Homework 4: Augmented Reality

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In this homework you will implement an augmented reality system using a planar tracking target. In each frame of the video, the system will automatically recognize the tracking target using SIFT feature matching, compute the homography between the tracking target and the video frame of the tracking target, and render a virtual overlay on top…

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In this homework you will implement an augmented reality system using a planar tracking target. In each frame of the video, the system will automatically recognize the tracking target using SIFT feature matching, compute the homography between the tracking target and the video frame of the tracking target, and render a virtual overlay on top of the detected tracking target.

The provided template code gives an outline of a Tracker class and a RANSAC class.

Tracker class:

  • The constructor takes as arguments the image of the tracking target (called the “reference” image), and the image to be overlaid on the video (the “overlay” image). In the constructor, you should extract and store SIFT keypoints detected on the reference image.

  • The compute_homography() function takes as input the current video frame (the “query” image) and returns the computed homography. First, the function finds SIFT matches between the reference image and the query image using the BFMatcher. Matches are then filtered using the ratio test (you will need to code this yourself, there is no OpenCV function for it). Then the matches that pass the ratio test are used to compute the homography and inliers with RANSAC. For partial credit (max 90%), you can use the cv.findHomography() function with the cv.RANSAC flag to compute the homography. For full credit, you will need to implement RANSAC yourself (see below).

  • The augment_frame() function uses the homography to draw the overlay image onto the video frame. Here you can use cv.warpPerspective() to apply the homographic warp. See the lecture slides for an explanation of how to do the overlay.

RANSAC class:

  • The constructor takes the RANSAC parameters including desired probability of success, inlier threshold, and the initial value of the estimated outlier ratio. The sample size is fixed to 4 since computing a homography requires four correspondences.

  • The compute_num_iter() function computes the maximum number of iterations according to the current estimate of the outlier ratio. This formula comes from the original paper on RANSAC.

  • The compute_inlier_mask() function evaluates a set of correspondences against a proposed homography and determines inliers and outliers. It returns a list of Boolean values where True means that correspondence is an inlier. Note: You can use cv.perspectiveTransform() to apply the homography to the reference points.

  • The find_homography() runs the actual RANSAC loop:

    • First initialize your outlier_ratio to init_outlier_ratio and compute the number of iterations required.

    • Initialize an iter variable and start a while loop to perform RANSAC iterations.

    • In each iteration, you will randomly choose four correspondences and compute the homography using cv.findHomography with method=0 (least-squares estimation).

    • Then count the number of inliers for this homography. If it is greater than your current best, store this homography and the list of inliers.

  • When a new best homography is found, you should also update your outlier ratio and re-compute the number of iterations.

  • Once the number of iterations exceeds max_iter, the while loop exits.

  • Finally, re-compute the homography using the inlier set for the best homography found.

Implement all the functions in tracker.py, and test out your system on the provided example video.

Once you have the system implemented and working, inspect the results and in your report, describe qualitatively how well the system works. When does it produce accurate results and when does it falter?

Relevant tutorials:

  • This page explains how to create a SIFT object and detect keypoints using .detectAndCompute().

  • This page explains how to match SIFT keypoints using the BFMatcher (brute-force matcher).

Required libraries:

  • cv2 (OpenCV)

  • numpy

Links to required files:

  • Example output (note: has a blue border around the overlay which won’t be present in your results)


  • process.py

  • tracker.py

  • Text document (plain text, Word doc, or PDF) explaining your solution

Please upload these files individually, not as a ZIP – this makes grading easier.

Homework 4: Augmented Reality
$24.99 $18.99