CSc: Software Design Laboratory Software Design Laboratory Assignment 4 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

In this assignment we write multiple Java classes in an inheritance hierarchy. As before, we will, first, rely on the Java SDK for certain tasks and design new data types while insuring maximum efficiency and reusability with fewer lines of code. Note: please do your own work, sharing and/or copying code and/or solution ideas with/from…

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In this assignment we write multiple Java classes in an inheritance hierarchy. As before, we will, first, rely on the Java SDK for certain tasks and design new data types while insuring maximum efficiency and reusability with fewer lines of code.

Note: please do your own work, sharing and/or copying code and/or solution ideas with/from others will result in a grade of 0 and disciplinary actions for all involved parties. If you run into any problems and have done your best to solve them, please see me before/after class or e-mail me.

Problem Description:

Implement the classes shown in the class diagram below (Figure 1). The notation used in this figure is detailed in Table 1. Please adhere to the names shown in the diagram. Some of the methods of the classes have been omitted as it is part of the assignment to decide on the best place to implement and/override certain methods. Use the provided test code and the sample output shown in Figure 2 to guide you through the class’ implementations.

Interface Comparable :

  • This is a JDK interface located under the java.util package. Class Shape implements this interface in order to define how two objects of type Shape should be compared when needed. We are interested in its sole compareTo method. Please refer to the class’ documentation for detailed information.

Class Shape

  • An abstract class which implements the Comprable interface and contains two abstract and non-abstract methods.

  • The non‐default constructor initializes the class’ private fields

  • toString: this method returns a space-delimited string of all the class’ variables. i.e. the values of

id, name, description, and color

Class Shape2D and Shape3D:

  • Abstract classes which inherits from class Shape.

  • The non‐default constructor initializes the class’ private fields

  • compareTo returns 0 if two are equal, -1 otherwise. Two objects of type Shape2D are equal if they have the same name, height, and width. For objects of Shape3D, the same applies as well as having the same length.

  • toString: this method returns the same value as its parent class with the height and width appended. In the case of class Shape3D, append the value of length.

Class QuadrilateralUsed to represent 90° angle quadrilateral 2D shapes

  • Inherits from class Shape2D



ℎ ℎ




ℎ ℎ ℎ

Class Quadrilateral3DUsed to represent 90° angle quadrilateral 3D shapes

  • Inherits from class Shape3D



ℎ ℎ




ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ

Class ShapeList:

  • setShapes points to an instance of type TreeSet. The set will hold objects of type Shape

  • add , checks if a similar Shape instance is already stored in the set setShapes. If it is, throw an exception of type

Exception and message

“Duplicate object”

. If it is not, add it and return





from TreeSet which


requires that the method

is overloaded. Do not write your own search code.

  • get2DShapes , returns a new set containing instances of supertype Shape2D. Hint: the following statement checks if the reference variable someRefVar points to an instance of type MyClass

if someRefVar instanceof MyClass

… … …

  • get3DShapes , returns a new set containing instances of supertype Shape3D.

  • printFormatted , prints a table containing the information from the set. See Figure 2 for the output’s format.


Part of the grades for each class will be dedicated for proper logic. For example, you should reuse code from the parent class when implementing certain methods. You should also implement methods in the right place to avoid duplicate code statements.



Class Shape


Class Shape2D


Class Shape3D


Class Quadrilateral


Class Quadrilateral3D


Class ShapeList



get2DShapes and get3DShapes




Correct output


Efficiency of code



Class diagram legend:

Symbol Description

An interface

A class

An abstract class or method

Private member

Public member

Final member

A hollowed arrow indicates inheritance

An open-ended arrow indicates composition

A dotted and hollowed arrow indicates implementation

Table 1: Legend

The City College of New York

Department of Compute Science

CSc 221: Software Design Laboratory

Figure 1: Class diagram

Duplicate shape, skipping: 5674,Red,107.18-6.33-199.49,Cube,A red cube

Duplicate shape, skipping: 3140,White,212.16-186.25-437.87,Cuboid,A white cuboid

Unrecognized shape, skipping: 9999,White,28.47-122.87,Triangle,An unrecognized shape

There are 15 2-Dimentional shapes

There are 13 3-Dimentional shapes










| ID

| Name

| Color |











| 3140

| Cuboid

| White |

$212.16:186.25:437.87 |










| 9149

| Cube

| Blue












| 5678

| Cuboid

| Green |











| 8373

| Rectangle

| Green |


A green rectangle |









| 9934

| Rectangle

| Blue












| 5214

| Cuboid

| White |











| 8918

| Cube

| Green |

$141.78:158.45:362.85 |










| 8098

| Square

| Blue












| 2210

| Square

| Blue












| 2210

| Square

| Blue












| 3076

| Square

| Red












| 4583

| Square

| Green |











| 3770

| Cuboid

| White |











| 4190

| Square

| Green |











| 4190

| Square

| Green |











| 9363

| Square

| Black |











| 9478

| Cube

| Green |

$423.58:178.67:169.65 |










| 5216

| Rectangle

| Green |


A green rectangle |









| 5131

| Cube

| Blue












| 5674

| Cube

| Red












| 7166

| Square

| Black |











| 8532

| Cube

| Blue












| 8532

| Cube

| Blue












| 5048

| Cube

| Black |











| 5048

| Cube

| Black |

$182.69:391.92:514.42 |










| 3051

| Square

| Red












| 5352

| Square

| Black |











| 1511

| Square

| Blue












28 rows

Figure 2: Test Code’s Output

CSc: Software Design Laboratory Software Design Laboratory Assignment 4 Solution
$30.00 $24.00