This assignment tests your ability to create and implement a class hierarchy and design polymorphic classes using virtual methods.
Read the provided header file documentation for instructions on method behavior. In addition to documenta-tion, I provide several tests which will link to your classes and provide basic illustration of class functionality.
I have provided you a set of test apps which you may use to ensure that your code is, at least partially, correct. I would suggest a more rigorous testing scheme, especially testing your assignment operator. If you would like some guidance here, ask me in class.
Late assignments CANNOT be accepted.
The point allocation is as follows:
Compilation of Mean::Collect: 14 points.
Correct behavior of Mean::Collect: 1 points.
Compilation of Mean::Calculate: 14 points.
Correct behavior of Mean::Calculate: 2 points.
Compilation of Median::Collect: 14 points.
Correct behavior of Median::Collect: 1 points.
Compilation of Median::Calculate: 14 points.
Correct behavior of Median::Calculate: 2 points.