Language for propositional language Solution

$30.00 $24.00

In this homework you are to implement lexer and parser for a simple language. Token definitions: ID = [A-Z]+ LAPR = ( RPAR = ) NOT=! AND = /\ OR=\/ IMPLIES = ‘=>’ IFF = ‘<=>’ Grammar: propositions → proposition more-proposition more-proposition → , propositions | proposition → atomic | compound atomic → 0 |…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



5/5 – (2 votes)

In this homework you are to implement lexer and parser for a simple language.

Token definitions:

ID = [A-Z]+

LAPR = (

RPAR = )


AND = /\


IMPLIES = ‘=>’

IFF = ‘<=>’


propositions proposition more-proposition

more-proposition , propositions |

proposition atomic | compound

atomic 0 | 1 | ID

compound atomic connective proposition | LPAR proposition RPAR | NOT proposition connective AND | OR | IMPLIES | IFF

The start variable is propositions.

Your implementation should receive a file, if the input file is a valid program, it should print the parse tree in prefix order, otherwise it should return “Syntax Error” message along with the line and column numbers of the first error.


  • Use Python 2.7 for implementation

  • Deadline: Feb 11 at 9 AM

Language for propositional language Solution
$30.00 $24.00