Homework 4 Solution

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Part 1: EXPLAIN Yourself In the solutions for Homework 2, I gave several ways of writing the same query. For part 1B: No Subquery with DISTINCT SELECT within a SELECT JOIN as a Filter Using an IN Subquery as a Filter Formal Left Semijoin Run a SQL EXPLAIN on each of these queries. Just copy…

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Part 1: EXPLAIN Yourself

In the solutions for Homework 2, I gave several ways of writing the same query. For part 1B:

  1. No Subquery with DISTINCT

  1. SELECT within a SELECT

  1. JOIN as a Filter

  1. Using an IN Subquery as a Filter

  1. Formal Left Semijoin

Run a SQL EXPLAIN on each of these queries. Just copy and paste the query from the solutions into a text editor and make any corrections so that it will run. The EXPLAIN output varies by implementation, but for PostgreSQL, you can read more about it here: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/using-explain. html.

Provide the output of each SQL EXPLAIN. Then write a paragraph (approximately) detailing what you notice overall (do not write a paragraph for each one). Which query appears to be the most e cient (intentionally vague)? What is your de nition of e cient? Pay attention to what is displayed in the output. PostgreSQL 11 is available on your Project 2 VM, but if you have issues with it, the Project 1 VM will still work.


Part 2: Here we Go Loopty-Loo!

Chapter 15/16 are rather tedious, so I have asked everyone to read this chapter. It is so tedious that it would take multiple lectures for me to address the class and also answer questions. While we have not focused on nitty-gritty math involved in disk block reads (aside from on the exam), it is important to be aware of it as you may be asked in which situation to use which join algorithm, and you will probably want to use this math to justify your response. Remember, data wins arguments.


  1. Suppose we have two relations L and R. The nested-loop join algorithm is presented below:

If L has 100,000 tuples, how many times is relation R scanned?

  1. The indexed nested-join loop is similar, but instead of doing a linear scan over R, we build an index on it.

  1. How many times is each tuple in both L and R scanned, assuming the index has not already been built?

  1. Suppose the cardinality of R and L is jRj and jLj respectively, and the number of blocks they occupied is bR and bL. The memory has M blocks. The index occupies N blocks. On average, there are J matching R tuples per an L tuple. In the worst case, what is the number of block transfers required for this join if we assume R is indexed with a B+-tree? Perform this computation both with and without the index precomputed on the join key.

Part 3: There’s Nothing Wrong with Being Abnormal Unless you are a Relation

1. Suppose that we decompose the schema R(A; B; C; D; E; F ) into R1 = (A; B; C; F ) and R2 = (A; D; E). Given the following functional dependencies hold, is the decomposition lossless? Explain your answer.

    • = fA ! BC; CD ! E; B ! D; E ! Ag

  1. List non-trivial functional dependencies satis ed by the following relation. You do not need to nd

all dependencies. In other words, please F , but there is no need to nd F +. It is enough to identify a set F of functional dependencies that imply all functional dependencies satis ed by this relation.

















  1. Assume the following set of functional dependencies hold for the relation R(A; B; C; D; E; F ) : F = fA ! BC; C ! E; B ! Dg

Is R in Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)? Explain your answer. If it is not, normalize it into a set of relations in BCNF such that the decomposition is lossless.

  1. Suppose we have a relation R(A; B; C; D) with a multivalued dependency (MVD) A BC. If we know that the tuples (a; b1; c1; d1); (a; b2; c2; d2); (a; b3; c3; d3) are in the current instance of R, what other tuples do we know must also be in R?

  1. For relation R(A; B; C; D; E; F ), suppose a functional dependency AB ! E and two multivalued dependencies AB C and A B hold. Is R in 4NF? Explain your answer. If not, normalize it into 4NF.

  1. Consider the following relational schema describing musical events in Los Angeles in some prior decade. Assume each event has at least one band. Bands stick to one genre of music and they do not visit the same venue twice in the same year.

Venue Year Band


  • 1999 Mighty Mighty Bosstones ska



Mighty Mighty Bosstones




Mighty Mighty Bosstones




Porcupine Tree


Is this relation in 2NF? 3NF? Determine the functional dependencies and keys and justify your answer.

7. We now modify the schema to include the number of attendees:

Venue Year Band


  • 1999 Mighty Mighty Bosstones 10000



Mighty Mighty Bosstones




Mighty Mighty Bosstones




Porcupine Tree


Is the new schema in 2NF? 3NF?


Homework 4 Solution
$30.00 $24.00