Homework 6 Interpreting Scheme using Scheme Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Introduction In this homework you will implement a Scheme interpreter, similar to the ones we saw in the lectures. However, the subset of Scheme that is handled by the interpreter will be larger. The Scheme subset HW6 The syntax of the Scheme subset that will be covered by the interpreter that you will implement for…

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  • Introduction

In this homework you will implement a Scheme interpreter, similar to the ones we saw in the lectures. However, the subset of Scheme that is handled by the interpreter will be larger.

  • The Scheme subset HW6

The syntax of the Scheme subset that will be covered by the interpreter that you will implement for this homework is as follows.

<HW6> -> <expr>

  • <define>

<expr> -> NUMBER


  • <if>

  • <let>

  • <letstar>

  • <lambda>

  • <application>

<define> -> ( define IDENT <expr> )

<if> -> ( if <expr> <expr> <expr> )

<let> -> ( let ( <var_binding_list> ) <expr> )

<letstar> -> ( let* ( <var_binding_list> ) <expr> )

<lambda> -> ( lambda ( <formal_list> ) <expr> )

<application> -> ( <operator> <operand_list> )

<operator> -> <built_in_operator>

  • <lambda>


<built_in_operator> -> + | * | – | /

<operand_list> -> <expr> <operand_list>

  • empty

<var_binding_list> -> ( IDENT <expr> ) <var_binding_list>

  • ( IDENT <expr> )

<formal_list> -> IDENT <formal_list>



Note that, compared to the subsets we handled in the class, this grammar allows much more liberal expressions to be used: we will be able to apply a lambda expression directly within an interaction as

((lambda (n) (+ n 2)) 5)

and we will also be able bind a lambda expression to a variable as

(define inc2 (lambda (n) (+ n 2)))

and apply it later as

(inc2 5)

Note that, if there is a variable in procedure, it checks the value when the procedure is applied. You can see the example for binding variables to some values in Section 3.

We are now also able to use \if” expressions.

(if ((lambda (n) (+ n 2)) 2) (+ 1 2) (- 3 5))

Since we do not have the boolean data type in our subset, we use \if” ex-pression with the following semantics. When the rst <expr> of an <if> expression evaluates to 0, then the value of the <if> expression is to be ta-ken as the value of the third <expr> of the <if> expression. Otherwise, (i.e. when the rst <expr> of an <if> expression evaluates to a value other than 0), the value of the <if> expression is to be taken as the value of the second <expr> of the <if> expression.

You should pay attention to the di erent semantics of let and let*. In the following sequence of expressions

(define x 5)

(let ((x 3)(y x)) (+ x y))

(let* ((x 3)(y x)) (+ x y))

the let expression should produce the value 8, whereas the let* expression should produce the value 6.

A note on the number of items in <operand list> in an <application>.

If the <operator> is a lambda expression, then the number of items in the <operand list> and the number of formal parameters in the lambda expression must match. If they are di erent, then an error should be produced.


If the <operator> is the addition operator, then <operand list> can have any number of items. When there are 0 arguments, it should evaluate to 0.

If the <operator> is the multiplication operator, then <operand list> can have any number of items. When there are 0 arguments, it should evaluate to 1.

If the <operator> is the subtraction operator, then <operand list> must have at least two items. This operator is left associative.

If the <operator> is the division operator, then <operand list> must have at least two items. This operator is left associative.

  • The procedure cs305

You should declare a procedure named cs305 which will start the show when called. It should not take any arguments.

In every iteration of your REPL, you should print out the prompt given below in \Scheme Interaction” sample given below, then accept an input from the user, then evaluate the value of the input expression, and nally print the value evaluated by using a value prompt. The following is a sample on how the interaction with your interpreter must look like.


Scheme Interaction

1 ]=> (cs305)

cs305> 3

cs305: 3

cs305> (define x 5)

cs305: x

cs305> x

cs305: 5

cs305> ((lambda (n) (+ n 2)) 5)

cs305: 7

cs305> (define inc2 (lambda (n) (+ n 2)))

cs305: inc2

cs305> (inc2 5)

cs305: 7

cs305> (define incx (lambda (n) (+ n x)))

cs305: incx

cs305> (define x 3)

cs305: x

cs305> (incx 1)

cs305: 4

cs305> (define x 1)

cs305: x

cs305> (incx 1)

cs305: 2

In the example, incx increments the argument n by x. Since x is evaluated when the procedure is called, x is not 5. x is not bound when the procedure is de ned, but when the procedure is applied/called.


  • How to Submit

Submit a single le which must be named as:


where id is your student id.

In order to test your submission, we will start the MIT Scheme interpreter on flow.sabanciuniv.edu, and load your le in the interpreter as follows:

1 ]=> (load “id-hw6.scm”)

;Loading “id-hw6.scm” — done

;Value: ….

1 ]=> (cs305)

After loading your le, we will start the cs305 procedure, and start to interact with your interpreter.

  • Notes

Important: SUCourse’s clock may be o a couple of minutes. Take this into account to decide when to submit.

No homework will be accepted if it is not submitted using SUCourse. Note that, you may be able to nd Scheme interpreters for Windows.

Although it is discouraged, you may use them. However, we want to re-mind you that, your homework will be evaluated on flow.sabanciuniv.edu. Hence we recommend that you, at least, test your implementation on this before submitting.

Start working on the homework immediately.


Homework 6 Interpreting Scheme using Scheme Solution
$30.00 $24.00