Lab #5Solved

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Requirements In this lab, you will cover working with structs and struct pointers. Additionally, you will be reviewing pointer arithmetic. You are provided the following struct definition to use with your starter code: typedef struct { int l a s t C a l c u l a t i o n ; int size…

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  • Requirements

In this lab, you will cover working with structs and struct pointers. Additionally, you will be reviewing pointer arithmetic. You are provided the following struct definition to use with your starter code:

typedef struct {

int l a s t C a l c u l a t i o n ;

int size ;

} Ar ra yI nfo ;

1.1 createArray

int * c r e a t e A r r a y ( int size ) ;


Info: This function will take an integer representing the size of the integer array to allocate. It will then allocate an integer array with the given size, and if successful, it returns a pointer to the array with an ArrayInfo struct hidden before the array pointer. Otherwise it will return NULL.

1.2 getSize

int getSize ( int * array ) ;


Info: This function will take an integer array with the array info hidden before the array pointer, and return the size of the array.

1.3 getInfo

Ar ra yI nf o * getInfo ( int * array ) ;


Info: This function will take an array with the array info hidden before the array pointer as an Array-Info struct, and return a pointer to that struct.

1.4 printLastCalculation

void p r i n t L a s t C a l c u l a t i o n ( int * array ) ;


Info: This function will take an integer array with the array info hidden before the array pointer as an ArrayInfo struct, and will print the value of the last calculation performed on the array, or -1 if one does not exist (you may assume that no calculation will result in -1).


Info: Example output for the print function:

  • No previous calculation performed Last calculation: -1

  • Previous calculation resulted in 5 Last calculation: 5

1.5 sumFives

void sumFives ( int * array ) ;


Info: This function will take a pointer to an array with the array info hidden before the array pointer as an ArrayInfo struct, calculate the sum of all the fives in the array. The result of the calculation should be stored in the array info.

1.6 freeArray

void f re eAr ra y ( int * array ) ;


Info: This function will take a pointer to an integer array with the array info hidden before the array pointer as an ArrayInfo struct, and free the memory allocated to it.



Grading: 14 points

  1. Write required createArray function * 4 points

  1. Write required getSize function * 2 points

  1. Write required getInfo function * 2 points

  1. Write required print function * 2 points

  1. Write required sum function * 2 points

  1. Write required free function * 2 points


Lab #5Solved
$24.99 $18.99