Project 4: Web Server Socket Programming Solution

$40.00 $34.00

1. Overview In Project 3, we built a multi-threaded web server using POSIX threads and synchronization mechanisms. While doing so, several utility functions were provided which helped you implement the network communication portion of the web server. In this project, you will be implementing the networking utility functions using POSIX socket programming. 2. Description The…

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1. Overview

In Project 3, we built a multi-threaded web server using POSIX threads and synchronization mechanisms. While doing so, several utility functions were provided which helped you implement the network communication portion of the web server. In this project, you will be implementing the networking utility functions using POSIX socket programming.

2. Description

The utility functions used in the web server are responsible for receiving requests and sending responses between clients and the server. We have provided a solution file for the Project 3 multi-threaded web server (server.c) that will integrate with the utility functions that you will write in util.c through the interface described in util.h.

There are five main utility functions that you must implement. The interface of each of these functions is described in detail in the provided util.h header file. A high-level overview of what each function should do is provided below.

void init(int port);

This function is run once by the web server main() during initialization to set up a socket for receiving client connection requests on the port provided. The newly created socket should be used by all dispatch threads for accepting client connection requests.

int accept_connection(void);

This function is called repeatedly by each dispatch thread to accept a new client connection request. If successful, it should return the new socket descriptor for communicating with the client.

int get_request(int fd, char *filename);

This function is called repeatedly by each dispatch thread after a call to accept_connection() to receive an HTTP GET request from the client. It should parse the request and, if successful, copy the requested file path into the filename output parameter.

int return_result(int fd, char *content_type, char *buf, int numbytes);

This function is called repeatedly by each worker thread to return a successfully handled file request back to the client.

int return_error(int fd, char *buf);

This function is called repeatedly by each worker thread to return a failed file request back to the client.

Only one request is serviced per connection, so return_result() and return_error() should close the socket when complete.

3. Returning Results

When a client makes a request to your web server, it will send an HTTP GET request formatted similar to the text below. For our web server, we only care about the first two strings (the request type and the file path) in the first line. Everything else can be safely ignored.

GET /path/to/file.html HTTP/1.1

(Other header information)

(Blank line)

When returning a file to the client, you should follow the HTTP protocol. Specifically, if everything went

OK, you should write back the following to the socket descriptor (each line ends in a newline):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: [content-type-here]

Content-Length: [file-length-in-bytes-here]

Connection: Close

(Blank line)


For example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/plain

Content-Length: 11

Connection: Close

Hello World

Similarly, if something went wrong, you should return an error back to the client by writing the following to the socket descriptor:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Content-Type: text/html

Content-Length: [error-message-length-in-bytes-here]

Connection: Close

(Blank line)


For example:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Content-Type: text/html

Content-Length: 25

Connection: Close

Requested file not found.

The C standard library functions sscanf() and sprintf() may be useful for formatting requests and responses.

4. Passive Socket Port Reuse

The web server may be terminated at any time. When an unexpected termination occurs, by default the port number used by the web server continues to be held by the OS until a timeout has occurred. To avoid having to wait for the port number to be released after the timeout, the socket created for accepting client connection requests during init() should be setup for port reuse. This can be done using setsockopt() with the SO_REUSEADDR option. This will allow us to restart our server on the same port immediately after a previous run.

5. Request Error Handling

The web server may receive bad requests when dealing with many clients, some of whom may be sending malicious attacks. Malicious attacks may try to access files outside of the server root directory or cause a buffer overflow to gain access to or crash the server. Our network programming code should be able to handle invalid client requests without causing our web server to crash.

As always, you should error check your system calls and either exit() or return an error to the server code depending on the behavior described in util.h. For errors that do not result in termination of the server, you should also make sure to release any resources associated with that connection.

In addition, you should check for the following errors in client HTTP requests:

  • The first line of the request should contain at least two strings (the request type and the requested file) separated by a space

  • The request type should be a “GET” request

  • The requested file should not contain “..” or “//” and should be a maximum of 1023 bytes in length. This is to prevent a malicious user from being able to access a portion of the file system other than the web server file root

When parsing or manipulating strings, make sure that your implementation is thread-safe. Some C library functions that deal with string parsing are not thread-safe (refer to their man pages) and should therefore either be avoided or protected by a lock. Some non-thread-safe library functions also have a thread-safe alternative that can be used.

6. Extra Credit – Persistent Connection

In our basic web server at the end of Section 2 it is mentioned that each connection should only service a single request and then close the connection. This means that if a client wants to make many requests it must reestablish a connection (new TCP handshake, etc.) with the server for each request. This involves a fair amount of overhead for clients who intend to make many requests.

For extra credit, implement support for persistent connections for the web server. A persistent connection does not close after the server returns the result to the client. If the client sends another request, the same persistent connection is reused.

