Homework #7 – Fun with Strings and Vectors

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In this assignment you are asked to implement a StringUtility class containing a variety of member functions that work with vectors of strings. The following UML class diagram shows the attributes and behaviors of class StringUtility. Important: In this assignment you may not use arrays or the C string handling functions (e.g. strlen, stcpy, etc.);…

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In this assignment you are asked to implement a StringUtility class containing a variety of member functions that work with vectors of strings. The following UML class diagram shows the attributes and behaviors of class StringUtility. Important: In this assignment you may not use arrays or the C string handling functions (e.g. strlen, stcpy, etc.); you may only use vector and string.


+join(strings: const vector<string> &, delimiter: char): string

+reverse(strings: const vector<string> &): vector<string>

+combine(left: const vector<string> &, right: const vector<string> &): vector<string>

+leftPad(strings: const vector<string> &, pad: char): vector<string>

Figure 1. UML class diagram for class StringUtility

  1. (1 point) Meet these basic requirements:

    1. All non-test code must be implemented in a namespace based on your first and last name (e.g. “RayMitchell”).

    1. The StringUtility class must be defined in a file named “StringUtility.h”; all member functions must be defined in a file named “StringUtility.cpp”.

    1. The main function and tests demonstrating must be placed in a file named “hw7.cpp”.

    1. Make sure const is used correctly everywhere within class StringUtility. Be sure to check all pointer parameters, reference parameters, and member functions for proper “const-ness”.

  1. (1 point) Define member function join as shown in the UML diagram. join should concatenate the strings from the strings parameter together placing the delimiter character in between each pair of strings. The resulting string should be returned. For example, if join is called with

{“abc”, “def”, “ghi”} and ‘*’ the returned string should contain “abc*def*ghi”.

  1. (1 point) Define member function reverse as shown in the UML diagram. reverse should return a vector containing the strings from the strings parameter in reversed order and with the contents of each string reversed. For example, if reverse is called with {“abc”, “def”, “ghi”} the returned vector should contain {“ihg”, “fed”, “cba”}.

  1. (1 point) Define member function combine as shown in the UML diagram. combine should return a vector containing every string from left concatenated with every string from right. For example, if combine is called with {“ab, “cd”, “ef”} and {“gh”, “ij”, “kl”} the returned vector should contain {“abgh”, “abij”, “abkl”, “cdgh”, “cdij”, “cdkl”, “efgh”, “efij”, “efkl”}. Note, the order of the combined strings in the returned vector isn’t important as long as all combinations are present.


  1. (1 point) Define member function leftPad as shown in the UML diagram. leftPad should return a vector containing each string from the strings parameter left-padded with the pad character so that each resulting string has a length equal to the longest original string. For example, if leftPad is called with {“a”, “bb”, “ccc”} and ‘*’ the returned vector should contain {“**a”, “*bb”, “ccc”}.

  1. (1 point) Implement a test demonstrating join working properly with the following arguments:

strings {“The”, “quick”, “brown”, “fox”, “jumps”, “over”, “the”, “lazy”, “dog”} delimiter ‘,’

Your test must output the contents of the string returned from join.

  1. (1 point) Implement a test demonstrating reverse working properly with the following arguments:

strings {“The”, “quick”, “brown”, “fox”, “jumps”, “over”, “the”, “lazy”, “dog”}

Your test must output the contents of the vector returned from reverse.

  1. (1 point) Implement a test demonstrating combine working properly with the following arguments:

left {“Mr.”, “Mrs.”}

right {“Jones”, “Smith”, “Williams”}

Your test must output the contents of the vector returned from combine.

  1. (1 point) Implement a test demonstrating leftPad working properly with the following arguments:

strings {“The”, “quick”, “brown”, “fox”, “jumps”, “over”, “the”, “lazy”, “dog”} pad ‘*’

Your test must output the contents of the vector returned from leftPad.

  1. (1 point) Make sure your source code is well-commented, consistently formatted, uses no magic numbers/values, follows a consistent style, and is ANSI-compliant.

Place all source code and a screen capture of the output produced by your program in a single Word or PDF document. Submit this document.

Homework #7 – Fun with Strings and Vectors
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