Object-Oriented Programming Assignment 5 Book Store Application

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Objectives: To practice Java GUI using Swing Book Store Application In this homework, we will be creating a software for a small bookstore in the neighborhood. The manager of the bookstore needs a computer program to keep record of the inventory and the rented books. The program should be able to perform the following operations:…

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  • To practice Java GUI using Swing

Book Store Application

In this homework, we will be creating a software for a small bookstore in the neighborhood. The manager of the bookstore needs a computer program to keep record of the inventory and the rented books. The program should be able to perform the following operations:

  • Display a list of all of the books in the store (full information) [20 points]

  • Search a book by title and show the details of a particular book (title, author, number of pages, publisher, year, copies in the inventory, category) [20 points]

  • Rent a book [20 points]

  • Display a list of all of the bookstore’s customers (full information) [20 points]

  • Search a customer by name and display the details of a particular customer (firstname, lastname, email address, phone number, physical address) [20 points]

  • Display a list of all of the books rented by a particular customer – by last name

  1. Display the names and authors of the books [bonus +20 points]


  • You will need three different list:

  1. A list of all of the books in the store

  1. A list of all of the customers of the store

    1. A list of the books currently rented by the customers

  • You need to read keep the records in a txt file (read from file/ write to file)

  • You should decide the required/useful components to include.

  • Assume, I am your customer and don’t have a CS background. Thus, you shouldn’t expect detailed information from me. Additionally, you need to design a simple and effective GUI that I can use

  • Your homework will be graded by the functionality. Firstly, create something that is working without any issue, then you can improve/beautify the GUI.

  • It is your task to identify the necessary classes, attributes and methods.

Homework Submission Instructions

You can work with a friend (group of two), or you can do it alone.

  • Deliverables:

  1. A well written project report (.pdf)

    • Explain your classes, attributes and methods. Explain how you implemented the Inheritance, and benefits of this implementation

    • Put the screenshots of your outputs (the working version of your code) o Project.zip file

    • Submit the working version of the whole project file

    • Do not submit only the classes

    1. Independent/group completion form

  • Submit your files to Canvas (other submission methods will not be accepted)

If any of the problem statements is unclear, use the Canvas discussion board to ask for clarifications.

Object-Oriented Programming Assignment 5 Book Store Application
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