Coding Assignment 2: Hidden Markov Models

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Overview In this assignment you will write a Hidden Markov Model part-of-speech tagger for Italian, Japanese, and a surprise language. The training data are provided tokenized and tagged; the test data will be provided tokenized, and your tagger will add the tags. The assignment will be graded based on the performance of your tagger, that…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution




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In this assignment you will write a Hidden Markov Model part-of-speech tagger for Italian, Japanese, and a surprise language. The training data are provided tokenized and tagged; the test data will be provided tokenized, and your tagger will add the tags. The assignment will be graded based on the performance of your tagger, that is how well it performs on unseen test data compared to the performance of a reference tagger.


A set of training and development data is available as a compressed ZIP archive on Blackboard. The uncompressed archive contains the following files:

Two files (one Italian, one Japanese) with tagged training data in the word/TAG format, with words separated by spaces and each sentence on a new line.

Two files (one Italian, one Japanese) with untagged development data, with words separated by spaces and each sentence on a new line.

Two files (one Italian, one Japanese) with tagged development data in the word/TAG format, with words separated by spaces and each sentence on a new line, to serve as an answer key.

A readme/license file (which you won’t need for the exercise).

The grading script will train your model on all of the tagged training and development data (separately for Italian and Japanese), and test the model on unseen data in a similar format. The grading script will do the same for the surprise language, for which all of the training, development and test data are unseen.


You will write two programs in Python 3 (Python 2 has been deprecated): will learn a hidden Markov model from the training data, and will use the model to tag new data.

The learning program will be invoked in the following way:

> python /path/to/input

The argument is a single file containing the training data; the program will learn a hidden Markov model, and write the model parameters to a file called hmmmodel.txt. The format of the model is up to you, but it should follow the following guidelines:

The model file should contain sufficient information for to successfully tag new data.

The model file should be human-readable, so that model parameters can be easily understood by visual inspection of the file.

The tagging program will be invoked in the following way:

> python /path/to/input

The argument is a single file containing the test data; the program will read the parameters of a hidden Markov model from the file hmmmodel.txt, tag each word in the test data, and write the results to a text file called hmmoutput.txt in the same format as the training data.

The accuracy of your tagger is determined by a scoring script which compares the output of your tagger to a reference tagged text. Note that the tagged output file hmmoutput.txt must match line for line and word for word with the input to A discrepancy in the number of lines or in the number of words on corresponding lines will cause the scoring script to fail.


All submissions will be completed through Vocareum.

Multiple submissions are allowed; only the final submission will be graded. Each time you submit, a submission script trains your model (separately for each language) on the training data, runs your tagger on the development data, and reports the results. Do not include the data in your submission: the submission script reads the data from a central directory, not from your personal directory. You are encouraged to submit early and often in order to iron out any problems, especially issues with the format of the final output.

The performance of you classifier will be measured automatically; failure to format your output correctly may result in very low scores, which will not be changed.

For full credit, make sure to submit your assignment well before the deadline. The time of submission recorded by the system is the time used for determining late penalties. If your submission is received late, whatever the reason (including equipment failure and network latencies or outages), it will incur a late penalty.

If you have any issues with Vocareum with regards to logging in, submission, code not executing properly, etc., please make a post on Piazza so the instructional team can look into the issue.

Coding Assignment 2: Hidden Markov Models
$24.99 $18.99