$30.00 $24.00

Answer the questions below according to the lab specification. Write your answers directly in this text file and submit it to complete the lab. PROBLEM 1: Memory in `diagram.c’ ================================ For each of the C blocks below, give a memory diagram of the block indicating memory locations and contents of cells. These blocks appear in…

5/5 – (2 votes)

You’ll get a: zip file solution



5/5 – (2 votes)

Answer the questions below according to the lab specification. Write

your answers directly in this text file and submit it to complete the


PROBLEM 1: Memory in `diagram.c’


For each of the C blocks below, give a memory diagram of the block

indicating memory locations and contents of cells. These blocks appear

in the file `diagram.c’ which you can modify to print results if you

want to verify your answers.

MAKE SURE to accurately express the standard sizes for each of the

kinds of variables ON A 64-BIT MACHINE in your diagrams by placing

them at appropriate memory addresses that are tightly packed. A

reminder: on 64-bit machines, all pointers are 64 bits / 8 bytes.




| // BLOCK A

| int a = 5;

| int b = 7;

| double x = 4.5;

| int *ip = &a;

| ip = &b;

| int c = *ip;

| *ip = 19;


Ints are 4 bytes

Doubles are 8 bytes

Pointers are 8 bytes



#1048 a 5

#1044 b 7

#1032 x 4.5

#1024 *ip #1048

#1024 *ip #1044

#1020 c #1040

#1024 *ip 19




| // BLOCK B

| int arr[4] = {12, 14, 16, 18};

| int *arp = arr;

| int brr = 11;

| arr[1] = 23;

| arp[3] = 29;

| arp = &arr[2];

| *arp = brr;





#2020 arr 18

#2016 arr 16

#2012 arr 14

#2008 arr 12

#2000 arp #2008

#1996 brr 11

#2012 arr 23

#2020 arr 29

#2000 arp #2016

#2000 arp 11




| // BLOCK C

| char str[8] = “hello”;

| str[5] = ‘w’;

| char *cp = str + 6;

| *cp = ‘\0’;

| str[0] = ‘y’;





#3107 str[7] \0

#3106 str[6] \0

#3105 str[5] w

#3104 str[4] o

#3103 str[3] l

#3102 str[2] l

#3101 str[1] e

#3100 str[0] y

PROBLEM 2: Linked List Application


This problem deals with small application spread across three files:

– list.h declares types and functions

– list_funcs.c defines linked list functions

– list_main.c has a usable main() function

You will need to compile the two C files together to produce an

executable program as in


| gcc list_main.c list_funcs.c


Study the code in these and answer the following questions.



In `list_main.c’, a function related to `scanf()’ is used to read

input. Look up this function and describe its first argument. Also

mention what else this function is good for and what it returns when

the end of input is reached.

fscanf(). Its first argument is stdin or standard input. It returns EOF or the number

of items stored.



In `list_main.c’, a function from the standard C library is used to

compare strings (character arrays). Describe this function, how to

call it, and its return value. Describe how it is used to identify

commands typed by a user in list_main.c. Also determine whether this

function gives any guidance on the sorting order of strings.

strcmp() is used. It is called with strcmp(“What you want to compare input to”, input).

It returns a negative,zero, or positive int depending on if the object pointed to is less than

equal to, or greater than the inputted object. Not much guidance on sorting of strings but rather

on direct comparison.



Examine where a `list_t’ variable is declared in `list_main.c’. Is

the list a stack variable or one that has memory dynamically allocated

with malloc() and then subsequently free()’d? Examine the convention

of the `list_init()’ function in `list_funcs.c’. Does this function

allocate any memory or simply operate on an existing list_t? How is it

used with the `list_t’ declared in `main()’?

It is declared at the start of main after commands are printed. It has memory

dynamically allocated because its a linked list. It operates on an existing list_t. It is

declared and then passed into list_init().



Examine the `list.h’ header file. Describe the C structs that you see

there. What fields does a `list_t’ have? What fields does a `node_t’

have? What is the maximum length of strings that can be stored in the

linked list according to the definitions of the types?

There are node structs. a list has a head and nodes. A node has a value and a pointer to the next




Examine functions such as `list_insert()’ in `list_funcs.c’ which

allocate nodes. How are they allocated? How is the size of nodes

determined so that the correct amount of space is allocated? Where and

how is the space allocated for nodes de-allocated (which function)?

A node is inserted at the head of the list if it’s not a duplicate.

That node becomes the head with a link to the previous head. Space is allocated

and freed through malloc() and free().

PROBLEM 3: Linked List Extension


The files for the linked list application have places indicating where

a `list_contains()’ function and a `contains’ command should be

implemented. Complete this implementation which will require you to

write some C code in both `list_funcs.c’ and `list_main.c’. It will

also require you to do some string comparisons.

