VHDL Assignment #1: Getting Started with Quartus CAD Software

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Instructions 2 Introduction In this assignment, you will learn how to use Intel Quartus II FPGA design software, how to set up a project, and the basics of writing VHDL code by following a step-by-step tutorial. 3 Learning Outcomes After completing this lab you should know how to: Run the Intel Quartus software Create the…

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  • Instructions

2 Introduction

In this assignment, you will learn how to use Intel Quartus II FPGA design software, how to set up a project, and the basics of writing VHDL code by following a step-by-step tutorial.

3 Learning Outcomes

After completing this lab you should know how to:

  • Run the Intel Quartus software

  • Create the framework for a new project

  • Create a new VHDL file

4 Run Intel Quartus

In this course you will be using commercial FPGA design software: the Intel Quartus Prime program and the Mentor Graphics ModelSim simulation program. Quartus Prime and ModelSim are installed on the computers in the lab. You can also obtain a slightly restricted version, the Quartus Lite edition, from the Intel web site1. The program restrictions will not affect any designs you will be doing in this course. You can (and you should) install the applications on your personal computer to work on your project outside of the lab. You should use version 18.0 of the program, as this is the latest version that supports the prototyping board (the Altera DE1-SoC board) that you will be using.

For Mac users, Intel Quartus is not available for MacOS. As such, you can connect to the lab computers via remote access. Follow the these instructions:

  1. Connect to the McGill VPN as shown here: https://mcgill.service-now.com/itportal?id=kb_article& sysparm_article=KB0010687

  1. Use Microsoft Remote Desktop (https://mcgill.service-now.com/itportal?id=kb_article&sysparm_ article=KB0010725) to connect to machines 156TR4060-01.campus.mcgill.ca – 156TR4060-17.campus.mcgill.ca. Note that the number at the end of the name of the machine (before “.campus.mcgill.ca”) is the machine num-ber in the lab (a total of 17 machines).

To begin, start Quartus Prime by selecting it in the Windows Start menu:

1Go to https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/programmable/downloads/download-center.html Then select Version 18.0 and finally choose the Lite edition. You may have to register for an Intel account. Also, before you press the Download button make sure that the correct version and edition are selected through the dropdown menus.

VHDL Assignment #1


The following window will appear on startup (this shows version 18.0 downloaded from Intel’s web site; the versions on the lab computers may look slightly different).

Intel Quartus Prime employs a project-based approach. The goal of a Quartus project is to develop a hardware implementation of a specific function, targeted to an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) device. Typically, the project will involve a (large) number of different circuits, each designed individually, or taken from circuit libraries. Project management is therefore important. The Quartus Prime program aids in the project management by providing a project framework that keeps track of the various components of the project, including design files (such as schematic block diagrams or VHDL descriptions), simulation files, compilation reports, FPGA configuration or programming files, project specific program settings and assignments, and many others.

The first step in designing a system using the Quartus Prime approach is therefore to create the project frame-work. The program simplifies this by providing a “Wizard” which guides you through a step-by-step setting of the most important options. To run the Project Wizard, click on the File menu and select the New Project Wizard entry.

5 Creating a New Project

The New Project Wizard involves going through a series of windows. The first window is an introduction, listing the settings that can be applied. After reading the text on this window, click on “Next” to proceed.

VHDL Assignment #1


Your project framework is now ready.

6 Writing Hello Gate code in VHDL

The following VHDL code describes an OR gate (available online at https://www.edaplayground.com/x/A4). Create a new VHDL file within your project and write/paste the code in the new file. Make sure to select the OR gate as the top-level design entity (see figure below).

  • Simple OR g a t e d e s i g n

l i b r a r y IEEE ;

u s e IEEE . s t d _ l o g i c _ 1 1 6 4 . a l l ;

e n t i t y or_gate i s

p o r t (

a : i n s t d _ l o g i c ;

b : i n s t d _ l o g i c ;

q : o u t s t d _ l o g i c ) ;

e n d or_gate ;

a r c h i t e c t u r e r t l o f or_gate i s

b e g i n

p r o c e s s ( a , b ) i s

b e g i n

q <= a o r b ;

e n d p r o c e s s ;

e n d r t l ;

VHDL Assignment #1


Next go to Tools > Options > General > EDA Tools to make sure that the path to Altera Modelsim is configured correctly. If you installed “Quartus with Altera ModelSim” the path should be similar to the one shown in the figure below (i.e., on Windows: C:\altera\13.0sp1\mode-sim_ase\win32aloem, otherwise you will need to browse to where you installed Altera Modelsim and point it to the win32aloem directory (see figure below).

VHDL Assignment #1


Now we need to create a testbench file. Test benches are used to test our VHDL code. In the testbench file, we will typically define the VDHL code of our hardware as the device under test (DUT) and then define the input vectors to test the DUT. The VHDL code that describes the testbench for the OR gate is provided below. Write/paste the code in a new VHDL file within your project. This file should be defined as the testbench in the settings. To specify the testbench go to this path Assignments > Settings > EDA Tool Settings > Simulation and specify your testbench file as shown in the figure below.

−− Testbench f o r

OR g a t e

l i b r a r y IEEE ;

u s e IEEE . s t d _ l o g i c _ 1 1 6 4 . a l l ;

e n t i t y t e s t b e n c h i s

−− empty

e n d t e s t b e n c h ;

a r c h i t e c t u r e tb o f t e s t b e n c h i s

−− DUT component

c o m p o n e n t


i s

p o r t (

a : i n s t d _ l o g i c ;

b : i n s t d _ l o g i c ;

q : o u t s t d _ l o g i c ) ;

e n d c o m p o n e n t ;

s i g n a l a _ i n , b_in,

q_out : s t d _ l o g i c ;

b e g i n

−− Connect DUT

DUT: or_gate p o r t

map ( a _ i n ,


q_out ) ;

p r o c e s s

b e g i n

<= ’0’;



<= ’0’;

w a i t

f o r 1 ns ;

a s s e r t ( q_out= ’ 0 ’ )

r e p o r t

” F a i l

0/0 “

s e v e r i t y

e r r o r ;


<= ’0’;


<= ’1’;

w a i t

f o r 1 ns ;

a s s e r t ( q_out= ’ 1 ’ )

r e p o r t

” F a i l

0/1 “

s e v e r i t y

e r r o r ;


<= ’1’;

b_in <= ’X’ ;

w a i t

f o r 1 ns ;

a s s e r t ( q_out= ’ 1 ’ )

r e p o r t

” F a i l


s e v e r i t y

e r r o r ;


<= ’1’;


<= ’1’;

w a i t

f o r 1 ns ;

a s s e r t ( q_out= ’ 1 ’ )

r e p o r t

” F a i l

1/1 “

s e v e r i t y

e r r o r ;

−− C l e a r i n p u t s


<= ’0’;


<= ’0’;

a s s e r t f a l s e

r e p o r t ” Test

done . “ s e v e r i t y n ot e ;

w a i t ;

e n d p r o c e s s ;

e n d tb ;

VHDL Assignment #1


Now you can compile your code by clicking on “Compile Design” in “Tasks” window. After receiving all green check-marks in the Tasks window, follow the path: Tools > Run EDA Simulation Tool > EDA RTL Simulation to see the output waveform (see figure below). The ModelSim tool will open with a plot of the simulation result.

McGill University ECSE 222 – Digital Logic (Fall 2022)

VHDL Assignment #1: Getting Started with Quartus CAD Software
$24.99 $18.99