Homework 6: Quadratic programs

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Enclosing circle. Given a set of points in the plane xi 2 R2, we would like to nd the circle with smallest possible area that contains all of the points. Explain how to model this as an optimization problem. To test your model, generate a set of 50 random points using the code X =…

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  1. Enclosing circle. Given a set of points in the plane xi 2 R2, we would like to nd the circle with smallest possible area that contains all of the points. Explain how to model this as an optimization problem. To test your model, generate a set of 50 random points using the code X = 4 .+ randn(2,50) (this generates a 2 50 matrix X whose columns are the xi). Produce a plot of the randomly generated points along with the enclosing circle of smallest area.

To get you started, the following Julia code generates the points and plots a circle:

using PyPlot

X = 4 .+ randn(2,50)

# generate 50

random points

t = range(0,stop=2*3.141592654,length=100)

# parameter

that traverses the circle

r = 2; x1 = 4; x2 = 4

# radius and

coordinates of the center

plot( x1 .+ r*cos.(t), x2 .+ r*sin.(t))

# plot circle

radius r with center (x1,x2)

scatter( X[1,:], X[2,:], color=”black”)


plot the 50




make x and y

scales equal

  1. Quadratic form positivity. You’re presented with the constraint:

2x2 + 2y2 + 9z2 + 8xy 6xz 6yz 1


  1. Write the constraint (1) in the standard form vTQv 1. Where Q is a symmetric matrix. What is Q and what is v?

  1. It turns out the above constraint is not convex. In other words, the set of (x; y; z) satisfying the constraint (1) is not an ellipsoid. Explain why this is the case.

Note: you can perform an orthogonal decomposition of a symmetric matrix Q in Julia like this:

(Lambda,U) = eigen(Q) # Lambda is the vector of eigenvalues and U is orthogonal

U * diagm(Lambda) * U’ # this is equal to Q (as long as Q was symmetric to begin with)

  1. We can also write the constraint (1) using norms by putting it in the form: kAvk2 k Bvk2 1

What is v and what are the matrices A and B that make the constraint above equivalent to (1)?

  1. Explain how to nd (x; y; z) that satis es the constraint (1) and that has arbitrarily large magni-tude (i.e. x2 + y2 + z2 is as large as you like).

CS/ECE/ISyE 524 Introduction to Optimization Steve Wright, Spring 2021

3. Lasso regression. Consider the data (x; y) plotted below, available in lasso_data.csv.

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Homework 6: Quadratic programs
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