Homework #3 – MarkeAng Strategy Solved

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In this homework we, as the manager of a grocery store, we ask you to develop a tool which will help us to improve our marke9ng strategy. We will provide you the purchased transac9ons of our customers as an input file and your tool needs to extract all the sales rela9ons between the products. For…

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In this homework we, as the manager of a grocery store, we ask you to develop a tool which will help us to improve our marke9ng strategy. We will provide you the purchased transac9ons of our customers as an input file and your tool needs to extract all the sales rela9ons between the products. For this purpose, you are required to use a templated hashtable with separate chaining.


When we go shopping, we generally have a standard list of things to purchase. This list is prepared based on one’s needs and preferences for each customer. A housewife might purchase fresh food like vegetables or milk for the kitchen whereas someone alone might purchase chips and coke. Understanding these buying interests can offer assistance to extend deals in a few ways.

For instance, if X and Y are frequently bought together:

  • X and Y can be both placed on the same shelf, so that buyers of one item would be prompted to buy the other.

  • Promo9onal discounts could be applied to just one out of the two items (X or Y) since buying one would encourage the buyer to buy the other one, too.

  • Adver9sements on X could be targeted at buyers who purchase Y.

The Goal

The goal of this homework, for a given list of transac9ons, is to extract all possible implica9ons. For instance;

chips -> coke

This implies that, for the customers who bought chips most likely bought coke, too. Or, as another example, consider the following implica9on;

sugar, milk -> flour

Implies that, the customers who bought sugar and milk most likely bought flour, too.

Your program needs to ask two numbers (ranging from 0 and 1) for given support and confidence threshold values (see their defini9ons in the document for details below) from the user. Then, your program needs to ask the name of the input file. You can decide on the appropriate display messages for them.

The input file contains the list of purchased transac9ons of our customers. In each line, there are several products (items) that are purchased for that 9me of shopping. For a transac9on, there is no repeated product and the number of products are not fixed. An example of input file is given as below:


milk bread bananas cake

bread apple onion

coke chips sandwich

bananas yoghurt chocolate grapes orange milk orange bread

In the input file, there are no empty input lines and all of the words are given as in lower cases. The words in the same line are separated with an empty space. An item will be only one word, so, you will not see an item containing mul9ple words such as “orange juice”.

Output File Format

The output file format needs to be exactly the same as described here. You need to write your outputs to a file named as results.txt. In each line there will be only one rule. For each rule, you need to put commas between the products of the same side of the implica9on and you need to put a semicolon instead of the implica9on symbol (->). So, basically, what we expect from you is to generate the file as given in the second column of the following table if the extracted implica9ons are as given in the first column of the table. There will be no space character in the output file. Moreover, you need to give the confidence values of rules in the output file. Round your confidence values having 2 decimals, i.e., having 2 digits aYer the dot as below. Con9nue reading this document for more details on confidence values.

Extracted Rules with Confidences

Output file format



= 0.30123


{B, C}

-> D

conf = 0.12139


{B, C}

-> {A, D} conf = 0.32125


Background InformaAon

such as support({bread}) and support({bread, milk}). Then, by using those support

values, you need to calculate the confidence values and extract the rules.















Sample Run 2

For the given same input file above, the output will be:

Please enter the transaction file name: in.txt

Please enter support and confidence values between 0 and 1: 0.60 0.45 There is no rule for the given support and confidence values.

Sample Run 3

For the given same input file above, the output will be:

Please enter the transaction file name: in.txt

Please enter support and confidence values between 0 and 1: 0.10 0.55 24 rules are written to results.txt


























Frequently Asked Questions

  • How am I going to use the hash table?

    • Since the search func9on takes constant 9me in the hash table, you will use it to find the number of occurrences of items and item pairs.

  • Can I generate all item pairs while I am reading the input file?

    • No. You need to enumerate all item pairs from the items whose support values are greater than or equal to the given threshold value.

  • How am I going to find the support value of k items?

    • You need to find the number of transac9ons which contains all of the k items at the same 9me. Then, divide this number with the number of total transac9ons. Normally, what you have in your hash table contains only items and item pairs.

Thus, you need to read the input file again to find the support values of item sets when needed. See the updated Rules Extrac9on sec9on for details.

  • Do I need to rehash?

    • Yes, you need to rehash when necessary.

  • Do I need to make input validaAon?

    • No, you can assume that all of the given input values are valid.

  • Do I need to print the rules in the same order as you did in the sample run?

  • No, you do not need to do that as long as you find the same rules.

General Rules and Guidelines about Homeworks

The following rules and guidelines will be applicable to all homeworks, unless otherwise noted.

How to get help?

You may ask questions to TAs (Teaching Assistants) of CS300. Office hours of TAs can be found here. Recitations will partially be dedicated to clarify the issues related to homework, so it is to your benefit to attend recitations.

What and Where to Submit

Please see the detailed instructions below/in the next page. The submission steps will get natural/easy for later homeworks.


Careful about the semi-automatic grading: Your programs will be graded using a semi-automated system. Therefore, you should follow the guidelines about input and output order; moreover, you should also use the exact same prompts as given in the Sample Runs. Otherwise semi-automated grading process will fail for your homework, and you may get a zero, or in the best scenario you will lose points.


  • We will hold a demo session for your homework grading. Each one of you must show that your code is running as expected and explain several parts of your code if necessary. Wait for an announcement for the demo scheduling.

  • Late penalty is 10% off the full grade and only one late day is allowed.

  • Having a correct program is necessary, but not sufficient to get the full grade. Comments, indentation, meaningful and understandable identifier names, informative introduction and prompts, and especially proper use of required functions, unnecessarily long program (which is bad) and unnecessary code duplications will also affect your grade.

  • Please submit your own work only (even if it is not working). It is really easy to find out

What and where to submit (IMPORTANT)

Submission guidelines are below. Most parts of the grading process are automatic. Students are expected to strictly follow these guidelines in order to have a smooth grading process. If you do not follow these guidelines, depending on the severity of the problem created during the grading process, 5 or more penalty points are to be deducted from the grade.

Add your name to the program: It is a good practice to write your name and last name somewhere in the beginning program (as a comment line of course).

Name your submission file:

  • Use only English alphabet letters, digits or underscore in the file names. Do not use blank, Turkish characters or any other special symbols or characters.

  • Name your cpp file that contains your program as follows.


  • Your SUCourse user name is actually your SUNet username which is used for checking sabanciuniv e-mails. Do NOT use any spaces, non-ASCII and Turkish characters in the file name. For example, if your SUCourse user name is cago, name is Çağlayan, and last name is Özbugsızkodyazaroğlu, then the file name must be:


    • Do not add any other character or phrase to the file name.

    • Make sure that this file is the latest version of your homework program.

  • You need to submit ALL .cpp and .h files including the data structure files in addition to your main.cpp in your VS solution.

    • The name of the main cpp file should be as follows.

SUCourseUserName_yourLastname_yourName_HWnumber.cppFor example zubosman_Osmanoglu_Zubeyir_hw3.cpp is a valid name, but hw3_hoz_HasanOz.cpp, HasanOzHoz.cpp are NOT valid names.


Submit via SUCourse ONLY! You will receive no credits if you submit by other means (e-mail, paper, etc.).

Successful submission is one of the requirements of the homework. If, for some reason, you cannot successfully submit your homework and we cannot grade it, your grade will be 0.

Good Luck!

Hanefi Mercan and Gülşen Demiröz

Homework #3 – MarkeAng Strategy Solved
$24.99 $18.99