Homework 4 Autonomous Mobile Robots Solution

$35.00 $29.00

A document containing the answers and gures should be uploaded to Gradescope as HW4writeup.pdf. All the code and the les needed to run the code are to be uploaded to Canvas as a zip le named HW4code.zip. Note, the code zip le should contain ONLY .m les, con g les and les containing data (if…

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A document containing the answers and gures should be uploaded to Gradescope as HW4writeup.pdf. All the code and the les needed to run the code are to be uploaded to Canvas as a zip le named HW4code.zip. Note, the code zip le should contain ONLY .m les, con g les and les containing data (if needed) and not any other le (writeup, assignment, simulator, toolboxes etc). Speci c functions, as indicated below, should be uploaded to their corresponding assignments on Canvas.

Notes about autograded assignments:

  • We highly recommend you develop and debug the autograded functions in Matlab. The error messages that the autograder provides are not as explicit as in Matlab

  • Before submitting, we highly recommend running your own test case with “Run Function” as it can reveal syntax errors, missing functions, etc. when transitioning to Canvas.

  • You may submit as many times as you like until the deadline

  • Make sure to also include the functions in the zip le you upload to Canvas

  • Reusing code: We encourage you to reuse your prior functions in the new functions. For the auto-graded assignments, if you want to use a previous function you have written (for example robot2global), simply copy-paste it below the function you are writing

Dynamics and measurement functions (40 points)

In lab 2, you will be localizing the robot using di erent lters and di erent measurements. In this section you will set up the required dynamics and measurement functions.

  1. Given that the control action/inputs are the odometry information (distance traveled, angle turned), what function would you use as g(xt 1; ut)? Explain. (Hint: you already wrote the function in Homework 2).

  1. Given that the measurement is a depth measurement, what function would you use as h(xt) to predict the measurement? Explain. (Hint: you already wrote the function in Homework 2).

  1. Given that the measurement is \GPS” like information (given by the overhead localization/true pose, i.e. [x; y; ]), explain and write a function hGPS.m that predict the measurement (This should be very simple). Submit this function in the autograded assignment Homework4 hGPS.m on Canvas.

  1. In order to use an EKF, one needs to calculate the Jacobian of the update and measurement func-

tions at a given state. Write out the Jacobian Gt =


. Write the function GjacDiffDrive.m

@xt 1

to output Gt for a particular pose x. Submit this function in the autograded assignment Homework4 GjacDiffDrive.m on Canvas.

  1. Write the le HjacDepth.m to output Hdeptht at a particular xt. Explain how you calculate this. (Hint: di erentiating the function is di cult, think about using nite di erences instead). Submit this function in the autograded assignment Homework4 HjacDepth.m on Canvas.

  1. Write out the Jacobian HGP St = @h@x . Write the function HjacGPS.m to output HGP St at a particular xt (Again, this should be VERY simple). Submit this function in the autograded assignment Homework4 HjacGPS.m on Canvas.

Extended Kalman Filter(15 points)

In the lab, you will be using the EKF with di erent measurements. To make switching between measurement types easy, in this section you will write a generic EKF that takes as input the measurement and update functions and as such, can be reused.

Write the le EKF.m to perform one prediction & update step of the EKF. To make this le very generic, the functions from the previous section should be inputs to this function and should be passed as anonymous functions (details at the end of the problem set).

What are the inputs to the function EKF? what are the outputs?

This function is evaluated in the autograded assignment Homework4 testEKF.m on Canvas, where you will have to call your lter to produce the estimated location at time t given all the information in time t 1 (i.e. one time step).

Particle Filter(15 points)

Same as the EKF, it is best to write a generic particle lter that can be reused later on.

Write a function PF.m that takes in an initial particle set, odometry and depth measurements, prediction and update functions and outputs a new particle set.

Assume there is an in nite wall at y = 1, the robot moved one meter forward (d = 1; = 0), and all 9 depth measurements are 2 meters. Create an initial particle set of size 30 with uniform distribution in x 2 [ 1; 1], y 2 [ 3; 1] and = 90o, plot the wall, the initial particle set (x,y position only for each particle), and the particle set after one iteration of the particle lter on the same plot. Use one marker shape for the initial particles and another marker shape for the nal particles.

Running the lters in the simulator (115 points)

  1. Write a function motionControl.m. This function should drive the robot in di erent directions while reacting to the bump sensor (so that the robot does not try to drive through a wall). The control should be independent of the location and deterministic. Furthermore, this function should:

    1. Call the sensor information (using the function readStoreSensorData.m provided in HW 1)

    1. Call integrateOdom.m and store the dead reckoning information in dataStore.deadReck

    1. Have a clearly identi able and well commented section describing how to switch between the three methods described below (EKF with GPS data, EKF with depth data, PF with depth data). You will need to be able to switch between these three methods for lab 2. See Questions 4, 5, and 6 for more details.

