Data Structures Programming Assignment 2 Inverted Index via Binary Search Trees

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Objectives In this assignment, you are rst expected to implement a binary search tree data structure. In this binary search tree, each node will contain the data and have two pointers to the root nodes of its left and right subtrees. The data structure will include a single pointer that points to the root node…

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  • Objectives

In this assignment, you are rst expected to implement a binary search tree data structure. In this binary search tree, each node will contain the data and have two pointers to the root nodes of its left and right subtrees. The data structure will include a single pointer that points to the root node of the binary search tree. The details of the structure are explained further in the following sections. Then, you will use this specialized binary search tree structure to represent inverted indexes and implement some functions on them.

Keywords: Data Structures, Binary Search Trees, Information Retrieval, Inverted Indexes

  • Inverted Index (Background)1

An inverted index is an index storing a mapping from content, such as words or numbers, to its locations in a document or a set of documents. The purpose of an inverted index is to allow fast text searches. It is the most popular data structure used in document retrieval systems and in search engines like Google.

The inverted index data structure is a central component of a typical search engine indexing al-gorithm. The goal of a search engine is to optimize the speed of the query: \Find the documents where word X occurs”. With the inverted index created, the query can be resolved by jumping to the word X in the inverted index and getting the list of documents where word X occurs.

Inverted index stores a list of occurrences (i.e. document ids) for each word, typically in the form of a hash table or a binary search tree. Many search engines use an inverted index when evaluating a search query to quickly locate documents containing the words in the query and then rank these documents by relevance. As an example, assume there are two documents D1: \my name is john” and D2: \what is your name”. The inverted index for these two docu-ments is given in Table 1. To resolve a search query, say \name”, the search engine will look up the word \name” in the inverted index and get the list of documents fD1,D2g as an answer.




D1, D2






D1, D2





Table 1: A simpli ed illustration of a sample inverted index where D1 has the content \my name is john” and D2 has \what is your name”.

There are two main variants of inverted indexes: A record-level inverted index contains a list of references to documents for each word (as in the given example above). A word-level inverted index additionally contains the positions of each word within a document. The latter form o ers more functionality (like phrase searches), but needs more processing power and space to be created.

  • Binary Search Tree Implementation (60 pts)

The binary search tree data structure used in this assignment is implemented as the class tem-plate BST with the template argument T, which is used as the type of the data stored in the nodes. The node of the binary search tree is implemented as the class template BSTNode with the template argument T, which is the type of the data stored in nodes. BSTNode class is the basic building block of the BST class. BST class has a single BSTNode pointer (namely root) in its private data eld, which points to the root node of the binary search tree.

The BST class has its de nition and implementation in BST.hpp le and the BSTNode class has its in BSTNode.hpp le.

3.1 BSTNode

BSTNode class represents nodes that constitute binary search trees. A BSTNode keeps two pointers (namely left and right) to the root nodes of its left and right subtrees, and a variable of type T (namely data) to hold the data. The class has two constructors and the overloaded output operator. They are already implemented for you. You should not change anything in le BSTNode.hpp.

3.2 BST

BST class implements a binary search tree data structure. BST class has a single data member in its private data eld, which is a BSTNode pointer (namely root) that points to the root node of the binary search tree. There are some public member functions that are already implemented for you. You must provide implementations for the following public member functions that have been declared under indicated portions of BST.hpp le.

3.2.1 BST();

This is the default constructor. You should make necessary initializations in this function.

3.2.2 BST(const BST<T> &obj);

This is the copy constructor. You should make necessary initializations, create new nodes by copying the nodes in given obj and insert new nodes into the binary search tree. The structure among the nodes in given obj should also be copied to the new tree.

3.2.3 BST();

This is the destructor. You should deallocate all memory that you were allocated before.

3.2.4 BSTNode<T> *getRoot();

This function should return a pointer to the root node in the binary search tree. If the binary search tree is empty, it should return NULL.

3.2.5 void insert(const T &data);

You should create a new node with given data and insert it to the appropriate location in the binary search tree. Do not forget to make necessary pointer modi cations in the tree. You will not be asked to insert duplicated data to the binary search tree.

3.2.6 void remove(const T &data);

You should remove the node with given data from the binary search tree. Do not forget to make necessary pointer modi cations in the tree. If there exists no such node in the binary search tree, do nothing. There will be no duplicated data in the binary search tree.

