BTrees, Dynamic Memory Allocation

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Problem Description In this assignment you are to design a program that behaves identically to the one you wrote for Assignment 2. However, the implementation must incorporate the following changes: Instead of storing student records as an array of structs that has to be allocated at compile time, records will now be stored in a…

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Problem Description

In this assignment you are to design a program that behaves identically to the one you wrote for

Assignment 2. However, the implementation must incorporate the following changes:

  1. Instead of storing student records as an array of structs that has to be allocated at compile time, records will now be stored in a Binary Tree (B-Tree). The addnode example in the notes provides a method for constructing the tree as you read in data from the two files.

  1. Once the data are stored as a B-Tree, sorting can be done very efficiently by traversing the tree IN ORDER (left, root, right). Have a look at the ptree example to see how this can be accomplished. Instead of printing the in order nodes, you need to save the corresponding pointer in an array (i.e. pSRecords). Note that you will need to allocate this array dynamically as well.

  1. The user interface should be case insensitive, in other words cranford, Cranford, and CRANFORD, should be lexicographically equivalent.

The rest of the program can remain largely unchanged, but you will have to pay attention to how the data are read in. In the original A2Template.c, the NamesIDs and marks files were opened and read in sequence, requiring 2 passes through the SRecords array. This is a bit more difficult to accomplish with a B-Tree, so it is suggested that you open both files and read from NamesIDs and marks at the same time. In this way you can assemble a complete record from the input, create a new node and copy over the current data.

Designing the Program

1. Replacing the SRecords array with a B-Tree

The class notes provide sufficiently detailed examples on how to design a node struct that will support a B-Tree, and an example function for creating and linking nodes. You should notice some similarity to the QuickSort program from Assignment 2, which should tell you how to structure the addnode function. Also notice that the input to addnode now corresponds to a struct.

As mentioned above, you will need to re-arrange A2Template.c to open both NamesIDs and marks at the same time so that all of the data corresponding to a particular student can be assembled at the same time, i.e., read LastName, FirstName, ID and marks into a StudentRecord struct, and then pass that struct to addnode. This should not be too difficult to figure out.

2. Sorting

Once you have completed building the database, you might want to verify by printing out the student records in sort order. The ptree example in the notes should be easy to modify for this purpose. Observe that the only difference between a sort routine and an In Order traversal of the B-Tree (which is exactly what ptree does), is that a sort routine would need to “remember” the order in which nodes were printed, e.g. by saving the results to an array of pointers.

There are a number of things to consider here. Since we are not allowed to allocate the pointer array ahead of time, we need to

malloc(numrecords*sizeof(struct StudentRecord **));

and cast to an array of pointers to StudentRecord. Once you have created a pointer array, this can be passed to the In Order traversal routine where the print would be replaced by assigning the current record pointer to the pointer array. Important detail – as you are traversing the B-Tree, you will need to increment a counter to keep track of the number of records visited. Since this routine is recursive, you cannot simply declare a local variable, and do something like pointer_array[i++]=root. This is because each subsequent call will re-initialize i back to 0! Think about this carefully!

If all goes well, your sort routine will return a pointer array that looks exactly like pSRecords in Assignment 2. The rest of your code should be unchanged.

3. User Interface

The user interface (command line input) is identical to Assignment 2. You might take this opportunity to make sure that your program can cope with incorrect user input. Note that the strcmp function is case sensitive. The obvious fix would be to replace the call to strcmp with a call to an equivalent function that is case insensitive. Fortunately, one is available to you in the standard “C” library.

Finishing Up

Repeat the same sequence of tests used in Assignment 2, but altered so as to demonstrate the case insensitivity of the new program.

ferrie@FastCat{Assignment 2}: Tlookup NamesIDs.txt marks.txt tait

The following record was found:

Name: Suzi Tait

Student ID: 2519

Student Grade: 82

ferrie@FastCat{Assignment 2}: Tlookup NamesIDs.txt marks.txt MUSHRUSH

The following record was found:

Name: Felicita Mushrush

Student ID: 2825

Student Grade: 76

ferrie@FastCat{Assignment 2}: Tlookup NamesIDs.txt marks.txt DAGGett The following record was found:

Name: Yuonne Daggett

Student ID: 2029

Student Grade: 74

ferrie@FastCat{Assignment 2}: Tlookup NamesIDs.txt marks.txt spece

The following record was found:

Name: Matilde Spece

Student ID: 2917

Student Grade: 68

ferrie@FastCat{Assignment 2}: Tlookup NamesIDs.txt marks.txt aYlor

The following record was found:

Name: Francene Aylor

Student ID: 2728

Student Grade: 72

ferrie@FastCat{Assignment 2}: Tlookup NamesIDs.txt marks.txt foo No record found for student with last name foo.


Write a “C” command line program, Tlookup, as shown in the above examples. It should be able to validate the correct number of arguments and fail gracefully if the specified files are not found. A correctly working program should be able to replicate the examples shown above exactly.

To obtain full marks, your program must work correctly, implement all data structures specified, and be reasonably well documented.

As with Assignment 2, your “C” source file should be named Tlookup.c and include your name and student ID.

Run the examples shown and save your output to a file called Tlookup.txt. Again, make sure that this file contains your name and student ID.

Upload your files to myCourses as indicated.

About Coding Assignments

We encourage students to work together and exchange ideas. However, when it comes to finally sitting down to write your code, this must be done independently. Detecting software plagiarism is pretty much automated these days with systems such as MOSS.

Please make sure your work is your own. If you are having trouble, the Faculty provides a free tutoring service to help you along. You can also contact the course instructor or the tutor during office hours. There are also numerous online resources – Google is your friend. The point isn’t simply to get the assignment out of the way, but to actually learn something in doing.

fpf/Oct. 7, 2017

Original version of this assignment written by Prasun Lala, Fall 2016.


BTrees, Dynamic Memory Allocation
$24.99 $18.99