Write the basic construction of CBC-MAC.
Let h : f0; 1gn+t ! f0; 1gn be a xed-length compression function. Suppose we forgot a few features of Merkle-Damgard and construct H as follows:
Value x is input.
Split x into y0; x1; : : : ; xk. Where y0 is n bits and xi (for i = 1; : : : ; k) is t bits.. The last piece xk may be padded with zeroes.
For i = 1; : : : ; k, set yi = h(yi 1jjxi). Output yk.
It’s similar to Merkle-Damgard except no IV and the nal padding block is missing.
Describe an easy way to nd two messages that are broken up into the same number of pieces, which have the same hash value under H.
Describe an easy way to nd two messages that are broken up into a di erent number of pieces, which have the same hash value under H. Hint: Pick any string of length n + 2t, and nd a shorter string that collides with it.
Neither of your collisions above should involve nding a collision in h!
Hash Functions
I designed H : f0; 1g ! f0; 1gn. I make H(x) = x if x is n-bit string { but assume H’s behavior is more complicated on strings of other lengths. This way we know there are no collisions among n-bit strings. Is this a good design decision?
Prove that the following modi cations of basic CBC-MAC do not yield a secure MAC (even for xed-length messages).
Mac outputs all blocks t1; : : : ; t‘ rather than just t‘. Veri cation only checks if t‘ is correct.
A random initial block is used each time a message is authenticated. That is, choose a uniform t0 2 f0; 1gn, run basic CBC-MAC over the \message” t0; m1; : : : ; m‘ and output tag ht0; t‘i. Veri cation is done in a natural way.
Digital Signature
Let ( |
G;S;V |
) be a secure signature scheme with |
message space |
f |
0; 1 |
g |
n, and security parameter |
. Let (pk0; sk0) $ G(1 ) and (pk1; sk1) $ G(1 |
) be two pairs of signing/veri cation keys. |
Which of the following are secure signature schemes? Show an attack or prove security.
(S1; V1):
Sign. S1((sk0; sk1); m) : Output (S(sk0; m); S(sk1; m)).
Verify. V1((pk0; pk1); m; ( 0; 1)): Output 1 if (V (pk0; m; 0) _ V (pk1; m; 1)), 0 otherwise.
I.e., the veri cation accepts if one of the two signatures accepts.
(S2; V2)
Sign. S2((sk0; sk1); (mL; mR)): Output (S(sk0; mL); S(sk1; mR)).
Verify. V2((pk0; pk1); (mL; mR); ( 0; 1)): Output 1 if (V (pk0; mL; 0)^V (pk1; mR; 1)), 0 otherwise. I.e., both veri cations must accept.