HOMEWORK 3 – V0 Solution

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1. Rademacher Complexity and Massart’s lemma. 1.1. Symmetrization for concentration [10pts]. For Q2.3 in Assignment 2, obtain a similar concentration result using a symmetrization argument. The steps will be as follows. Use McDiarmid’s inequality on the empirical process. Find the Rademacher complexity of F, linear functions constrained in ‘2-ball. Use Talagrands contraction to bound Rn(f…

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1. Rademacher Complexity and Massart’s lemma.

1.1. Symmetrization for concentration [10pts]. For Q2.3 in Assignment 2, obtain a similar concentration result using a symmetrization argument. The steps will be as follows.

  1. Use McDiarmid’s inequality on the empirical process.

  2. Find the Rademacher complexity of F, linear functions constrained in ‘2-ball.

  3. Use Talagrands contraction to bound Rn(f F).

1.2. Rademacher complexity of linear functions constrained in ‘-1 ball [10pts]. For i = f1:2; :::; ng. we assume that data points zi, have bounded coordinates, i.e., kzik1 = maxj jzijj almost surely. Find an upper bound on the Rademacher complexity of linear functions constrained in a ‘1 ball of radius r, i.e.,

(1.1) F = ff : f(z) = h ; zi; k k1 rg:

Compare your result to the Rademacher complexity of the ‘2 ball.

Hint: Region de ned by the ‘1 ball has corners at rej where ej is the j-th standard basis vector. Therefore, f : k k1 rg = convex-hull([jf rejg). First, nd the Rademacher complexity of the union (which is nite so Massart’s lemma can help), then argue that this is equal to the complexity of the convex hull.

1.3. Generalization of binary classi cation [10pts]. In a binary classi cation problem, we have a dataset of n iid (xi; yi) feature-response pairs where xi 2 Rd with kxik1 and yi 2 f 1; +1g. Learning task involves tting a function of the form f (x) = sign(h ; xi) where k k1 r. We noticed that 0-1 loss function is not smooth; therefore, we use capped-hinge loss as a relaxation which is given as l((y; x); ) = minf2; maxf0; 1 yh ; xigg.

Derive a generalization bound for the empirical risk minimizer.

1.4. Course evaluation [5pts]. Did you complete the course evaluation for this course? Your answer should be yes or no, and there is only one correct answer. Hint: I would really appreciate your feedback on the course.


HOMEWORK 3 – V0 Solution
$35.00 $29.00