  1. In motionControl.m, create new elds datastore.ekfMu and datastore.ekfSigma (robot pose mean and covariance, respectively).

  1. Initialize dataStore.deadReck and datastore.ekfMu to the true initial pose (from dataStore.truthPose) and datastore.ekfSigma to [2; 0; 0; 0; 2; 0; 0; 0; 0:1]. De ne a new variable R (process noise covariance matrix) and set it to 0:01I. De ne a new variable Q (measurement noise covariance matrix) and set it to 0:001I. What are the dimensions of R and Q?

  1. EKF with GPS data:

    1. Create noisy GPS measurement by adding gaussian noise to the true pose. What should the noise distribution be? Record this data in dataStore.GPS.

(b) In the simulator, load cornerMap and place the robot somewhere near [ 4; 2; 0]. Create and load a con g le with noise on the depth measurements and the odomerty. What values did you choose for the noise? Make sure the values make sense with respect to R and Q.

  1. In motionControl.m, call the EKF with the noisy GPS data and the appropriate functions (dynamics and measurement).


  1. Run motionControl.m in the simulator. On the same gure, plot the map and three nal trajec-tories (x,y): dataStore.truthPose (the data from overhead localization), dataStore.deadReck (from integrating the odometry only), and datastore.ekfMu (estimate from the EKF). Also plot the 1- ellipses from datastore.ekfSigma. Note, you only need to plot the x,y position and not the orientation.(You may use the provided function plotCovEllipse.m or any other function that plots ellipses. If you do, make sure to cite the source).

  1. Place the robot somewhere near [ 4; 2; 0] again. Repeat 4(b{d) using a di erent initialization for the lter (we want to see what happens to the estimate if the initial belief is di erent):

0 = [ 2; 1:5; =2] and 0 = [4; 0; 0; 0; 4; 0; 0; 0; 0:02]. (Initialize datastore.deadreckon to the same initial pose estimate 0 here in (e).)

    1. Compare the results of 4(d) and 4(e) – How does the initial estimate a ect the robot’s estimate?

  1. EKF with depth data: In motionControl.m, call the EKF with the depth data and the appropriate functions (dynamics and measurement). Make sure to write comments in motionControl.m on how to switch between using the GPS and depth measurements.

    1. Repeat 3 and 4(b,d). Make sure the dimension of R,Q are correct.

    1. Repeat 5(a) using R= 0:001I and Q= 0:01I.

    1. Compare the results from 5(a) and 5(b). How do the process and measurement noise covariances a ect the robot’s estimate?

    1. Does the lter behave as you’d expect? Why or why not?

    1. What are some of the problems with using an EKF with depth measurements?

    1. What errors do you expect to see when you run the EKF on the physical robot in the lab?

  1. PF with depth data: In motionControl.m, create new eld datastore.particles. Generate an initial particle set of size 20, with x-location sampled from a uniform distribution between [ 5; 0], y-location sampled from a uniform distribution between [ 5; 5], and sampled from a uniform distri-bution between [ 0:2; 0:2]. Initialize the particle weights to be uniform. Call the PF with the depth data and the appropriate functions (dynamics and measurement). Make sure to write comments in motionControl.m on how to switch between using the EKF and using the PF.

(a) In the simulator, load cornerMap and place the robot somewhere near [ 4; 2; 0]. Load your noisy con g le and run motionControl.m.

  1. Plot the initial particles on the map (plot the x,y positions as well as headings).

  1. Plot the nal particles on the map (x,y position only).

  1. For each time step, choose the particle with the highest weight and plot it. You will get the \best” trajectory. Do this for 5 additional particles and plot the 5 trajectories on the same map. Also plot the true trajectories (from datastore.truthPose).

  1. Repeat 6(a{d) using a particle set of size 500.

  1. Does the lter behave as you’d expect? Why or why not?

  1. How does the size of the particle set a ect the robot’s estimate?

  1. How else could you represent the robot’s estimate (other than just looking at the highest weight particle)? Plot the trajectory of that estimate. Is it closer to the truth?

Comparing Filters (30 points)

Fill out the following table:



Assumptions about

This lter is



the system

appropriate when

Kalman lter

Extended Kalman lter

Particle lter

Using functions as inputs

As previously mentioned, for re-usability, we can send the dynamics, measurement and Jacobian functions

as parameters to our lter. There are two ways to do this, but only one that is accepted with Autograder

on Canvas. Below is a simple example and link for extra information (assume robot2global is de ned


Anonymous functions –

r2g = @(pose, p_xy) robot2global(pose, p_xy); MyComplicatedFilter(r2g)

function MyComplicatedFilter(converter)

  • some calculations to get my_pose, my_xyR y = converter(my_pose, my_xyR);

return y

More information: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/anonymous-functions.html


Homework 4 Autonomous Mobile Robots Solution
$35.00 $29.00