Data Structures Programming Assignment 2 Solved

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Objectives In this assignment you are expected to implement a generic binary search tree of key-value pairs and specialized function objects to compare keys, which is to be balanced by reorganizing itself as a complete tree with minimum height under distinct conditions indicated by associated function objects; and use this data structure to build a…

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  • Objectives

In this assignment you are expected to implement a generic binary search tree of key-value pairs and specialized function objects to compare keys, which is to be balanced by reorganizing itself as a complete tree with minimum height under distinct conditions indicated by associated function objects; and use this data structure to build a movie store as a collection of movies that can be indexed with respect to distinct keys and comparison schemes.

Keywords: Binary Search Tree, Complete Tree, Generic Balancing

  • Binary Search Tree Class Template (50 pts)

Outline of BinarySearchTree class template implemented in bst.hpp le is summarized in the fol-lowing.

t e m p l a t e <typename Key , typename Object ,

typename BalanceCondition=DefaultBalanceCondition , typename Comparator=std : : less<Key> >

c l a s s BinarySearchTree


p u b l i c :

s t r u c t Node


/ /

  • ;

p u b l i c :

// p u b l i c methods o f B i n a r y S e a r c h T r e e

p r i v a t e :

Node root ;

size_t numNodes ;

Comparator isLessThan ;

BalanceCondition isBalanced ;

p r i v a t e :

// u t i l i t y f u n c t i o n s

  • ;

The generic binary search tree (BST) used in this assignment is implemented as the class template BinarySearchTree with template arguments Key, Object, BalanceCondition, and Comparator, with the last two having the default values of DefaultBalanceCondition, and std::less<Key> de ned in <functional>, respectively. These arguments will be discussed in detail throughout the assignment text.

The basic building block of our BST is the binary node structure implemented as Node nested struct type placed under public section, resulting in making all of its data and functions being publicly accessible as BinarySearchTree<K,O,B,C>::Node, where K, O, B, and C are concrete types instantiating the BST template.

The interface of BinarySearchTree class comprises of functions included under interleaving public sections, whose implementations heavily rely on private utility functions as we will inspect shortly. Also, the data members of the tree is placed under the private section where we have the desig-nated root pointer of the tree through which rest of the nodes can be accessed, a variable to store the number of nodes in the tree, a Comparator type function object to compare di erent keys, and a BalanceCondition type object to indicate whether the BST requires height-balancing following changes to its content through operations such as insert and remove.

2.1 Node

This type represents a node in the BST and consists of a Key type variable uniquely identifying the node, an Object type data to be stored within the node, two pointers to left and right subtrees, an additional height attribute to record the height of the node, and nally a variable with identi er subsize that holds the number of the nodes the node roots including itself; all of which can be initialized by the declared constructor which has been implemented in lines following the type declaration of BinarySearchTree. Do not change its implementation in parts of the bst.hpp le.

2.2 BinarySearchTree

You are going to use BinarySearchTree class template to instantiate types of objects that provide you with the required search tree functionality throughout this assignment. Previously, data mem-bers have been brie y described. Their use will be elaborated in the context of utility functions discussed in the following.

Zero-parameter constructor, destructor, getRoot, find, height, size, empty and print func-tions that reside within the public section of the class have already been implemented vastly in accordance with your textbook. You must gure out what they are computing by inspecting the code and you must not modify these implementations. You may want to pay speci c attention to the implementation of the destructor, find, height and print functions that utilize recursive private utility functions that usually begin their computation at the designated root position. This programming style may be helpful in your coding of the uncompleted functions as you can add other variables and functions to the private part of the class. Alternatively, you may devise iterative solutions.

Copy constructor and assignment operator signatures are also included in the private section. We will not allow their use in this assignment and in order to block compiler defaults, prototypes are provided and you should perform no implementation. This is a trick utilized in C++ world so as to make objects of the class type uncopiable or unassignable.

You need to use Comparator type data member isLessThan to compare two Key objects k1 and k2 by issuing a call as isLessThan(k1, k2) that returns a bool variable. These type of objects are called function objects that o er an alternative to the use of C-style function pointers that empower us with custom comparison functions in building our BinarySearchTree. The default value of Comparator template argument is std::less<Key> which internally translates calls of the format isLessThan(k1, k2) into operator<(k1, k2). For more details, read Section 1.6.4 of your textbook.

Similar to the use of Comparator, another function object type called BalanceCondition is used to compare a BST’s actual height with its ideal height, i.e. the minimum height it can attain, via overloaded operator() to indicate whether the BST is considered as balanced or not. A class called DefaultBalanceCondition is implemented just above the BinarySearchTree, which provides the default version of the template BalanceCondition as the name suggests. Instances of this class simply returns true, in accordance with the standard BST, in which balance is disregarded. Do not change the implementation of this class. You must implement the following constructor and public interface methods that have been declared under indicated portions of bst.hpp le. For examples of the use of these functions inspect the expected output of the program in main tree.cpp le.

