Homework Assignment #3 240 – 360 minutes

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Objectives Gain some experience in using Containers Gain some experience in using SQS Overview In this assignment, you will modify your Consumer program from HW2, so it can retrieve Widget Requests from an SQS queue. Also, you will package up the Consumer so you could run multiple concurrent instances of it in containers. Instructions Step…

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  • Gain some experience in using Containers

  • Gain some experience in using SQS


In this assignment, you will modify your Consumer program from HW2, so it can retrieve Widget Requests from an SQS queue. Also, you will package up the Consumer so you could run multiple concurrent instances of it in containers.


Step 0 – Preliminaries

Be sure that you use the Learner Lab associated with CS5260 in the AWS Academy Canvas.

Also, make sure that your most up-to-date credentials are in your AWS credentials file on the machine that you are using for development.

Step 1 – Setup a queue

Using the SQS Console, create a SQS queue with the following specifications:

Type: standard

Name: cs5260-requests

Configuration settings: use defaults

Access policy: use defaults

Encryption: disabled

Dead-letter queue: disabled

No additional tags

Take a snapshot of your queue’s overview screen. Be sure to include the header bar that shows your account id.

Step 2 – Refine Your Design

other words, the Consumer should still be able to retrieve a Widget Requests from an S3 Bucket, if so specified via command-line parameters.

Also, this new version will need to process Delete and Update Widget Requests, besides the Create requests. After retrieving a message (containing a request) and processing that request, your Consumer must delete the message the queue using the messages receipt handle.

To optimize the use of the queue, you can read up to 10 messages at a time. Your message retrieving software component could still return just one message but cache the others and return them in subsequent calls to that method or function.

Be sure that your design document to reflects your latest thinking and is a meaningful specification that can guide implementation. You will submit this revised design document with this assignment.

Step 3 – Implement and Test the Changes

In this step you will implement your revised design. Also, as before, your implementation must contain executable unit test cases that test all non-trivial methods or functions reasonably thoroughly.

Also, your program should write meaningful messages to a log file. Meaningful logging and reasonable thoroughly testing will help you reduce your overall time spent on HW3 and HW4. For the logging, look for a 3rd library that handle all the heavy work. For Java, consider Log4J2. For Python, consider the “logging” module. There are good logging libraries for virtual every modern programming language. There is no need for you to write your own logging component(s) – simply use an existing library that have been a good reputation and following.

Before you move unto the next step, do some system testing by running the instructor-provided Producer and multiple instances of your Consumer program on your local machines. Run at least two instances of your Consumer program in separate windows and then the Producer in a third. You can use the “–max-widget-requests” (or “-mwr”) command-line argument set the limit of requests, if you like, but try it with at least 100. You should see each instance of the Consumer processes different requests. You may see a few failed Update or Delete requests. Do not worry about these errors at this point but think about why they might be occurring.

Take snapshots of the screen that show at least two Consumers running concurrently and submit these with your deliverables for the assignment.

If you need to clear out (purge) all existing requests from the queue, you can do so through the SQS console or by using the AWS CLI. However, AWS limits how often you can do this.

Step 4 – Package into a Docker Image and Deploy to Local Containers

In this step, you will package and deploy your program so it can run in a Docker container. You can do this on your own workstation or on an EC2 instance that you are using as a workstation. So, if you don’t have already have Docker installed, you will need to download it and install it.

To package your Consumer program into a Docker Image, you will need to create an appropriate Dockerfile that 1) specifies your runtime environment, 2) copies your program into the container, and 3) specifies a command that will run your program. The following screen snapshot shows a sample docker file and a build command that creates a docker image from that file.

The first command in the above screenshot displays the Dockerfile. In this case, the Dockerfile use an image that supports OpenJDK 8 as the base layer. The second line in file copies a jar file from the local file system into the image. The third line defines a command that will be run when the container starts up. This Dockerfile is just an example. Yours can and probably will be a little different.

The second command in the above screenshot, i.e., “docker build -t consumer:2.3 .”, creates a Docker image using the current directory as the context and tags it as consumer:2.3.

Once you are able to build a Docker image, test it running the Producer program with parameters that cause it generate 100+ request and then by launching the Docker image in one container. Look at the output to make sure everything is working. You may see a few Update and Delete requests failing. Think about why this is so, even when you are running just one Consumer. Step 7 will have you answer questions related to this behavior.

Below is a screenshot that illustrates the launching a container in the foreground (i.e., so the output to the console is immediately visible). Just before this container was launcher, the Producer was executed to place 100+ requests into the queue.

