HW4: Classical Planning and Constraint Satisfaction Solution

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Classical Planning Suppose we have a blocks world problem as shown in the following gure. The world is made up of cube blocks and pyramid blocks. These is also a table which all of the objects can rest on. Your agent has two actions available to it: pick up(x,y) and place(x,y), where y is the…

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  • Classical Planning

Suppose we have a blocks world problem as shown in the following gure. The world is made up of cube blocks and pyramid blocks. These is also a table which all of the objects can rest on. Your agent has two actions available to it: pick up(x,y) and place(x,y), where y is the location that object x is currently on or will be placed on.

  1. De ne the preconditions and postconditions (add and delete lists) for the two actions. As-sume the agent can only pick up a single object with nothing on it, that it can only hold a single object at a time, and that it can only place the object on a horizontally- at, open surface.

  1. How would you express a goal that there are two towers, each of height 3 blocks, with pyra-mids on top of each tower?

  1. Suppose we introduce a new type of plank object into the environment, which is long and skinny and must be supported by either the table or two blocks. What necessary changes would you have to make to your planning description to accommodate these changes?


HW4: Classical Planning and Constraint Satisfaction Solution
$30.00 $24.00