2.2.1 BinarySearchTree(const std::list<std::pair<Key, Object> > &);

Given that the key object pairs in the list argument are sorted in ascending order with respect to isLessThan function object provided as a class template argument whose default is the ordinary operator< on Key values; this one-argument constructor builds up a complete tree comprising of number of nodes equal to the size of the list, and populates its element values in accordance with the inorder traversal of the tree and the order of items in the list. In other words, here you are expected to create a minimum-height binary search tree that is complete with its nodes getting its constructing key-data values from corresponding sorted items in the list. In addition, determine the height of each node as well as the number of nodes they root. For every test case, list object will be sorted. Do not attempt sorting it. Also note that complete tree will generate nodes in each level using an order from left to right. No other orders or BST’s that are isomorphic to the minimum-height complete BST will be accepted so as to avoid ambiguities and ensure determinism. Expected time complexity of this operation is linear in tree size.

2.2.2 void toCompleteBST();

Current BST should be converted into a minimum-height complete BST, populated from left to right in each level, and keeping the memory adresses of the nodes of the input tree unchanged. Consequently, you should not create an auxiliary BST and populate its nodes by values from the original one, since copying of data can be disallowed depending on type properties. Expected time complexity of this operation is linear in tree size.

You can devise a recursive approach to carry out the conversion. An illustrated example is in-cluded in Figure 1. A non-complete BST of size 5 in Figure 1a is converted into a complete BST of size 5 in Figure 1c, without changing node locations indicated by distinct colors. In order to make this happen, you need an array of node pointers sorted with respect to the ordering in the input BST, as depicted in Figure 1b. Then, you must determine the index of the root for a complete BST of respected size. Here, you must pay attention to simply not selecting the mean or median index, since complete BST’s are populated from left to right in each level, consequently exhibiting skewed distributions. Having correctly determined the root position, you must recursively carry out the outlined procedure for nodes with indices lower than the root index that constitute the left subtree, and for nodes with indices higher than the root index that build up the right subtree un-

til base cases are encountered. At the end, you should have the complete tree structure in Figure 1c.

You can implement other algorithms that do not violate the outlined restrictions.

(a) Input BST (b) Sorted vector of BST nodes

(c) Output complete BST

Figure 1: Conversion of a BST of size 5 into a complete BST

2.2.3 void insert(const Key &, const Object &);

Conduct the recursive search pattern adapted by find function to locate the correct place to insert the Key-Object pair arguments. If the Key does exist in the tree, update the data element stored in the node in which the Key value resides with the value of the Object parameter.

If the Key does not exist, create a new node with the Key-Object pair and increment the num-ber of nodes as shown in Figure 2a, in which the path traveled to nd the correct place to insert the new node into the tree is marked with red lines and at the end you must set up the pointer connection shown by the red arrow so that new node can be accessed via a unique path beginning at the root.

You must update heights and subsizes of the nodes that reside in the path that insert func-tion travels beginning at the designated root position up to the newly inserted node in reverse order and rebalance all these mentioned nodes in case BalanceCondition type isBalanced vari-able’s operator() returns false when provided with then-current height and the ideal height of the subtree in question. For nodes that root less than or equal to 1 nodes, no balancing is required.

(a) First phase of insertion

(b) Prior to rebalancing

Figure 2: Insertion example when the parameter key is not present within the tree

If a node roots N nodes including itself as a subtree T ,

Hideal(T ) = log2(N); N > 1


the minimum height T can have is calculated using (1), and is referred to as the ideal height.

Then, invoking isBalanced(T .root->height,Hideal(T )) yields the answer to the question if the BST is balanced at speci ed position. If not, T must be converted into a complete BST as indicated previously, and heights and subsizes of nodes in T must be updated.

Having inserted the new node, the nodes in the path marked by green arrows in Figure 2b must be subject to these height and subsize updates and rebalancing. If no balancing is required, expected time complexity of this operation is logarithmic in tree size on condition that a reasonable balance condition is adapted. The worst case of balancing tends to exhibit linear time complexity, however in test cases for bigger trees this will not occur frequently.

2.2.4 void remove(const Key &);

You must nd the node holding the Key parameter by exploiting binary search tree characteristics via a recursive search starting from the root position. If the Key parameter does not exist, do not do anything. Otherwise if the node holding the Key parameter is a leaf, then directly delete this node. If the node has one child, set up pointer connections with the parent and the child of the node and delete the node. Whenever you delete a node, decrement the number of nodes.