Take a screen snapshot of launching and running of the container, like above. Be sure that the snapshot shows the command line and at least 15 lines of output. Submit this snapshot with your other deliverables for the assignment.

Important Note:

To run the Consumer in a container, your will need to authorize the container or pass your credentials to the container so the Consumer can access your AWS resources. AWS provides several ways to do this. Some (like using ECS Local Endpoints) are sophisticated and follow best practices but use concepts that we have not covered yet. Some can only be used if the containers are running within the AWS cloud. Others (like passing environment variables into the containers) work for containers running anywhere and use concepts that you should know but are not considered best practices.

For this assignment, the recommendation is that you pass AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,

AWS_SECRET_KEY, and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variables to your container, by putting them credentials in a file (that is not committed to Git) and running the container with a “–env-file” parameter, as illustrated below:

In this screenshot, the first command shows the contents of file that contains a list of environment variables. In this case, those variables are for authentication. The default authentication mechanism in your SDK should automatically look for this environment variables. If not, you may have to edit your code to provide a customer AWS credential provider chain. See the documentation for your SDK on how to authenticate using environment variables.

The second command launches a container using an existing docker image. The “–env-file” parameter specifies the file that contains the environment variables. The “-d” parameter tells Docker to run the container in the background.

The third command shows the running containers.

Step 5 – Push Your image to a Docker Image repository

In this step, you will first create a private Docker Image repository using the AWS ECR console and the following specifications:

After you successfully push your Docker image, go to the ECR console and access the cs5260 repository. Take a screenshot of contents of the repository. Be sure the snapshot includes the account id in the header bar. Below is an example of what it might look like.

Step 6 – Deploy Containers on a ECS Cluster (Optional – Extra Credit)

In this step, you will setup a Container Cluster and deploy your Docker Image to two containers using AWS ECS and AWS Fargate.

First, you will need to create a Contain Cluster that defines the environment in which your containers will execute. To create the cluster, do the following:

  1. Go to the ECS Console in the AWS Manage Console

  1. Go to Clusters

  1. Click a new cluster

    1. Click on “Create Cluster”

    2. For the cluster template, select “Network Only”, which is the one to AWS Fargate.

    1. Give the cluster a name, e.g., “consumerCluster”

    2. Do not select the option that will cause a new VPC to be created. Later, you will launch containers into your existing cs5260-vpc.

  1. View your cluster. It should look something like the image below

Take a snapshot of your cluster view, like the one above, and submit it with your homework assignment.

Next, you will need to setup a task definition that specifies how to launch container with the

Consumer Image. Here are the steps:

  1. Go the CloudWatch Console

  1. Create a log group called /ecs/consumerTask

  2. Return to the ECS Console

  3. Go the Repositories and your cs5260 repository

  4. View you latest Docker image and copy the Image URI. It will be something like:


  1. Go to Task Definitions

  1. Create a new Task Definition

    1. Click on “Create new Task Definition”

    2. Select “Fargate” for the launch type compatibility

    3. Give the task definition a name of “consumerTask”

    4. For the Task Role, select “LabRole”.

    5. For the Task Execution Role, select “LabRole”.

    6. For the Task Member and CPU, list 0.5GB and 0.25 vCPU.

    7. Add a container

      1. Click on “Add container”

      2. Give the container a name, e.g., “consumer”

      3. Paste in your Docker image URI for the image.

      4. Set a soft memory limit of 128

    8. Make sure “auto-configure CloudWatch logs” is enabled, with the following log options: awslogs-group = /ecs/consumerTask, awslogs-region = us-east-1, and awslogs-stream-prefix = ecs.

    9. No other options or configuration parameters than those mention above should be necessary.

  1. View the Task Definition.

Take a snapshot of your view that shows at least the task definition name, network mode, compatibilities, task memory, and task CPU size. Submit this snapshot as one of the work artifacts for the assignment.

While the task is running check to see if the consumers are processing data. You can do this, by

  1. Watching the number of requests in the SQS queue change.

  1. Watching for objects being created in your DynamoDB table and or S3 Bucket 3.

  2. Examining the CloudWatch logs associated with the task.

Take a snapshot of at least on these things to demonstrate the requests are being processed.

