the same time. It is recommended that you have at most two concurrent training sessions that utilize GPUs.


Computer Vision

CS 188.2

Homework 3

Object Classi cation by Deep CNNs November 28, 2019

Follow the recommended settings and hyperparameters provided in the starter code. Our tests show that your training (50 epochs with batch size of 2048) should take roughly around 25 minutes.

For the ResNet model, if your implementations is correct, it should o er an accuracy of at least 60 percent for 50 epochs of training on CIFAR10 testset. We will grade you based on :

(1) the correctness and logic of your implementation (2) reported accuracy.

It is a fact that performance of deep CNNs is dependant on their initialization. Thus, it is recommended to train and evaluate the model more than once and use the results from the better performing model.

You may ignore warning messages regarding new changes in Tensor ow 2.0 and deprecated usage of some functionalities.


Homework 3 Object Classification by Deep CNNs Solution
$30.00 $24.00