Lab 5: Search and Localize Solution

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Design objectives Implement a robot with ultrasonic and color sensors for determining the location and color of a ring without physical contact. Starting in a known corner, localizing to the grid, and performing a search along a specific path for a colored ring of known dimensions Design requirements The following design requirements must be met:…

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5/5 – (3 votes)

Design objectives

  1. Implement a robot with ultrasonic and color sensors for determining the location and color of a ring without physical contact.

  2. Starting in a known corner, localizing to the grid, and performing a search along a specific path for a colored ring of known dimensions

Design requirements

The following design requirements must be met:

  • The system must satisfy the design requirements from Lab 3 with respect to localization: o You must follow the (X,Y,θ) convention specific to this lab (refer toFigure 2).

o You are free to use any localization method (with or without light localization). o You arenotrequired to provide a way of selecting rising or falling edge.

o You donothave to wait for user input after completing ultrasonic or light localization.

  • The system must follow the same navigation requirements as in Lab 4:

  • The robot must navigate through a series of specified points using the minimal distance.

  • A list of waypoints must be provided in one location in the code.

  • The robot must use the grid system found on the play floor, where the origin is the starting corner of a tile.

  • Waypoints will be given with respect to the tile grid system. For example, (1, 0) will be located 30.48 cm to the right of the origin (0, 0).

  • When turning to a waypoint, the robot must use the minimal angle needed to turn to it.

  • Instructor and Teaching Assistant generated course materials (e.g., handouts, notes, summaries, assignments, exam questions, etc.) are protected by law and may not be copied or distributed in any form or in any medium without explicit permission of the instructor. Note that infringements of copyright can be subject to follow up by the University under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures.

ECSE 211 Design Principles & Methods


12 February 2020

Provided materials

Sample code

No sample code is provided for this lab.

Physical material

The four target rings inBlue,Green,Yellow, andOrange. An 8×8 grid floor will be used for this demonstration.

Implementation instructions

The implementation of this lab is at your discretion,using the design process methods discussed in class. Since this lab will be done in conjunction with the entire design team, you have the opportunity to explore different solution approaches. Keep in mind that with a larger team, it is important to delegate tasks in an effective manner. We highly suggest you meet as a team and discuss your strengths and how tasks should be fairly distributed.

Report Requirements

The following sections must be included in your report. Answer all questions in the report and copy them into your report. For more information, refer to the submission instructions. Always provide justifications and explanations for all your answers.

Important Note about Grading:

The grading rubric of this report has been altered. Section 1 (Design Evaluation) will now count for 10 of the 50 marks, and Section 5 (Further Improvements) will count for 5 out of the 50 marks.

Section 1: Design Evaluation

For Lab 5, we are asking that this section be longer than the half a page required for previous labs. Now that you will be working in larger groups, more thought should be put into the design process, workflow, and teamwork of this lab. This section now has a limit of about 2 pages.


  • How did you distribute tasks amongst team members? How did this distribution of work aid in the design process?

  • Instructor and Teaching Assistant generated course materials (e.g., handouts, notes, summaries, assignments, exam questions, etc.) are protected by law and may not be copied or distributed in any form or in any medium without explicit permission of the instructor. Note that infringements of copyright can be subject to follow up by the University under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures.

ECSE 211 Design Principles & Methods


12 February 2020

  • What was the timeline of your work? Did any aspect of the lab take you longer than expected?

  • Did your design process or workflow change drastically with more group members? How did you deal with this change in environment?

  • Include any flowcharts or graphics to help describe your workflow.

Hardware Design

  • Give a general overview of the hardware design. Include graphics or any images taken of your robot here.

  • How did you validate this hardware design prior to building it? If you did not, how could you include this step in the future?

Software Design

  • Give a general overview of the software design. Include graphics and diagrams here.

  • How did you validate your software design prior to running it on the robot? If you did not, how could you include this step in the future?

Section 2: Test Data

This section describes what data must be collected to evaluate your design requirements.

Collect the data using the methodology described below and present it in your report.

Model Acquisition(4×10 independent trials)

  • Collect a minimum of 10RGB color values for each ring color (i.e.Blue,Green,Yellow, and Orange).

  • The ring-to-sensor distance should be within the working range of the sensor (which you need to determine). You should ensure to sample different points on the surface.

Color and Position Identification(4 independent runs)

  • Set the robot to follow the navigation path from Map 4 (Figure 2).

  • Place all 4 rings in the search region as shown in Figure 2.

  • Run the field test 4 times:

o In each run, record (X, Y), the final position of the robot.


  • In each run, record the sampleRGB values ( sR , sG , sB ) for all the identified rings. These are used to evaluate your classifier’s performance.

  • In each run, record how many of the rings were detected and correctly color-identified.

  • Hint: you can write your measurements to the LCD or remote console program.

  • Instructor and Teaching Assistant generated course materials (e.g., handouts, notes, summaries, assignments, exam questions, etc.) are protected by law and may not be copied or distributed in any form or in any medium without explicit permission of the instructor. Note that infringements of copyright can be subject to follow up by the University under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures.


Lab 5: Search and Localize Solution
$24.99 $18.99