Finally, run the task by doing the following:

  1. Clear out your DynamoDB table and your S3 Bucket 3

  1. Run the Producer generate some requests

  2. Go back to the Task Definitions screen in the ECS Console.

  3. While looking at the task definition, click on “Actions” and “Run Task”

  4. Select “Fargate” as the launch type.

  5. Enter 2 for the number of tasks

  6. Select your cs5260-vpc as the VPC.

  7. Select the two available subnets.

  8. Run the task and look at the Task for the cluster. It should look like the following:

Take a snapshot of your screen, like the one above, and submit it as one the work artifacts for this assignment.

On the Clusters Dashboard, watch for the tasks to move from “Pending” to “Running”. Once they do, your Consumers should be processing request. While they are running check to see if the consumers are processing data. You can do this, by

  • Watching the number of requests in the SQS queue change.

  • Watching for objects being created in your DynamoDB table and or S3 Bucket 3.

  • Examining the CloudWatch logs associated with the task.

Take a snapshot of at least on these things to demonstrate the requests are being processed.

After your Consumers has processed all the requests, stop the tasks.

Note: If the tasks go from Pending to Running and then immediately disappear, there might be a problem with the Task Definition or with permission. You can click on the task in the Task tab of the cluster and then click on a Logs tab to investigate the problem. If you make mistake in the Task Definition, you will have to de-register the current version and recreate it.

Step 7 – Commit your work to a git repository

Manage your all project’s artifacts with Git, including project files, build instructions, etc. The only things you don’t need to keep in the Git repository are artifacts that are generated during the build process or at runtime. Commit to your Git repository frequently. Your Git commit log

will be examined during the review and must show meaningful workflow. A single commit at the end is not acceptable.

Step 8 – Questions

  1. Why is possible that Update and Delete Widget Requests may fail, even when you were running just one Consumer?

  2. How would this possible behavior impact the design of distributed applications that use queues?

Step 9 – Complete a Design/Review Code

Schedule and complete a 10-minute online design/review with either the instructor or TA. To schedule the review, simple signup using the online signup sheet that will be provider or email the instructor AND the TA with 3 possible times that work for you. These times could be during or outside the regularly schedule office hours or outside of those times. Unless there are absolutely no other possibilities, do not propose times after 9pm at night or before 7am, or on Sunday. Either the instructor or the TA will respond to your email and give you a time.

Before the review, submit your artifact to Canvas (see Submission instructions below). The submission to canvas needs to be before the due date if it is not to be counted as late. The review can be after the due date.

During the review, you should do the following:

  • Talk through your design (2 minutes)

  • Walk through the key parts of your code (4 minutes)

  • Walk through the some of the most interesting test cases (4 minutes)

You do not need to execute your system unless the instructor or TA ask you to do so. So, be prepared to compile and run your system if requests.

10 minutes is not a long time, so you must be prepared and efficient with your walk through.

Hints and Other Thoughts

Consider standard queue behaviors. There is a small delay been the time when a message is submitted to an SQS queue and when it can be received. Even if there are messages logically in the queue, a receive-message operation may not return anything. This is an error, but an excepted behavior as a consequence of the way AWS replicates and distributes queued messages across multiple servers and availability zones.

Use a long polling and batch retrievals. Reduce the number of SQS operations by using long polling and by requesting up to 10 messages in a single receive-message operation.


Your submission must include:

  • All screenshots mentioned in the above steps

  • Your revised design document

  • Answers to the questions in Step 8

  • An archive file of your entire project, expect build-time or runtime-artifacts

Grading Criteria



A snapshot that illustrates the successful creation of the queue


created in Step 1.

A revised design document that satisfies the new requirements


and can act as a meaningful guide for the implementation.

An implementation that satisfies the new requirements and


design and that includes meaningful test cases. Also, snapshot

or PDF of your Git repository’s history that illustrates regular

progress and commits.

An appropriate Dockerfie (which should be included in your


archive file along with all the other required artifacts), plus a

snapshot of the launching and running of a container that runs

the Consumer program.

Successfully pushing of the Docker image to a private repository


in ECR, illustrated by a snapshot.

(Extra Credit)

Successfully setup and launched containers on AWS using ECS


and Fargate.

Answers to the questions asked in the last step.


Deductions (applied on top of scores given for the above):

-200 to 0

Git not used or commits not done frequently

Failure to complete a design and code review (-50)

Late (-20 points per day up to -50 points)

Sloppy presentation of the comparison and

questions/answers (up to -25)

Cheating, e.g., copying someone else’s work. This will be

an automatic -200 (i.e., a negative twice the maximum


Total Points (not counting extra credit)


Homework Assignment #3 240 – 360 minutes
$24.99 $18.99