Project 07: Hash Tables Solution

$40.00 $34.00

Assignment Overview In this project, you will be implementing a Binary Min-Heap class. The definitio For this assignment, you will be implementing a Hash Table and resolving conflicts using quadratic probing( See D2L, Lecture14_15 for slides and sample code, also Zybooks) After which, you will be solving a problem involving strings using your newly created…

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Assignment Overview

In this project, you will be implementing a Binary Min-Heap class. The definitio For this assignment, you will be implementing a Hash Table and resolving conflicts using quadratic probing( See D2L, Lecture14_15 for slides and sample code, also Zybooks)

After which, you will be solving a problem involving strings using your newly created Hash Tables. Test cases will be provided for you to test your code, along with a skeleton file for you to start with where a hash node class has been defined for you.

Assignment Deliverables

Be sure to submit your project as a folder named “Project7” and include in the folder:, a Python3 file

readme.txt, a text file that includes:

Your name and feedback on the project

How long it took to complete

A list of any external resources that you used, especially websites (make sure to include the URLs) and which function(s) you used this information for.

Assignment Specifications

The hash node class is fully implemented and provided for you. Do not modify this class.

We have provided the __init__, __eq__, and hash_function methods in the HashTable class, do not modify these methods. Your task will be to complete the methods listed below in the HashTable class that have not been completed for you. Make sure that you are adhering to the time complexity requirements. Do not modify function signatures in any way.

insert(self, key, value):

Inserts key(string) and value(string) into the HashTable using a HashNode

Resolves conflicts using quadratic probing

If a HashNode with the same key is already present, reassigns the value to the new value

If the load factor is strictly greater than 0.75, calls grow()

Does NOT allow insertion of empty string

Expected time complexity O(1), Worst case O(n) time complexity

quadratic_probe(self, key):

Runs the quadratic hashing procedure

Returns the table index of key if key is in the table

If key is not found in the table, returns the next available index

Formula follows that of as i increments:

bucket = (bucket + i*i) % capacity

Returns -1 if key is empty string

find(self, key):

Takes in a key to search for in the Hash Table

Returns the node with the given key if found, if not found it returns False

Expected time complexity O(1), Worst case O(n) time complexity

lookup(self, key):

Takes in a key to search for in the Hash Table

Returns the value of the node with the given key if found, if not found it returns False

Expected time complexity O(1), Worst case O(n) time complexity

delete(self, key):

Takes in a key to delete in the Hash Table

Deletes by setting node to False

Expected time complexity O(1), O(n) time complexity


Doubles capacity

Rehashes all items in table

O(n) time complexity


Rehashes all items inside of the table

O(n) time complexity

string_difference(string1, string2):

Takes in two strings, uses hash tables to get the difference of characters from the strings

Returns a set of the different characters, grouped by character

Example: string1 = “aabbcc”, string2 = “ab”

The result would be a set containing {‘a’, ‘b’, ‘cc’} – those are the differing characters between the 2 strings

Notice how the c’s grouped together in the same string object

Lists and Dictionaries are NOT allowed within this function

O(n) time complexity

Assignment Specifications

You are required to add and complete docstrings for each function that you complete.

You are provided with skeleton code for the HashTable class and you must complete each empty function. You may use more functions if you’d like, but you must complete the ones given to you. If you do choose to make more functions, you are required to complete docstrings for those as well.

Make sure that you are adhering to all specifications for the functions, including time complexity.

The use of auxiliary containers, such as but not limited to Sets, Lists, and Dictionaries, are not prohibited in this project and may result in large percentage deductions. A list is allowed within rehash. A set can/must be used in string_difference and should be returned.

Due to the nature and intent of hidden test cases, limited help will be given regarding students failing hidden tests. Exceptions can be made for certain circumstances, but in general less help will be given to students requesting help on failing hidden test cases. The point of hidden cases is to think of edge cases and make sure you test it yourself, not have instructors tell you why you are failing.

Project authored by Conner Bean

Project 07: Hash Tables Solution
$40.00 $34.00