The case in which the node to remove has two children is more complicated. As shown in Fig-ure 3a, following the path marked with orange arrows, identify the node q which is the inorder successor of the node to remove p and place q into where p currently is. Do not copy Key and Object values between nodes as copying would invalidate all node iterators (i.e. pointers to nodes) or copying might be costly and even might not be allowed. Instead, exchange pointers to nodes and update interconnecting pointers by carefully analyzing possible cases.

At this point, you can delete the node pointed by p which is no longer accessible via the root as shown in Figure 3b and decrement the number of nodes. You must make sure that only the node with the address p is deleted from the tree and the address of other nodes including q are kept unchanged.

(a) First phase of removal (b) Prior to rebalancing

Figure 3: Removal of a node having two children

You must update heights of the nodes that reside in the path that remove function has trav-elled via backtracking and rebalance all visited nodes in accordance with BST speci cations outlined so far. If the deleted node had two children, you should update heights and perform rebal-ancing of nodes that are on the path starting from the initial position of q up to the root marked by green arrows in Figure 3b. Note that there are cases other than the one depicted in Figure 3 and your solution must be exhaustive, covering all of them. If no balancing is required, expected time complexity of this operation is logarithmic in tree size on condition that a reasonable balance condition is adapted. The worst case of balancing tends to have linear time complexity, however in test cases for bigger trees this will not occur frequently.

2.2.5 std::list<Node *> find(const Key &, const Key &) const;

You must return a C++ STL list of Node * variables that store addresses of the nodes whose Key values fall into the range between the rst and second parameters of this function. It is assumed that the rst Key parameter isLessThan or equal to the second and that the interval is closed i.e. includes the two margins. Try to exploit binary search tree characteristics to limit the number of nodes you should visit in your inorder travel strategy to the order of the number of nodes within the interval for better e ciency. Consequently, if you are searching a small interval given the whole range of keys in the BST, you need to limit your access to more or less only the node nodes within range. Unrelated keys should not be visited exhaustively.

  • Movie Store Implementation (50 pts)

You need to have the BinarySearchTree implementation successfully complete to get full credits from this part, since the following MovieStore constitutes an application relying on the BST as the most crucial data structure employed within.

3.1 Movie

Movie class represents the information needed to be stored for each item in the movie store. A Movie comprises of its id, title, director, company, production year, its duration in minutes (rounded) and status attribute to indicate whether it is in stock or not. Particular accessors and mutators together with operator<< function for printing has been implemented.

Each Movie can be uniquely identi ed by its id member. Also no two movies with the same title and directory may exist. These attributes can be set upon Movie object construction and may not be changed later. Note that operator= is speci cally de ned for Movie due to const members.

Unique title and director pair is also regrouped into Movie::SecondaryKey class type and variables of this type will be used in building secondary index trees. Inspect the complete implementations in movie.hpp and movie.cpp les. These les should not be changed. On Moodle, they are provided merely for view-only purposes with su xes -copy in their respective le names, and any changes to these les will be disregarded during evaluation.

3.2 TitleComparator and DirectorComparator

Implementation of TitleComparator type that intends to compare two Movie::SecondaryKey ob-jects primarily based on their titles must be completed by coding only the inline operator()(const Movie::SecondaryKey &, const Movie::SecondaryKey &) const member function with respect to these speci cations in title comparator.hpp le:

Perform a case-insensitive, lexicographic comparison between the titles of two key argu-ments.

If the rst title comes before the second return true.

If the two titles are equal, then compare the two directors and return true only if the rst director comes before the second.

Return false otherwise.

You must nish de nition of another class called DirectorComparator so that you may compare two Movie::SecondaryKey objects primarily based on their directors. To do that, perform the same steps outlined in case of TitleComparator implementation with one imperative modi cation: comparing directors rst instead of the titles in director comparator.hpp le. You may test these comparators through examples included in main movie.cpp le.

3.3 MovieStore Data

MovieStore objects internally keep three BinarySearchTree indices with identi ers primaryIndex, secondaryIndex and ternaryIndex. Note that their types are aliased with shorter names using typedef constructs under the private section.

Notice that primaryIndex of shorter type name MSTP will store actual Movie objects and will use the default lexicographic ordering of id values to build itself and yet secondaryIndex of new type name MSTS and ternaryIndex of new type name MSTT will both rely on secondary key objects of new type name SKey values, and these values will be ordered utilizing DirectorComparator and TitleComparator classes, respectively. Pay speci c attention to the declaration that states MSTS and MSTT trees take pointers to (const) Movie data stored in MSTP. Balance condition for all these trees are implemented in MovieBalanceCondition class in moviestore.h le.