Paste the following below for you answer

1. Your code for list_contains()

2. Code you added to main() to enable the “contains” command to work

3. A sample session of the main application where several inserts are

done and contains is used to show some items are present and not


1. int list_contains(list_t *list, char *query){

node_t *ptr = list->head;s

while(ptr != NULL){

if (strcmp(ptr->data,query)){

return 1;



return 0;


ptr = ptr -> next;



2. else if(strcmp(“contains”,cmd) == 0){






3.list> insert hi

list> contains hi

does contain

list> contains job

does not contain

list> insert job

list> contains job

does contain


PROBLEM 4: Command Echoing


Interactive applications like `list_main’ are made greatly more useful

if they can be “scripted”: made to perform without the need of human

interaction. A common means of doing this is provide a file with

commands to read in it rather than typing directly. While nothing in

`list_main’ appears to allow for this, with a few command line tricks

we can replace typed input with the contents of the file. Such as

below where a *pipe |* is used.


| > gcc -o list_main list_funcs.c list_main.c


| > cat commands.txt # show contents of commands.txt file

| insert rolf

| insert kermit

| insert fozzy

| print

| get 2

| get 7

| contains kermit

| contains scooter

| delete scooter

| exit


| > cat commands.txt | ./list_main # use commands.txt as input for list_main

| Linked List Demo

| Commands:

| print: shows the current contents of the list

| clear: eliminates all elements from the list

| exit: exit the program

| insert thing: inserts the given string into the list

| get index: get the item at the given index

| contains thing: determine if the given thing is in the list



| list> list> list> list> 0: fozzy # several commands read, start of output

| 1: kermit

| 2: rolf


| list> 2: rolf # another command read but not printed


| list> index 7 out of bounds for list size 3

| out of bounds


| list> ‘kermit’ is present


| list> not found


| list> unknown command delete


| list> unknown command scooter


Clearly `list_main’ is doing something above but it is hard to

determine what because the commands being read are not printed, a

feature known as *command echoing*.

Sprinkled throughout the `list_main.c’ code are `printf’ statements

based on the variable `echo’ declared near the top of `main’. This

`echo’ variable is set at the top of `main’ based on whether command

line argument 1 is `-echo’. When it is, all commands are printed as

they are read. This is extremely useful in the present case as

illustrated below.


| > gcc -o list_main list_funcs.c list_main.c # compile


| > cat commands.txt # show commands

| insert rolf

| insert kermit

| insert fozzy

| print

| get 2

| get 7

| contains kermit

| contains scooter

| delete scooter

| exit


| > cat commands.txt | ./list_main -echo # use file as input, echo commands

| Linked List Demo

| Commands:

| print: shows the current contents of the list

| clear: eliminates all elements from the list

| exit: exit the program

| insert thing: inserts the given string into the list

| get index: get the item at the given index

| contains thing: determine if the given thing is in the list



| list> insert rolf # commands are echoed


| list> insert kermit


| list> insert fozzy


| list> print # makes understanding behavior easier

| 0: fozzy

| 1: kermit

| 2: rolf


| list> get 2

| 2: rolf


| list> get 7

| index 7 out of bounds for list size 3

| out of bounds


| list> contains kermit

| ‘kermit’ is present


| list> contains scooter

| not found


| list> delete

| unknown command delete


| list> scooter

| unknown command scooter


| list> exit


*You will need to know how to use command echoing in an assignment* so

study how commands are printed carefully.

Create another text file with commands in it for `list_main’. Make

this file at least 10 lines long with different commands such as

`insert’ and `get’. Use the pipe technique shown to feed your

commands to the `list_main’ with the `-echo’ option set. Show your

results below.

list> insert hi

list> insert hello

list> insert job

list> get 1

1: hi

list> get 2

2: job

list> does contain

list> does not contain

list> does contain

list> insert jim

list> insert joe

list> print

0: hello

1: hi

2: jim

3: job

4: joe




For fun but no extra credit, add a `int list_remove(list_t *list, char

*query)’ function and associated `remove’ command to the list

application. Keep the following in mind.

– Follow the convention that `list_remove()’ returns an integer

indicating no change was made (0) or something was removed (1)

– Do not forget to alter the size of the `list_t’ struct on removal.

– You will need to call `free()’ on the removed node to get rid of it

but do so AFTER re-arranging pointers associated with it.

– Don’t forget special cases such as removing the first node in the


This is a surprisingly tricky exercise to get the memory use

right. You may wish to use valgrind to test whether your program has

memory leaks or not. Ask a TA for help with this if it has not been

discussed in class yet (valgrind WILL be discussed later).

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