In this homework you will implement a semantic checker and a simple translator for \CSML” programming language for which you have implemented a parser in the last assignment. A bison/ ex implementation is provided to you, so even if you were not able to complete the previous assignment you can continue from the provided parser implementation. However, there can be modi cations needed on these les to implement the required features of the semantic checker/translator. You will have to add the construction of an abstract syntax tree and perform the semantic checks on this tree.
For the CSML syntax, please refer to the previous assignment where it was explained in detail. The semantic rules that you have to check are listed below. Here is a grammatically correct but semantically incorrect CSML program which will be used to explain several semantic errors:
<course code=”CS192″ name= Programming Languages type=”Lecture”>
<class section=”0″ instructor= Husnu Yenigun crn=20258 capacity=60>
3<meeting day=R start=08:40 end=10:30>
<meeting start=08:40 end=09:30 day=F/>
7 </class>
8 <course code=”CS301R” name=”Algorithms-Recitation” type=”Recitation”>
9<class section=”0″ instructor= Husnu Yenigun crn=20257>
<meeting start=17:40 day=M end=18:40/>
<item code=”CS305″/>
<item crn=20257/>
Figure 1: An example CSML program with a lot of semantic errors
Semantic Rules
Your semantic checker should perform an analysis for the following semantic rules. For each violation of these rules, your semantic analyzer must print out an error mes-sage. Note that, after printing out an error message, your semantic analyzer must not terminate and keep working to nd other violations, if there exists any.
SR1: There must be exactly one occurrence of each attribute in a course element (15 points)
Each course section should have exactly one course code attribute, one course name attribute and one course type attribute.
These attributes can be given in any order.
The following is a correct class element:
<course code=”CS305″ name= Programming Languages type=”Lecture”>
whereas the following is incorrect as there are three code attributes and no name attribute:
course code=”CS305″ type=”Lecture” code=”CS306″ code=”CS307″
When there are more than attribute of the same type in the attribute list of a course element, or when there is a missing attribute in the attribute list of a course element, you must produce an error message in the following format:
ERROR: course element at line X has Y occurrences of type
where X is the line number in the input at which the corresponding tCOURSE token appears, Y is the number of occurrences of the corresponding attribute, and type is the problematic attribute.
For example, the erroneous course element given above should produce the follo-wing error messages:
ERROR: course element at line 2 has 3 occurrences of code
ERROR: course element at line 2 has 0 occurrences of name
SR2: There must be exactly one occurrence of each attribute in a class element (15 points)
Each class element should have exactly one section attribute, one instructor attribute, one crn attribute, and one capacity attribute.
These attributes can be given in any order.
The following is a correct class element:
<class section=”0″ instructor=”Husnu Yenigun” crn=20759 capacity=192>
whereas the following is incorrect as there are three section attributes, two crn attributes and no capacity attribute:
crn=1 section=”0″ crn=1 section=”1″ section=”2″
instructor=”Nice Newday”
When there are more than attribute of the same type in the attribute list of a class element, or when there is a missing attribute in the attribute list of a class element, you must produce an error message in the following format:
ERROR: class element at line X has Y occurrences of type
where X is the line number in the input at which the corresponding tCLASS token appears, Y is the number of occurrences of the corresponding attribute, and type is the problematic attribute.
For example, the erroneous class element given above should produce the follo-wing error messages:
ERROR: class element at line 2 has 3 occurrences of section
ERROR: class element at line 2 has 2 occurrences of crn
ERROR: class element at line 2 has 0 occurrences of capacity
SR3: There must be exactly one occurrence of each attribute in a meeting element (15 points)
Each meeting element should have exactly one start attribute, one end attribute, and one day attribute.
These attributes can be given in any order.
The following is a correct class element:
<meeting start=10:40 end=12:40 day=M />
whereas the following is incorrect as there are two start attributes and no day attribute:
end=12:40 start=11:40
When there are more than attribute of the same type in the attribute list of a meeting element, or when there is a missing attribute in the attribute list of a meeting element, you must produce an error message in the following format:
ERROR: meeting element at line X has Y occurrences of type
where X is the line number in the input at which the corresponding tMEETING token appears, Y is the number of occurrences of the corresponding attribute, and type is the problematic attribute.
For example, the erroneous meeting element given above should produce the following error messages:
ERROR: meeting element at line 2 has 2 occurrences of start
ERROR: meeting element at line 2 has 0 occurrences of day
SR4: Constraints cannot refer to an unde ned code or unde ned crn (15 points)
In a constraint element, an item can mention either a code or a crn. The code/crn referenced in an item must be de ned in the CSML le.
For example, suppose that we are given the following CSML le:
<course code=”CS305″ name= Programming Languages type=”Lecture”> <class section=”0″ instructor= Husnu Yenigun crn=20258 capacity=60>
<meeting day=R start=08:40 end=10:30> </class>
<item code=”CS305″/>
<item crn=20257/>
<course code=”CS301R” name=”Algorithms-Recitation” type=”Recitation”>
<class section=”0″ instructor= Husnu Yenigun crn=20257 capacity=50> <meeting start=17:40 day=M end=18:40/>
<item code=”CS306″/>
<item crn=20257/>
<item code=”CS305″/>
<item crn=20258/>
The rst constraint element given between the two course elements is valid, since this constraint refers to a course with code=”CS305″ and a section with a crn=20257 which are both de ned in the same CSML le. Note that, crn=20257 is actually de ned after the constraint element refers to it, but this is okay.
