Write a stream editor called svi. svi

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Write a stream editor called svi. svi edits its standard input according to a list of edit

commands that are given in a file specified as the command line argument. The edited standard

input is output to standard output. Each line of input, and output after editing, will be maximally

256 characters long. (svi has many similarities with the standard UNIX utility sed.)

Edit Commands:

Each edit command consists of an optional line range specification, an edit operation specifier,

and data required by the edit operation. You may assume that all commands in command files

are correctly formatted.

There are three types of line range specifications:


This format specifies all lines that contain the <text>. The <text> can be maximally 80


<1st line number>,<last line number>/

This format specifies all lines in the range <1st line number> to <last line number>,

inclusive. Lines in the input file are considered to be numbered from 1, and this

numbering is not changed in the editing process.

No line range specification specifies all lines in the file.

There are five edit operations:


Appends the <text> at the end of the line. For example:

Ahello jim

appends hello jim to all lines in the file. The <text> can be maximally 80 characters.


Inserts the <text> at the start of the line. For example:

/blah/Ineedle noddle noo

inserts needle noddle noo at the start of all lines that contain blah. The <text>

can be maximally 80 characters.


Inserts the <text> on a new line before the current line. For example:

1,1/OThe Title

Inserts a new line before the first line in the file, containing the text The Title. The

<text> can be maximally 80 characters. The new line is not put through the editing



Deletes the line from the file. For example:


deletes lines 3 to 6 inclusive.

s/<old text>/<new text>/

Replaces the first occurence of <old text>, in the line, with <new text>. For



replaces the first occurrence of .pas with .c, in all lines containing filename. The

<old text> and <new text> can be maximally 80 characters.

Data Structure

The edit commands must be stored in an array of structures, each edit operation being stored in

one element of the array. A maximum of 100 edit commands may be used. Each structure

contains four fields.

Line range specification type – one of none, text, or line numbers. This must be an

enumerated type.

Line range specification. Because there are three possible formats for the line range

specification, this field must be a union.

The edit operation specifier.

The data associated with the edit operation.

Overall Algorithm

Read in and store the edit commands from the file

Read a line from standard input

While not at EOF of standard input

For each edit command do

If the line is in the range specified then

Do the edit

Output the edited line (unless it has been deleted)

Read a line from standard input

Sample Run

If the file of edit commands is:

/Never done/I—————————————

1,3/IPrepended to 1,2 and 3 :

1,1/OThis must appear as the first line

A : Appended to all

/line for substitution/s/This is one/This has been substituted

on a/


/deleted/IThis should not appear

/Never done/I—————————————

and the standard input is:

1 To have text prepended

2 To have text prepended

3 To have text prepended

4 Unmodified except appended text

5 Unmodified except appended text

6 Unmodified except appended text

7 This is one line for substitution

8 This is one line for substitution

9 This is to be deleted

10 This is to be deleted

11 The last line of the file

then the standard output is: This must appear as the first line

Prepended to 1,2 and 3 :1 To have text prepended : Appended to all

Prepended to 1,2 and 3 :2 To have text prepended : Appended to all

Prepended to 1,2 and 3 :3 To have text prepended : Appended to all

4 Unmodified except appended text : Appended to all

5 Unmodified except appended text : Appended to all

6 Unmodified except appended text : Appended to all

7 This has been substituted on a line for substitution : Appended to


8 This has been substituted on a line for substitution : Appended to


11 The last line of the file : Appended to all


You must use the submit2 program to submit …

Your solution source code

Your makefile if you use one

A README with anything you want the TA to know. In particular, if you do not succeed

in getting everything working perfectly, you should explain what is working, and what

you have achieved towards the aspects that are not working.

… with the command

~csc322/bin/submit2 csc322 StreamEditor <your file names>

by 11:59PM on December 10th.

Marks will be distributed as follows:

Reading in the edit commands and building the data structure – 20%

o typedefed data structures – 9%

o Code for reading in from the file and extracting the commands – 11%

Performance to specification – 50%

o Editing all lines with no line range specification – 5%

o Editing the correct lines with a text line range specification – 5%

o Editing the correct lines with a line number specification – 5%

o Simple edit commands (A, I, O, d) – 5% each = 20%

o Complex edit commands (s) – 15% each = 15%

Programming style – 30% (Negative grading down to 0%)

o Formatting – 5%

o Comments – 5%

o Meaningful identifiers – 5%

o Functions and parameters – 5%

o (No) use of global variables – 5%

It is worth 15% of the course assessment.