(5 pts) Talbi, Problem 1.4 (show for MIS and Clique problems only)
(20pts) Test and evaluate the AFIT graphprogram* for MIS examples that are small, medium and large graph applications (planar & non-planar). Present search tree for medium size application; note that graph program generates required data. Use at least 8 graphs. Utilize appropriate reporting approaches (Barr,Talbi:Section 1.7).
* (on the L: drive under the CSCE686/NPC Problems/MIS_Clique/MIS Software/MIS_C++/ directory. MIS_VC software can also be employed. Software written for Christofides algorithms. Observe that you need to execute VMware in order to interface to the AFIT network and the L: drive. This and other software is to be stored on the AFIT network L: drive because of size.)
Bron-Kerbosch Algorithm, Wikipedia (Checkout Wiki References)
BHOSLIB, DIMACS, MIS/Clique Benchmark sets, Bibliography
Floudas and Pardalos, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Optimization, p. 411, Kluwer, 2009
Wikipedia, Software Testing,
Barr, et al, Guidelines for Designing and Reporting on Computational Experiments with heuristic Methods, 2001 “Great Reference!!”
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