To specify that a connection should be persistent, instead of returning “Connection: Close” as part of the HTTP header, the server will return “Connection: Keep-Alive”. The server will keep the connection open (persistent) until there is no activity (no data sent/received) for 5 seconds. A client will include “Connection: Keep-Alive” (instead of “Connection: Close”) as part of its HTTP header to indicate that it would like to establish a persistent connection.

Your web server should be able to handle both non-persistent and persistent client connection requests. Non-persistent requests should be handled as described in the previous sections by closing the connection when the request has been handled. The general project tests cases will be run with non-persistent connections, so if you implement the extra credit ensure that non-persistent connections are still handled properly. For persistent requests, the server should not close the connection when finished with a single request. Instead, it should keep a timer (for 5 seconds), such that if no data is transferred over that connection, then it should be closed. After the timer expires, the server should close the connection.

wget by default requests persistent connections. To test non-persistent connections, use the “–no-http-keep-alive” option.

% wget –-no-http-keep-alive

Limited course staff assistance will be given for the extra credit.

7. How to run the server

Please refer to section 9 of Project 3.

The provided server.c solution requires the use of a cache so the cache_size command line argument provided must be greater than or equal to 1.

8. Provided Files and How to Use Them

We have provided some starter files which you should use to complete this assignment:

    • util.c: This is the only file that requires any modifications for this project (unless your group is implementing the persistent connection extra credit, in which case you may want to make modifications to server.c as well). We have provided a template file to get you started

    • server.c: A solution to the Project 3 portion of the web server

    • util.h, Makefile,, web_server_sol: All serve the same purpose as from Project 3 (please refer to section 10 of Project 3)

  1. How to test your server

Please refer to section 11 of Project 3 for most details.

To test return_result() and return_error(), it may be useful to examine the HTTP header that is being returned to the client. Use the “-S” flag on wget to print the server response.

% wget -S

By default, wget does not wait for the body of a 404 Not Found message. To test return_error(), use the “–content-on-error” flag on wget to receive the error message. If return_error() is successful, the error message sent to the client should be stored in the file name specified in the wget request.

  • wget –-content-on-error

  • cat not_a_file

Requested file not found.

10. Defines and Simplifying Assumptions

  1. The server should accept a backlog of up to 20 connection requests

  1. The maximum size of a GET request will be 2047 bytes (2048 byte buffer with NULL terminator)

    1. The maximum size of a GET response header (200 OK or 404 Not Found) will be 2047 bytes (2048 byte buffer with NULL terminator). Note that this is just for the header. The file size or error message may be much larger.

  1. Documentation

You must include a README containing the following information:

  • Your group ID and each member’s name and X500.

  • How to compile and run your program.

  • A brief explanation on how your program works.

  • Indicate if your group implemented the extra credit.

  • An explanation of your extra credit design choices and implementation.

  • Contributions of each team member towards the project development.

  • Your code should include comments that increase readability.

At the top of your README file, please include the following comment:

/* Test machine: CSELAB_machine_name

    • Name: <full name1>, [full name2, … ]

    • X500: <X500 for first name>, [X500 for second name, …] */

  1. Deliverables

One student from each group should upload to Canvas, a zip file containing the following files by the “Final” due date specified at the top of this document:

    1. Source codes (all files and folders related to .c and .h files, and Makefile)

    1. A README file

  1. Interim Evaluation

Your group needs to submit a 1-page interim report and your util.c source file as a zip file by the “Interim” due date specified at the top of this document. This submission should be made to the same assignment on Canvas as the final submission.

Requirements: Your web server should be able to accept connections and print out the first line of a single received request. Only the first line is required since the web server does not care about the remaining portion of the GET request. At this point your web server does not have to handle parsing the request or

responding. In order to accomplish this you must have completed init(), accept_connection(), and a very small portion of get_request().

Submission: You should submit a zip file including the following:

  • util.c: We will check your implementation of the three functions mentioned above as well as the ability to print out a single request.

  • Interim Report PDF (max 1 page): You need to include the following:

  1. Group members’ names and X500s

    1. Screen capture of the printed out first line of a received GET request o Plan for work distribution among group members

o Plan for extra credit

  1. Grading (Tentative)


10% Documentation within code, coding, and style: indentations, readability of code, use of defined constants rather than numbers

15% Interim evaluation

70% Correctness, error handling, meeting the specification. Broken down, tentatively, as follow:

  • 20% for valid request handling

  • 10% for invalid request handling

  • 10% for error checking (system calls, C standard library I/O, etc.)

  • 30% for code evaluation and meeting the specification

Extra 10% for implementing the extra credit

We will use the GCC version installed on the CSELabs machines (i.e. 9.3.0) to compile your code. Make sure your code compiles and runs on CSELabs.

Please make sure that your program works on the CSELabs machines e.g., KH 4-250 ( You will be graded on one of these machines.

Project 4: Web Server Socket Programming Solution
$40.00 $34.00