Lab 1 Solution

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Part I Design and Implement and iPhone app that Read the weight of a person in pounds and height of a person in inches Calculate the BMI using following equation BMI = (weight in pounds/(height in inches)* (height in inches))*703 Then, display the following messages to the user based on the BMI value You are…

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Part I

Design and Implement and iPhone app that

  1. Read the weight of a person in pounds and height of a person in inches

  1. Calculate the BMI using following equation

BMI = (weight in pounds/(height in inches)* (height in inches))*703

  1. Then, display the following messages to the user based on the BMI value

You are underweight if BMI < 18 – Blue Color

You are normal if BMI is greater than or equal to 18 and less than 25 – Green Color You are pre-obese if BMI is between 25 and 30 – purple Color

You are obese if BMI is greater than 30 – red color Output of the App should look like follows

Principle of Mobile Computing, Fall 2020 : Lab 1

Part II

For this part also we calculate BMI slightly differently as follows. Rather than user typing the height and weight in text fields, we use a slider to represent the height and weight. As slider values changes, it calculates BMI and display the appropriate massage.

Output of the App should look like follows

Submission Instructions

Submit online to the blackboard using the link given under Lab1

Principle of Mobile Computing, Fall 2020 : Lab 1

Lab 1 Solution
$35.00 $29.00