Homework #6 – Array Class Template Solved

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In this assignment you are asked to implement a class template representing an array of a given number of elements of some type. The following UML class diagram shows the attributes and behaviors of the Array class template. Array<ElemType, SIZE> -elements: ElemType[SIZE] +Array() +Array(source: Array<ElemType, SIZE>) +operator=(source: Array<ElemType, SIZE>): Array<ElemType, SIZE> +operator==(other: Array<ElemType, SIZE>): Boolean…

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In this assignment you are asked to implement a class template representing an array of a given number of elements of some type. The following UML class diagram shows the attributes and behaviors of the Array class template.

Array<ElemType, SIZE>

-elements: ElemType[SIZE]


+Array(source: Array<ElemType, SIZE>)

+operator=(source: Array<ElemType, SIZE>): Array<ElemType, SIZE>

+operator==(other: Array<ElemType, SIZE>): Boolean

+operator!=(other: Array<ElemType, SIZE>): Boolean

<<L-value>>+operator[](index: Integer): ElemType

<<R-value>>+operator[](index: Integer): ElemType

Figure 1. UML class diagram for Array class template

The following code demonstrates how this class template will be used:

Array<int, 5> arrayOfFiveInts; // Define Array containing 5 ints

Notice that the type and number of elements are specified when the variable is defined.

  1. (1 point) Meet these basic requirements:

    1. All non-test code must be implemented in a namespace based on your first and last name (e.g. “RayMitchell”).

    1. The Array class template must be defined (both the class definition and member function definitions) in a file named “Array.h”. Remember, the entire template is required to be present in the header file because the template source code must be available to the compiler when the template is used by other translation units.

    1. Make sure const is used correctly everywhere within the Array class template. Be sure to check all pointer parameters, reference parameters, and member functions for proper “const-ness”.

  1. (1 point) Define the Array class template to contain a private data member named “elements” of type “array of SIZE elements of type ElemType”.

  1. (1 point) Implement a default constructor for the Array class template. This constructor should leave the underlying elements with their default value.

  1. (1 point) Implement a copy constructor for the Array class template. This constructor should copy all of the elements from the source Array to the Array being constructed.


  1. (1 point) Implement the copy assignment operator (operator=) for the Array class template. This constructor should copy all of the elements from the source Array to the Array on the left side of the assignment. Be sure to properly handle all standard copy

assignment situations including preventing self-assignment, and returning the destination Array to allow for chained assignments.

  1. (1 point) Implement the equality (operator==) and inequality (operator!=) operators for the Array class template.

  1. (1 point) Implement an L-value version of the subscript operator (operator[]) for the Array class template. Calling this operator should result in a reference to the underlying element being returned allowing the caller to change the element’s value within the Array. This operator should throw an invalid_argument exception if the subscript index is out of range.

  1. (1 point) Implement an R-value version of the subscript operator (operator[]) for the Array class template. Calling this operator should result in the value of the underlying element being returned allowing the caller to read but not modify the element’s value. This operator should throw an invalid_argument exception if the subscript index is out of range.

  1. (1 point) Implement a test program in a file named “hw6.cpp”. Your test program should demonstrate the following:

    1. Create an Array using the default constructor

    1. Modify all of the elements of an Array using the L-value subscript operator

    1. Output all of the elements of an Array using the R-value subscript operator

    1. Create a const Array from another Array using the copy constructor

    1. Assign an Array to an existing Array using the copy assignment operator

    1. Compare two Arrays using the equality operator

    1. Compare two Arrays using the inequality operator

    1. Demonstrate an invalid_argument exception being thrown and caught when the L-value subscript operator is accessed with an index < 0

    1. Demonstrate an invalid_argument exception being thrown and caught when the L-value subscript operator is accessed with an index >= SIZE

    1. Demonstrate an invalid_argument exception being thrown and caught when the R-value subscript operator is accessed with an index < 0 (you can force the R-value subscript operator to be called by accessing an element in the const Array).

    1. Demonstrate an invalid_argument exception being thrown and caught when the R-value subscript operator is accessed with an index >= SIZE (you can force the R-value subscript operator to be called by accessing an element in the const Array).

  1. (1 point) Make sure your source code is well-commented, consistently formatted, uses no magic numbers/values, follows a consistent style, and is ANSI-compliant.

Place all source code and a screen capture of the output produced by your program in a single Word or PDF document. Submit this document.

Homework #6 – Array Class Template Solved
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