3.4 MovieStore Interface

Default constructor and printPrimarySorted, printSecondarySorted and printTernarySorted functions to print movies under di erent indices using inorder binary search tree iterators have been

already implemented. Do not change these functions.

In moviestore.cpp le, you need to provide implementations for following functions declared un-der moviestore.hpp header to complete the assignment. The header itself should not be changed, and any changes you perform on it will be disregarded during evaluation.

3.4.1 void insert(const Movie &);

Insert the parameter Movie object into all three BST indices. Note that actual data will be stored inside some node of primaryIndex as a copy of the parameter of this function and the other indices will receive the address of the location corresponding to that portion of the primaryIndex node and store this as a pointer variable within their nodes. Consequently indices based on SKey will hold up less space in total.

3.4.2 void remove(const std::string &);

Remove the movie corresponding to the parameter id value from all indices if applicable.

3.4.3 void remove(const std::string &, const std::string &);

Remove the movie corresponding to the parameter title and director values in order from all indices if applicable.

3.4.4 void removeAllMoviesWithTitle(const std::string &);

Remove all movies with the parameter title from all indices when applicable. You can safely assume that director names reside within the closed range of “a” and “f”.

3.4.5 void makeAvailable(const std::string &);

Update the status variable of the Movie object with the parameter id value as true if applicable so as to indicate that the movie is now available in the store.

3.4.6 void makeUnavailable(const std::string &, const std::string &);

Update the status variable of the Movie object with the given title and director values in order as false if applicable to signal that the movies is no longer available in the store.

3.4.7 void updateCompany(const std::string &, const std::string &);

Update company elds of all Movie objects whose director eld value is equal to the rst parameter as the second parameter of this function. You can safely assume that movie titles reside within the closed interval of “a” and “z”. This function will be invoked whenever the director makes a deal with some other company to have all their movies reproduced.

3.4.8 void printMoviesWithID(const std::string &, const std::string &, unsigned short) const;

Print each Movie object whose id member falls within the closed interval of the rst and the second parameter of this function onto the console followed by an std::endl IO manipulator if they were produced no earlier than the third parameter of the function whose default value is 0. Output should be id-sorted in increasing order.

3.4.9 void printMoviesOfDirector(const std::string &, const std::string &, const std::string &);

Print each Movie object whose director member is equal to the rst parameter and title member falls within the closed range of the second and the third parameters of the function onto the console followed by std::endl. Note that the second and the third parameters receive default values of “a” and “f”, i.e. all movies of the director are printed in this case. Output should be sorted in increasing order with respect to director- rst comparison scheme described under Movie section.

  • Driver programs

For testing BinarySearchTree functionality, a driver program under the name main tree.cpp has been provided. To see TitleComparator and DirectorComparator objects in action, main movie.cpp may be compiled and run. Tests regarding the MovieStore class, main moviestore.cpp may be used. For all the three driver programs, expected outputs are provided as text les with the same identi-ers as their code les of .out extension.

  • Regulations

    1. Programming Language: You will use C++.

    1. Standard Template Library (STL) is allowed only for list, vector, stack, and queue data structures. Parameters of functions expecting particular STL data structures cannot be changed.

    1. External libraries other than those already included are not allowed.

    1. Those who do search, update, remove operations without utilizing the tree will receive 0 grade.

    1. Those who modify already implemented functions and those who insert other data variables or public functions and those who change the prototype of given functions will receive 0 grade.

    1. Those who use compile-time arrays or variable-size arrays (not existing in ANSI C++) will receive 0 grade. Expected solution is coded using ANSI C++. However, you are allowed to use C++11 if you are familiar with the version. Options to be used for g++ are -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -O0. We will check memory leaks with valgrind.

    1. You can add private member functions whenever it is explicitly allowed.

    1. Implementation of BinarySearchTree class template constitutes a prerequisite for MovieStore implementation, and thus grading will be done accordingly.

    1. Late Submission: Refer to the syllabus.

    1. Cheating: We have zero tolerance policy for cheating. In case of cheating, all parts involved (source(s) and receiver(s)) get zero. People involved in cheating will be punished according to the university regulations.

    1. Remember that students of this course are bounded to code of honor and its violation is subject to severe punishment.

    1. Newsgroup: You must follow announcements and forum on odtuclass for discussions and possible updates daily.

  • Submission

Submission will be done via Moodle on cengclass.

Do not write a main function in any of your source les. A test environment will be ready in Moodle.

{ You can submit your source les to Moodle and test your work with a subset of evaluation inputs and outputs.

{ Additional test cases will be used for evaluation of your nal grade, and only the last submission before the deadline will be graded.


Data Structures Programming Assignment 2 Solved
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