On the other hand, the second and the third constraint elements given at the end of the le have errors. The second constraint element refers to code=”CS306″ and the third constraint element refers to crn=20258, whereas neither a course with code=”CS306″ nor a class with crn=20258 is de ned in this CSML le.
When a constraint refers to an unde ned code/crn, you should produce an error message in the following format:
ERROR: constraint at line X refers to an undefined code=….
ERROR: constraint at line X refers to an undefined crn=….
where X is the line number at which the token tCONSTRAINT appears.
For example, for the erroneous constraint elements given above you should pro-duce the following error messages:
ERROR: constraint at line 15 refers to an undefined code=”CS306″
ERROR: constraint at line 19 refers to an undefined crn=20258
If the input le is syntactically and semantically correct, then the translator part of your program must translate the input CSML program into an equivalent CSML program as explained below:
Pretty print (20 points)
The whitespace characters in programs are typically used for increasing the rea-dability of the source code. These whitespace characters usually don’t a ect the syntax/semantics of the programs. There are well{established conventions for the use of whitespace characters (e.g. every statement appears on a separate line, the constructs enclosed in another construct are indented to re ect the enclosure, etc.). A \pretty printer” is a translator from a programming language into the same programming language which simply reads a source code and re{writes it using the appropriate indentations, and by adding/removing other white space characters. Such pretty printers exist as a standalone translator, or sometimes they are part of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). For example, in Visual Studio, as you type your code, it automatically corrects indentations to make the code more readable.
The rst feature that we will implement in our translator is such a pretty printer. The rules for pretty printing CSML programs are given below:
Each line contains only one tag.
When there are nested elements, inner elements have one more indent. Each indent is tab character. For example in Figure 1 at line 13, item tag is in-dented with one tab character since it is inner element of constraint element.
Unnecessary white spaces should be removed.
<constraint ><item code=”CS305″/>< item crn=2057/></ constraint>
Each indent is given by a tab.
The below output is the pretty printed version of above example input.
<item code=”CS305″/>
<item crn=2057/>
Reordering the element list (20 points)
In CSML programs, the elements can be nested. However when we consider the top level, we see that a CSML program is a list of elements and these top level elements can be either a course element or a constraint element.
On the other hand there is no restriction on the order of elements at the top level. In other words, the rst top level element can be course element, and it can be followed by a constraint element, after which we can have another course element (e.g. see Figure 2 below).
The translator part of your program must print out the same CSML program read from the input, by following a very simple ordering rule. First the course
<course code=”CS305″ name= Programming Languages type=”Lecture”> <class section=”0″ instructor= Husnu Yenigun crn=20258 capacity=60>
<meeting start=17:40 day=M end=18:40/> </class>
<item code=”CS305″/>
<item crn=2057/>
<course code=”CS301R” name=”Algorithms-Recitation” type=”Recitation”> <class section=”0″ instructor= Husnu Yenigun crn=20257 capacity=50>
<meeting start=17:40 day=M end=18:40/> </class>
Figure 2: Another example CSML program
elements must be listed. Then the constraint elements must be printed. You can assume that the ordering is applied only to main element list, the outer most element list.
As an example, for the CSML program given in Figure 2, your translator must produce the CSML program given in Figure 3.
The program must print all the outputs (i.e. error message and the translated program) to the console.
If there are errors (violations of the semantic rules explained in Section 2) in the given CSML program, you must detect all these errors and print out the corresponding error messages, and then the program must terminate. That is, no translation will take place for an erroneous CSML program.
However if there are no errors in the given CSML program, then you must print out the translated form of the CSML program as explained in Section 3.
How to Submit
You can use the bison/ ex les provided to you while developing the semantic checker and the translator for CSML. It is also acceptable if you modify these les and write your bison and ex les by yourselves.
<course code=”CS305″ name= Programming Languages type=”Lecture”> <class section=”0″ instructor= Husnu Yenigun crn=20258 capacity=60>
<meeting start=17:40 day=M end=18:40/> </class>
<course code=”CS301R” name=”Algorithms-Recitation” type=”Recitation”> <class section=”0″ instructor= Husnu Yenigun crn=20257 capacity=50>
<meeting start=17:40 day=M end=18:40/> </class>
<item code=”CS305″/>
<item crn=2057/>
Figure 3: Ordered form of the CSML program of Figure 2
Submit your les named as id-hw4.y, id-hw4.flx, id-hw4.h, and id-hw4.c where id is your student ID. We will compile your les by using the following commands:
flex id-hw4.flx
bison -d id-hw4.y
gcc -o id-hw4 lex.yy.c id-hw4.c -lfl
So, make sure that these three commands are enough to produce the executable se-mantic checker and translator. If we assume that there is a text le named test having a CSML program, we will execute your semantic checker/translator by using the follo-wing command line:
id-hw4 < test
The output should be displayed on the screen.
Important: SUCourse’s clock may be o a couple of minutes. Take this into account to decide when to submit.
No homework will be accepted if it is not submitted using SUCourse. You must write your les by yourself.
Start working on the homework immediately.