Homework 6 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

This homework is to write a mini report about certificates. Please follow the instructions to prepare your report. The report needs to clearly consist of the following three parts: Overview: Your understanding about certificates. Certificates: Use OpenSSL to create a CA self-signed certificate and your certificate which is signed by CA’s private key. Your certificate…

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  1. This homework is to write a mini report about certificates. Please follow the instructions to prepare your report. The report needs to clearly consist of the following three parts:

    1. Overview: Your understanding about certificates.

    1. Certificates: Use OpenSSL to create a CA self-signed certificate and your certificate which is signed by CA’s private key. Your certificate should bear you name, college name, department name, email, etc. You need to install CA’s certificate into your computer. Thus, your certificate can be verified successfully. You need to show the .csr file, the certificates and the verification result of your certificate in your report. You can use screenshots to demonstrate them.

    1. Application: Find an application that uses certificates and report how the certificates are used for security functions in the application.

  1. The report should be at least 3 pages long with 1.5 line spacing, 12-point font and moderate page margin. The format of this homework sheet is as above specified.

  1. Submit your report in the pdf format to the course website (E3) by the due date.

  1. There is no on-site test for this homework.

Homework 6 Solution
$30.00 $24.00