CSE Homework 6 100 points Solved

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In this assignment you will develop and benchmark a memory management package. You are required to work with a partner on this project. You and your partner will turn in a single assignment, and both partners will receive the same grade on the project. Be sure to have both of your names in the assignment…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution




5/5 – (2 votes)

In this assignment you will develop and benchmark a memory management package. You are required to work with a partner on this project. You and your partner will turn in a single assignment, and both partners will receive the same grade on the project. Be sure to have both of your names in the assignment files. Also remember that if you wish to use a late day or two for the final part of the project, both you and your partner must have those late days available, and both of you will be charged for any late days used.

Part 0: Pick a partner NOW!

As soon as possible, but no later than 11:00 pm on Monday, May 7, you must pick a partner and notify us. One of you (only!) must complete this Google form by writing in the names and uwnetids of both partners. We will create a discussion on the Canvas discussion board for students to find partners whose schedule might be compatible.

You must work in PAIRS. You cannot work alone and you cannot have a group of three or more.

We will use this information to set up a git repository for your group on the CSE GitLab server. You must use this repository for this assignment; you cannot use another repository elsewhere. (And, as is true of all assignments, your solution code should not be publicly available on any repository where it could be accessed by other students in the class this quarter or in the future.)

You must work with a partner on this assignment; you cannot work alone. Part of the point of the assignment is to gain experience handling source code when more than one person is working on a project. If you do not have a partner by the deadline, you will be randomly assigned a partner for the assignment.

You and your partner will receive 1 point (1%) of the total credit for the assignment if you follow these instructions exactly – exactly one web form for the group filled out on time with the right information (names and uwnetids, not student id numbers, random email addresses, or other information).

Part 1: Header files and repository (due 5/15/18, 11pm)

See the turnin section for details about what is required for Part 1. Turnin will be through GitLab. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS.

Part 2: Final code (due 5/24/18, 11pm)

See the turnin section for final turnin instructions through GitLab.

Assignment goals

This assignment continues our exploration of procedural programming, memory management, and software tools, as well as software development and working in groups. In particular, in this assignment you will:

  • Implement and test a memory management package that has the same functionality as the standard library malloc and free functions,

  • Gain experience using source-code management systems, in particular git,

  • Gain further experience with software development tools like make, and

  • Gain experience working in groups.

Please start now. Even though you are working with a partner, there is enough to do that you will be in (big) trouble if you wait until the weekend before it is due to begin. To encourage you to get started now you are required to turn in skeleton files for your code fairly early in the project (details later in this writeup).

CSE Homework 6 100 points Solved
$24.99 $18.99