Project 1: Color Classification and Recycling Bin Detection solved

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Problems In square brackets are the points assigned to each part. [25 pts] Train a probabilistic color model from pixel data to distinguish among red, green, and blue pixels. The data and starter code for this part is contained in the folder pixel classi cation. The data consists of a training set and validation set.…

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In square brackets are the points assigned to each part.

  1. [25 pts] Train a probabilistic color model from pixel data to distinguish among red, green, and blue pixels. The data and starter code for this part is contained in the folder pixel classi cation. The data consists of a training set and validation set. Each example in the training or validation sets is a 28 28 image with a single RGB value at all of its pixels. The images are split according to the three labels: red, green, blue. You must implement Logistic Regression or Na ve Bayes or Gaussian Discriminant Analysis for pixel color classi cation. You can implement either a trenary model (classifying one out of three classes) or three one-vs-all binary models. The provided les show how to collect the labeled training data in the standard format X 2 Rn 3 and y 2 f1; 2; 3gn, where 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue and n are the number of examples. Another le shows how to evaluate your model on the validation set. The algorithms you implement in this part will be helpful for and can be used directly in the next part of the project (of course, re-training with new/additional data will improve the blue classi er performance).

You should use the provided starter code \pixel classi” and implement the function \classify()”. For this le, please do not change the le name, class name, function names, or function arguments because they will be used by the Gradescope autograder. Also, do not use any built-in functions that implement a core part of this project (Logistic Regression, Na ve Bayes, Gaussian Mixtures, EM). If you are not sure, then ask the TAs if a particular package may be used.

  1. [30 pts] Train a probabilistic color model to recognize recycling-bin blue color and use it to segment unseen images into blue regions. Given the blue regions, detect blue recycling bins and draw a bounding box around each one. See Fig. 1 for an example image, containing one blue recycling bin. The data and starter code for this part is contained in the folder bin detection. You must implement one of the models from Part 1., either Logistic Regression or Na ve Bayes or Gaussian Discriminant Analysis for color classi cation. Similarly, your report must discuss the model you implement and the results it obtains on both the pixel classi cation and recycling bin detection tasks. Once you are done with the required model, you are free to (but it is completely optional and will not receive extra credit) try other machine learning approaches if you have time, e.g., decision trees, support vector machines, neural networks etc.


ECE 276A: Sensing & Estimation in Robotics Due: 11:59 pm, 02/02/2022

Figure 1: This project focuses on blue color classi cation and detection of a blue recycling bin based on its rectangular shape

Figure 2: Use the roipoly labeling tool to generate color model training data.

  • Unlike Part 1., color training data is not readily available here. Hand-label appropriate regions (polygonal sets of pixels) in the training images with discrete color labels as shown in Fig. 2, using the provided roipoly function3. We are especially interested in the recycling bin blue surface (positive examples) and regions containing similar-colored areas that are not a blue recycling bin (negative examples). Lighting invariance will be an issue, so you should consider what is an appropraite color space to use. Note that we are labeling recycling-bin-blue regions, not recycling bins. You should build a color classi er at least for recycling-bin-blue but using additional color classi ers (e.g., brown or dark green) might improve the performance.

  • You must implement and present results from a classi cation approach discussed in class (Logistic Regression or a Single Gaussian Generative Model). Your model must generalize to classifying pixels in new unseen images. To prevent over tting on the pixels from the training images, train your algorithms using the training set and evaluate their performance on the validation set. This will allow you to compare di erent parameters for the probabilistic models and di erent color space choices.

ECE 276A: Sensing & Estimation in Robotics Due: 11:59 pm, 02/02/2022

    • Once the color regions are identi ed, you can use shape statistics and other higher-level features to decide if there are any recycling bins and where they are located in the image. Try all possible combinations of (su ciently large) blue regions and compute a recycling-bin shape \similarity” score for each one. Identify the coordinates of a bounding box for the regions with high \similarity” score. The regionprops function from the scikit-image package4 will be particularly useful here. You can also use morphological operations5 (e.g., dilation or erosion) and the standard dimensions of a recycling bin, shown in Fig. 1, in case this information is useful for detection. Your algorithm should be able to quickly classify and display both color classi cation and bin detection results on a new set of test images.

    • You should use the provided starter code \bin” and implement the two functions \seg-ment image()” and \get bounding boxes()”. For this le, please do not change the le name, class name, function names, or function arguments because they will be used by the Gradescope auto-grader. Also, do not use any built-in functions that implement a core part of this project (Logistic Regression, Na ve Bayes, Gaussian Mixtures, EM). If you are not sure, then ask the TAs if a particular package may be used.

  1. Write a project report describing your approach to color classi cation and blue recycling bin detection. Your report should include the following sections:

    • [5 pts] Introduction: discuss why the problem is important and present a brief high-level overview of your approach

    • [10 pts] Problem Formulation: state the problem you are trying to solve in mathematical terms. This section should be short and clear and should de ne the quantities you are interested in using precise mathematical terms.

    • [20 pts] Technical Approach: describe your approach to color classi cation and recycling bin detection.

    • [10 pts] Results: present your training, validation, and test results, and discuss them { what worked, what did not, and why. Make sure your results include (a) the nal parameters used by your color classi cation models (e.g., the mean and covariance for Na ve Bayes or the weights for Logistic Regression), (b) examples of segmented color images showing the classi ed blue regions in Part. 2, and (c) the bounding box coordinates that your algorithm detects on each validation image. You should include discussion of your results and any other qualitative or quantitative results that will help present your work.


Project 1: Color Classification and Recycling Bin Detection solved
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