HW14 Convert Infix Expression to Postfix Expression Solution

$35.00 $29.00

You should be able to reuse `list.c` and `list.h` from HW13. If your `list.c` was incorrect, this assignment gives you a chance to obtain scores if your `list.c` is correct for HW14. Learning Goals ============== * Understand stack * Implement stack using linked list * Convert Infix to Postfix Infix and Postfix ================= One advantage…

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You should be able to reuse `list.c` and `list.h` from HW13.

If your `list.c` was incorrect, this assignment gives you a chance to obtain scores if your `list.c` is correct for HW14.

Learning Goals


* Understand stack

* Implement stack using linked list

* Convert Infix to Postfix

Infix and Postfix


One advantage of postfix is that the precedence of operations is already

in postfix expression. Consider the following examples:

Infix | Postfix


6 + 3 – 5 | 6 3 + 5 –

6 + 3 * 5 | 6 3 5 * +

(6 + 3) * 5 | 6 3 + 5 *

Each input line can be one of the following

1. A number

2. An operator `+`, `-`, or `*`

3. An open parenthesis `(`

4. A close parenthesis `)`

For simplicity, you may assume that the infix inputs are always valid.

Example 1


A stack of operators is used to keep track of the order

Consider the input A * B + C (A, B, C are numbers).

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[]` (empty)

Output | `[]` (empty)

First, A is a number and it is added to the output.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[]` (empty)

Output | `[A]`

Next, the operator * is seen. It is pushed to the operator stack.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[*]`

Output | `[A]`

The operand B is seen. B is added to the output.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[*]`

Output | `[A B]`

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[*]`

Output | `[A B]`

Next, read the operator +. **Since it has lower precedence, pop * and add it to the output.** Push + to the stack.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[+]`

Output | `[A B *]`

The operand C is added to the output.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[+]`

Output | `[A B * C]`

Nothing is left in the input. Pop the stack and append it to the end of the output.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[]`

Output | `[A B * C +]`

Example 2


Consider the input A + B * C

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[]` (empty)

Output | `[]` (empty)

A is a number and it is added to the output.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[]` (empty)

Output | `[A]`

Next, the operator + is seen. It is pushed to the operator stack.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[+]`

Output | `[A]`

The operand B is seen. B is added to the output.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[+]`

Output | `[A B]`

Next, read the operator *. **It has a higher precedence than + in the

stack and push it to the stack.**

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[+*]`

Output | `[A B]`

The operand C is added to the output.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[+*]`

Output | `[A B C]`

Nothing is left in the input. Pop the stack and append it to the end of the output.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[+]`

Output | `[A B C *]`

Keep popping and appending to the end of the output.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[]`

Output | `[A B C * +]`

Example 3


Consider the input A * (B + C)

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[]` (empty)

Output | `[]` (empty)

A is a number and it is added to the output.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[]` (empty)

Output | `[A]`

Next, the operator * is seen. It is pushed to the operator stack.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[*]`

Output | `[A]`

An open parenthesis is seen. Push it to the stack.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[* (]`

Output | `[A]`

The operand B is seen and it is added to the output.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[* (]`

Output | `[A B]`

Next, read the operator + and push it to the stack.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[* ( +]`

Output | `[A B]`

The operand C is added to the output.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[* ( +]`

Output | `[A B C]`

Next, the close parenthesis is seen. **Pop the operator(s) in the stack until the open parenthesis is seen.**

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[*]`

Output | `[A B C + ]`

Nothing is left in the input. Pop the stack and append it to the end of the output.

Data Structure| Content


Operator Stack| `[]`

Output | `[A B C + *]`

Example 4


Consider the input (A + B) * (C + D) * (E + F).

Data Structure| Content | Action


Operator Stack| `[]` (empty) |

Output | `[]` (empty) |

Operator Stack| `[(]` | read and push `(`

Output | `[]` |

Operator Stack| `[(]` |

Output | `[A]` | read and output `A`

Operator Stack| `[(+]` | read and push `+`

Output | `[A]` |

Operator Stack| `[(+]` |

Output | `[A B]` | read and output `B`

Operator Stack| `[]` | read `)`, pop until `(`

Output | `[A B +]` |

Operator Stack| `[*]` | read and push `*`

Output | `[A B +]` |

Operator Stack| `[* (]` | read and push `(`

Output | `[A B + ]` |

Operator Stack| `[* (]` |

Output | `[A B + C]` | read and output `C`

Operator Stack| `[* ( +]` | read and push `+`

Output | `[A B + C]` |

Operator Stack| `[* ( +]` |

Output | `[A B + C D]` | read and output `D`

Operator Stack| `[* ]` | read `)`, pop until `(`

Output | `[A B + C D +]` |

Operator Stack| `[]` | read `*`. It has the same precedence, pop `*` and add to output

Output | `[A B + C D + *]` |

Operator Stack| `[* ]` | push `*`

Output | `[A B + C D + *]` |

Operator Stack| `[* (]` | read and push `(`

Output | `[A B + C D + *]` |

Operator Stack| `[* (]` | read and output `E`

Output | `[A B + C D + * E]` |

Operator Stack| `[* ( +]` | read and push `+`

Output | `[A B + C D + * E]` |

Operator Stack| `[* ( +]` |

Output | `[A B + C D + * E F]` | read and output `F`

Operator Stack| `[* ]` | read `)`, pop until `(`

Output | `[A B + C D + * E F + ]` |

Operator Stack| `[]` | pop the stack and output

Output | `[A B + C D + * E F + *]` |




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HW14 Convert Infix Expression to Postfix Expression Solution
$35.00 $29.00