3.2.7 BSTNode<T> *find(const T &data);

You should search for the node in the binary search tree with the data same with the given data and return a pointer to that node. You can use the operator== to compare two T objects. If there exists no such node in the binary search tree, you should return NULL. There will be no duplicated data in the binary search tree.

3.2.8 BST<T> &operator=(const BST<T> &rhs);

This is the overloaded assignment operator. You should remove all nodes in the binary search tree and then create new nodes by copying the nodes in given rhs and insert new nodes into the binary search tree. The structure among the nodes in given rhs should also be copied to the new tree.

  • Inverted Index Implementation (40 pts)

Some details of the inverted indexes were given in section 2. For this assignment, you are expected to implement a word-level inverted index by using your binary search tree imple-mentation. The inverted index in this assignment is implemented as the class InvertedIndex. InvertedIndex class has a BST object (namely invertedIndex) with the type IIData in its private data eld. IIData class represents mappings in inverted indexes. It is the type of the data stored in nodes of the binary search tree.

The InvertedIndex class has its de nition in InvertedIndex.hpp le and its implementation in InvertedIndex.cpp le. The IIData class has its de nition in IIData.hpp le and its implemen-tation in IIData.cpp le.

4.1 IIData

IIData class represents mappings that constitute inverted indexes. An IIData object keeps the word variable of type std::string and the occurrences variable of type std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::vector< int > > > to hold the data related with the map-ping. occurrences is the vector of existences of the word word in documents. Each occurrence is a pair of the form (document name, vector of positions (o sets)). Let’s suppose \doc1.txt” is \my name is john” and \doc2.txt” is \what is your name name”. Then the occurrences vector for the word \name” will be like [(doc1.txt, [2]), (doc2.txt, [4, 5])].

Some public member functions have already been implemented for you. Do not change those implementations. In IIData.cpp le, you need to provide implementations for following functions declared under IIData.hpp header to complete the assignment. You should not change anything in le IIData.hpp.

4.1.1 void addOccurrence(const std::string &documentName, int position);

This is the member function to store existence (occurrence) of the word in a document to the inverted index. Name of the document and position (o set) of the word in the document are given as arguments. If the document is already in the occurrences vector, append the position to the document’s vector of positons. If not, create a new pair and append it to the vector of occurrences.

4.1.2 void removeOccurrences(const std::string &documentName);

This is the member function to remove all existences of the word in a document from the inverted index. Name of the document is given as argument. You should remove the corresponding pair from the vector of occurrences.

4.2 InvertedIndex

In InvertedIndex class, there is a single member variable named as invertedIndex, which is a BST object. Information of all mappings will be stored in this binary search tree and no other information will be stored. All member functions should utilize this binary search tree to operate as described in the following subsections. Some public member functions have already been implemented for you. Do not change those implementations. In InvertedIndex.cpp le, you need to provide implementations for following functions declared under InvertedIndex.hpp header to complete the assignment. You should not change anything in le InvertedIndex.hpp.

4.2.1 InvertedIndex &addDocument(const std::string &documentName);

This is the member function that takes the name of a document as string, reads that document word by word, and populates the inverted index with occurrences of words in the document. It is guaranteed that documents will be text les with extension \.txt” and their content will be list of words separated by single space characters. No characters other than [a-z] and the space character will be given in documents. Some parts of this function are already implemented for

you. You should complete the implementation of this function.

For example, Figure 1 shows the resulting binary search tree representing the inverted index af-ter adding two documents \doc1.txt” and \doc2.txt” respectively to the initially empty inverted index. In this scenario, \doc1.txt” is \my name is john” and \doc2.txt” is \what is your name”.

word = my

occurrences = [(doc1.txt, [1])]

word = my

occurrences = [(doc1.txt, [1])]

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  • Submission

Submission will be done via CengClass ( Do not write a main function in any of your source les.

A test environment will be ready in CengClass.

{ You can submit your source les to CengClass and test your work with a subset of evaluation inputs and outputs.

{ Additional test cases will be used for evaluation of your nal grade. So, your actual grades may be di erent than the ones you get in CengClass.

{ Only the last submission before the deadline will be graded.


Data Structures Programming Assignment 2 Inverted Index via Binary Search Trees
$24.99 $18.99